1. Are all Feeder Pilots eligible for the program?
The FedEx Purple Runway Program is available for current Empire Airlines, IFL Group, Mountain Air Cargo and Corporate Air pilots meeting the minimum requirements.
2. Do you have to be employed at the Feeder Airline to participate in the program?
Yes. Here are some useful tips to ensure your FedEx Pilot Profile is up to date:
Download PDF.
3. If I am approved as a candidate in the Program, am I guaranteed a job at FedEx?
Yes! Participants that successfully complete all Program eligibility requirements and complete all waypoints throughout the Program will direct flow to FedEx mainline.
4. How long does the Program take?
Each situation is unique, and it depends on how long it takes you to satisfy the Pilot in Command (PIC) requirements – however 36 months is the minimum commitment.
5. How does the Program work?
- Obtain employment as a qualified pilot at one of our applicable feeder airlines
- Complete a Program Agreement, Candidate Release, and a FedEx Purple Runway Application
- If all pre-requisites are met, you will participate in the hiring process at FedEx to include remote computer-based testing, panel interview, and SBI
- Complete all waypoints, experience gates, background requirements, and FedEx first officer minimum qualifications
- Direct Flow to FedEx as a First Officer!
6. If a pilot has already interviewed at FedEx and was turned down, can they participate in the program?
No. The program is limited to feeder pilots who have not previously tested or interviewed with FedEx for a pilot job.
7. Is there a limit on the number of Program Participants FedEx will hire?
FedEx may impose reasonable limits on the number of participants enrolled in the program and the number hired as trunk pilots in any given calendar year.
8. Will program failures impact employment at the Feeder?
No. Your performance on FedEx related milestones does not impact your employment at the Feeder.
9. Why should you choose a FedEx Feeder for a pathway to FedEx?
As a FedEx feeder pilot, you will be able to gain the experience you need for a seamless transition to FedEx. This includes operating FedEx-owned aircraft within the same system/locations as current FedEx flight crewmembers.
10. What’s the relationship between Feeder airlines and FedEx mainline?
FedEx maintains a contractual relationship with its group of feeder Operators with FedEx owning the aircraft and the Operators conducting all aspects (flight ops, a/c mx, flight following/dispatch, etc.) In short, our feeders are independent regional airlines operating on behalf of FedEx.
11. If I’m not employed by a feeder airline, is there any other way to enroll in the program?
Currently, Mountain Air Cargo, IFL Group, Empire Airlines and Corporate Air are the only feeder operators participating in the program. Our Cessna Caravan operators do, however, have MOUs between the Purple Runway operators for internal recruitment.
12. Will the new 408 SkyCourier be integrated into the program in any capacity?
YES! As the aircraft meets FedEx’s aircraft experience requirements, the Cessna SkyCourier is now part of the Purple Runway Pathways Program, along with our fleet of ATR aircraft.