The Grand Comics Database (GCD) is a nonprofit, internet-based organization of international volunteers dedicated to building an open database covering all printed comics throughout the world. Give our search a try, take a look at the menu to the left to see how you can help us improve the site, or use to track and manage your comic collection.

Uploading Milestone!
We reached 1,250,000 cover scans !
We reached 1,250,000 comic covers. The milestone issue was the Newsstand edition of Marvel Comics Presents #48 .

Indexing Milestone!
We reached 456,789 indexed issues !
The milestone issue was Earp: Saints for Sinners #0 from publisher Radical Comics.
No More Ads!
Due to a United States IRS ruling regarding advertising revenue as taxable business income, we will no longer be displaying paid advertising on the website.This is good news for all our users, but we are now fully dependent on donations to cover our costs in the future.
If you wish to donate you can simply click , where for US donors this is tax deductable. Thank you for your use and support.Updates To The Site! (Mid 2024)
We added a filter option to only see issues in one of your collections for the issue lists for creators, characters and features on That is in addition to the filter by country, language or publisher. From a creator, character or feature page you have a link to the corresponding page on, where on the issue lists the additional filter option appears. For example, here you can filter for issues with Batman as a feature in one of your collections.
For all of these lists of course even more of our data needs to be migrated from text entries to linked records, or even entered at all. So, if you ever wondered about helping with the content of the database ?
Volunteers Wanted For Adding New Comics
Each week, a small number of GCD volunteers add listings to our database for the new comics released that week in North America. These are just the basic listings, not full indexes. This makes it easier for other volunteers who upload covers and for indexers, as well as for people using
Each volunteer covers one publisher or a small group of publishers ("D publishers except DC", for example). From public sources such as ComicsList and Diamond Previews online, they add the issues and make note of the prices and a few other details. We are looking for additional volunteers for this weekly task.
Follow this link for a description of the process and a list of which publishers are currently covered.GCD Comics Timeline
Francis Keller (b. 1961)
1961 March 13 - 2011 July 29Francis Keller, né le 13 mars 1961 à Colmar (Haut-Rhin) et mort à Strasbourg le 29 juillet 2011, est un auteur de bandes dessinées (scénariste, dessinateur, coloriste), illustrateur et peintre, musicien (compositeur et interprète).
Il suit une formation de typographe aux Arts appliqués, puis une formation de trois ans aux Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg.
En 1987, il signe sa première bande dessinée en tant que scénariste et dessinateur, L’Enfer du tromé, puis il enchaîne en qualité de dessinateur sur une série de 6 tomes : Les aventures de Martin Lohrer (scénario de Jean-Marc Thiébaut) qui retrace l’histoire d'un certain Martin Lohrer à travers l’Alsace pendant la Renaissance.
Explorant d’autres supports, il réalise ensuite des séries de toiles ayant pour thèmes Les Mégalithes, Les Forêts, La série Abstract et il participe à de nombreuses expositions de groupe et individuelles.
Il travaille simultanément dans la publicité, la réalisation de fresques murales et de décorations de lieux privés et publics, dans la création de storyboards et enfin l’illustration de bandes dessinées (historiques, road movies) et de livres pour enfants.
Passionné de musique rock et électro, Francis Keller compose ses musiques et écrit ses textes.
[Francis Keller, born on 13 March 1961 in Colmar (Haut-Rhin) and died in Strasbourg on 29 July 2011, is a comic book author (writer, penciller, colorist), illustrator and painter, musician (composer and performer).
He trained as a typographer in the Applied Arts, then for three years in the Decorative Arts of Strasbourg.
In 1987, he signed his first comic as a writer and penciller, L’Enfer du tromé, then he continued as a penciller on a series of 6 volumes: Les aventures de Martin Lohrer (written by Jean-Marc Thiébaut) which traces the history of a certain Martin Lohrer through Alsace during the Renaissance.
Exploring other media, he then made series of canvases with themes: The Megaliths, The Forests, The Abstract series and he participated in many group and individual exhibitions.
He works simultaneously in advertising, making wall frescoes and decorations of private and public places, in the creation of storyboards and finally the illustration of comics (historical, road movies) and children’s books.
Passionate about rock and electro music, Francis Keller composes his music and writes his lyrics.]
George Kerr (b. 1870)
1870 March 13 - 1953 October 21George F. Kerr was an American illustrator who worked for the American Weekly for 30 years. He was also known for illustrating children's books, and in the 1920s he began doing syndicated strips for King Features Syndicate.
By 1940 he was working as a comic book artist for Dell while also working on staff for the New York Journal.
By the mid-1940s his eyesight had declined and by 1950 he was blind. He died at home in 1953.
信本敬子 (b. 1964)
1964 March 13 - 2021 December 1Keiko Nobumoto (信本敬子) was the writer of the anime series Cowboy Bebop (カウボーイビバップ). She also created the anime series Wolf's Rain (ウルフズ・レイン), both of which were adapted to manga.
土田はる (b. ????)
????? March 13Tsuchida Haru (土田はる) is a manga artist known for Shippo no Koi (しっぽの恋). Under the name Haru (はる) the artist is the creator of Nekokaburi Polarity (ねこかぶりポラリティ), Taihen Kawaiku Dekimashita (たいへんかわいくできました) and Yoneda-san Shigoto Shite Kudasai (米田さん仕事してください).
Jean Bonnefoy (b. 1950)
1950 March 12Jean Bonnefoy est un auteur français, journaliste, chroniqueur, traducteur, illustrateur et musicien. Il est traducteur de romans de science fiction, en particulier dans la célèbre collection Présence du futur chez Denoël. Il a été chroniqueur dans des magazines de bande dessinée (Pilote, Fluide glacial). Enfin, il a signé (souvent sous le pseudonyme de "JAB" ou de "Kudbas") un certain nombre d'illustrations, couvertures de livres, maquettes de journaux.
Farid Boudjellal (b. 1953)
1953 March 12Born in Toulon, Farid Boudjellal is of Algerian origin but also Armenian origin.
After a few tries in the SF and humour, he created in 1978, the character of Abdulah in which he finds his Algerian origins. The publication of "L’Oud" by Futuropolis in 1982 marked an important turning point in his career. This album, which appeared at the time of the struggle of French immigrants – mainly Maghrebin called “beurs” – (The march for equality and against racism, nicknamed “marche des beurs” in 1983), was a great success.
The quadrilogy “Juif – Arabe” (“Jewish – Arab”) was released between 1990 and 1992: these albums are in line with current events: "Fundamentalist" appeared before the events of Carpentras (desecration of the Jewish cemetery of Carpentras by neo-Nazis in 1992) and "International Conference" before the Madrid Peace Conference (October 1991 to start a peace process in the Middle East).
This series will also be a great success with the public and the press: Prix Actualité 91 for the volume 3 "Conférence Internationale" at the BD festival of the cities of Hyères and Brignais.
In addition to his comic book production, Farid is also a poster artist and advertising illustrator, participating in all anti-racist movements in France.
[Né à Toulon, Farid Boudjellal est d’origine algérienne mais aussi arménienne.
Après quelques essais dans la SF et l’humour, il crée en 1978, le personnage d’Abdulah dans lequel il retrouve ses origines algériennes. La parution de "L’Oud" chez Futuropolis en 1982 marque un tournant important dans sa carrière. Cet album, qui paraît au moment de la lutte des immigrés français – principalement maghrébins appelés « beurs » – (La marche pour l’égalité et contre le racisme, surnommée « marche des beurs », a lieu en 1983), connaît un grand succès.
La quadrilogie “Juif – Arabe” sort entre 1990 et 1992 : ces albums sont en phase avec l’actualité : "Intégriste" paraît avant les événements de Carpentras (profanation du cimetière juif de Carpentras par des néo nazis en 1992) et "Conférence Internationale" avant la Conférence de Paix de Madrid (octobre 1991 pour engager un processus de paix au Proche-Orient).
Cette série remportera elle aussi un vif succès auprès du public et de la presse : Prix Actualité 91 pour le tome 3 "Conférence Internationale" au festival BD des villes de Hyères et de Brignais.
Outre sa production BD, Farid est également affichiste et illustrateur publicitaire, participant à tous les mouvements anti-raciste en France.]
Buzz (b. 1969)
1969 March 12Buzz moved to the United States at the age of 13. He began as a penciler at the age of 15 at Blackthorne Publications. Later, at the age of 17, he worked with Neal Adams' Continuity Studios. He has worked on such titles as Justice League Quarterly, Justice League International, JSA, Vampirella, Shi, X-Factor, Impulse, Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms.
Rich Koz (b. 1952)
1952 March 12Koz is an actor and broadcaster who is best known as the second horror-movie host Svengoolie (the first was Jerry G. Bishop). He has co-written with Dan DiDio a story with a crossover between Svenegoolie and DC characters.
Loriano Macchiavelli (b. 1934)
1934 March 12Famoso scrittore di romanzi polizieschi e sceneggiatore
Claudio Sanchez (b. 1978)
1978 March 12Claudio Sanchez is the creator and writer of the Amory Wars series. Sanchez also started the comic company Evil Ink Comics, circa 2004.
Sanchez is the lead singer and guitarist for the alternative rock band Coheed and Cambria and other rock bands during his music career.
How to Help
There are several ways in which you can help us to improve our site and its content.
- You can provide missing data, update existing data, or upload cover scans. Just register an account with us, and you can start contributing.
- Donate for our ongoing costs, e.g. the server infrastructure. We are a non-profit organization and any funds will be used for our goal of documenting and indexing all comics.
We need volunteer web designers and programmers! Please contact the
gcd-tech group
or visit our
technical documentation
if you can help with any of these roles:
- Web designer / front-end developer (HTML / CSS / JavaScript)
- Python / Django programming
- ElasticSearch search server
- Web Services API
- Database Performance (MySQL)
- Birds of Prey #19 (DC)
- Poison Ivy #31 (DC)
- NYX #9 (Marvel)
- Wolverine #7 (399) (Marvel)
- Spider-Boy #17 (Marvel)
79,708 creators
211,913 series
2,107,238 issues
213,734 variant issues
466,307 issue indexes
1,271,108 covers
4,126,384 stories