David Mastran , 58, was an early player in the great privatization movement that has come to American government over the past several decades. Being early hasn't made his business easy. Launching Reston, Va.-based Maximus Corp. in 1975 with $12,000, Mastran, a former Air Force researcher and later a paper pusher for the Department of Health, Education & Welfare, has spent years discovering that this business is one part efficiency, two parts politics.

The work started out with a modest $3,000 contract to help process military health care claims and then a $15,000 job to develop statistical profiles of fraud-prone Medicaid recipients in New Hampshire. Then, conflict. Hired by the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement to advise states on increasing collections from deadbeat parents, Mastran developed a procedure to identify high-income moms and dads first. But the agency insisted that statutes required that delinquent parents be targeted without regard to their incomes, and Maximus' contract wasn't renewed.

For a decade Mastran consulted for various government agencies, collecting bigger fees but keeping out of the limelight. But trouble found him when a five-year, $49 million job—providing job training to the unemployed in Los Angeles County—expired in 1993. County employees complained so bitterly about job loss that Maximus' contract wasn't renewed for seven years.

It got worse. Connecticut granted Maximus a $12.4 million contract in 1996 to handle paperwork and welfare benefits checks, after the company promised to do the job with a staff of 62, charging $24 per recipient per month. The state told Mastran to expect 1,000 phone calls a day and 2,000 welfare applications a month.

More like 5,000 calls a day and 4,000 applications a month. Mastran moved to Hartford, Conn., trying to bring the situation under control with a staff he'd increased to 170. Even after talking the state into an extra $6.2 million, Maximus ended up losing $3 million.

Now Mastran is in danger of losing a five-year, $23 million contract, which started in August 1998, from San Diego County, to provide job and family counseling for 10,000 unemployed residents. It involves ensuring that people show up for job interviews and report to work if hired, as well as seeing that they stay at their jobs for at least six months, thereby leaving public support. (SanDiego also hired Lockheed Martin, CatholicCharities and its own staff to run the program in other parts of the county.)

Maximus seems to be holding its own against the competition. An early, incomplete assessment by the county showed that by last July the company had found employment for 8,752 people, albeit mostly at $7 an hour. But a year into the contract a retired social worker, supported by the powerful Service Employees Union International, sued the county. The lawsuit claimed San Diego had not offered proof, before bidding out the contract, that private outfits like Maximus could run the program more efficiently than government workers. InDecember a superior court ruled in the plaintiff's favor—opening the door to a cancelation of the contract.

Mastran has tried to make peace with the union. "I've even suggested we subcontract some of our work to the union members," he says. No dice. (His company is not unionized.)

Mastran took Maximus public in 1997, raising $84 million. He followed with a $137 million offering, using the proceeds to acquire other government outsourcers. Welfare-to-work services now account for 14% of the company's business. Maximus netted $30.5 million on revenue of $399 million last year and carries a $777 million market value.

Mastran, meanwhile, is busy making new enemies among the unionized public-sector employees whose jobs he threatens. They have ammunition. An audit inWisconsin revealed that Maximus had misused contract money to pay for marketing; among other things, Maximus spent $23,000 for a concert by Broadway singer Melba Moore to entertain staff and job seekers, and the company had to regurgitate $500,000, or 1% of the $46 million contract, and kick an additional $500,000 into the welfare program to quell angry legislators. Mastran insists, somewhat improbably, that it was all just sloppy bookkeeping.

The latest imbroglio is in New York City. A $103 million job-placement contract for Maximus was halted for seven months by political bickering. City Comptroller Alan Hevesi refused to execute the contract because consultant Richard Schwartz, who once advised Mayor Rudolph Giuliani on welfare policy, would benefit as a Maximus subcontractor. Giuliani sued to force Hevesi to honor the contracts, losing the first round but winning on appeal.

The battles will not end. Unions represent 37.5% of public-sector employees but only 9% of the private sector, and they will not sit by idly while work is taken from the public sector and given to the private one.