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Grid reference TQ1605

near to Sompting, West Sussex, England


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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from TQ1605 [3] taken pre 2000 [1]
A sample of 12 photos from 246 for TQ1605 - View this square in the Browser >>>
TQ1605 : Alishaan Indian Restaurant, West Street, Sompting by Simon Carey Alishaan Indian Restaurant, West Street, Sompting
Originally a public house called the Brewers Arms, then for many years a tearoom and restaurant known as The Smugglers. Currently serving Indian cuisine.
TQ1605 : Church Lane, Sompting Abbotts by Bob Parkes Church Lane, Sompting Abbotts
Church Lane off the A27 (eastbound) that goes over the downs to Steyning. A narrow but picturesque country lane alternative compared to the A283.
TQ1605 : Looking from Dankton Gardens into Rogate Close by Basher Eyre Looking from Dankton Gardens into Rogate Close
TQ1605 : Path just south of the Church by Chris Gunns Path just south of the Church
TQ1605 : Sompting: St. Mary's Church: 8th century carved figure of St. Wilfrid by Michael Garlick Sompting: St. Mary's Church: 8th century carved figure of St. Wilfrid
Situated in the south transept,this priceless piece was probably retrieved from Selsey Abbey in the early 11th century.
TQ1605 : Sompting Village Hall by Dave Spicer Sompting Village Hall
Home to the Sompting Morris Dancers, well known throughout the UK, the building was built in 1889 by Henry Peter Crofts as a reading and recreation room. In 1953 the hall was gifted by Henry Peter Crofts's grandson to a charitable... (more)
TQ1605 : Sompting Fields and Church by Chris Shaw Sompting Fields and Church
Looking North into the heart of this gridsquare, with ancient Sompting Church and Sompting Abbots school just visible across the A27.
TQ1605 : A27, eastbound by N Chadwick A27, eastbound
TQ1605 : Marquis of Granby public house, Sompting by nick macneill Marquis of Granby public house, Sompting
TQ1605 : Sompting church from the south-east by Stefan Czapski Sompting church from the south-east
In the foreground is the south transept. According to local sources (a handsome leaflet made available in the church) the transept dates from the late 12th century. To me, the proportions look oddly domestic - and with those hood-moulded... (more)
TQ1605 : Upper Trudgeons by Simon Carey Upper Trudgeons
The name of the field according to Sompting's 1840 tithe map that is located to the immediate south of West Street. Beyond the hedgerow in the distance is Lower Trudgeons which was a location of a small German POW camp during World War... (more)
TQ1605 : Mid section of Rectory Farm Road by Basher Eyre Mid section of Rectory Farm Road

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