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Displaying items 1 to 100 of total 1073 items that match the search parameters.
210.03.2025Open The Vault7.0New Japan Pro Wrestling at the moment seems to be finding it's footing ever since Okada, Ospreay, G.O.D., White all left the promotion within months of each other but that's not saying much in general because the footing seems shaky at the same time. They managed to have a pretty explosive start to 2025 which some good events and acclaimed matches. There's a list of issues NJPW presents at the moment but if you come to see good old fashioned great wrestling than go watch NJPW. I hope they can carry momentum throughout 2025 and not stall like they did through 2024. They seem to be going into a great direction with Goto winning the belt and Kidd becoming their rising star. [***3/4]
405.03.2025stressball7.0Get rid of HoT, make Evil a monster heel. Stop making Shota Umino a joke just because he ain't ready for WK main event. Stop letting Desperado and Hiromu rot in the junior heavyweight division. Start using viable talents like Shingo Takagi or Sanada.
504.03.2025MooGati5.0Starting to get a few things in order, but it's so clear now that they weren't prepared for the exit of Okada nor Naito's steep decline. They have failed in anointing the next capital-g Guy like they did with Tanahashi and Okada and they're suffering now for it. Admittedly, I'm one of those 2016-2020 New Japan fans, so I might have a soft spot for Goto, but I honestly think making him champ at New Beginning would be the start of a turnaround for New Japan. Goto is one of the last remaining guys of his generation who could actually win the title, then him dropping it to one of the young guns could start New Japan on a hot streak again.
703.03.2025blonded10.0Industry standard company in terms of in work rate during the best period in wrestling history for work rate.
1420.02.2025Trombek Kushinika8.0 
1514.02.2025Little Stinger10.0 
1902.02.2025NoOne210.0It can be said that it is the only promotion that can make a good match out of two wrestlers even if it has them. A large part of the history of pro wrestling was formed in this promotion. In terms of matches, stories, events, tournaments and everything, it is one of the best and currently I think it is the fifth best promotion of 2025
2526.01.2025Rave Drag10.0Not much to say, it's the best wrestling company ever, even if it's not in the best shape right now.
3224.01.2025Michael Shawns9.0 
4203.01.2025The Aditza9.0 
4331.12.2024Dean P10.0 
4718.12.2024ItsAllAWorkAnyway9.0On a long enough timeline, New Japan emerged from the latter 20th-Century Puroresu boom to lay claim as Japan's largest wrestling promotion (and is currently the second-most influential wrestling promotion on the planet.) They have a legacy of producing stars, but Western wrestling fans are going to be more aware of the platform New Japan served for wrestlers like Hiroshi Tanahashi, Shinsuke Nakamura, Kazuchika Okada, and Kenny Omega. Their storylines aren't always perfect, and some of the talent takes off once they feel they have nothing to prove, but the fact they can find ways to continually operate events beyond Japan shows they really are an international organization by today's standards. Given their success in Japan, and their successful tours of the United States, UK, and Australia, New Japan deserves the recognition as a international major league.
5601.12.2024bearo3166.0NJPW in 2024 is sadly lacking from the heights it reached in the late 10's. Currently, the product is not engaging and is in need of new booking and direction. Currently, they have no Megastars to build the promotion around. No issue with wrestling style - just a lack of reason on why I should watch
5925.11.2024WrestlingBull4.0NJPW was FANTASTIC up until late 2016, everything after this specific year went downhill slowly but surely. The constant need to book overly long-drawn-out forced epic matches for every single PPV main events even when there is no backstory and second rate challengers. Constantly shoving Okada down the fans throats instead on making legit multiple stars and oh boy it backfired badely since he now left without putting anyone over the same way everyone did for him during his ten year run at the top. Getting rid of both the IC title which was gorgeous and prestigious and the most prestigious and beautiful title in the world with such a lineage only to create an awful looking 'world' title with no lineage. Putting the belt on EVIL, Ospreay, SANADA, Moxley. Accepting a one way deal with AEW where all the NJPW wrestlers absolutely get nothing while AEW talent just run over the entire NJPW roster, take titles and don't draw a dime in Japan was the nail in the coffin. Maybe karma hit NJPW back after treating NOAH and AJPW like little brothers for the past 15 years as they are now been treated that way by AEW. It sucks because they still have amazing wrestlers in both the Heavyweight and Junior HW divisions, including the new generation but they constantly make awful choices after awful choices, unfortunately.
6231.10.2024Brando Calrissian8.0While I definitely think that New Japan does deserve a whole lot of the praise it gets, I will admit it has quite a few issues and downfalls. Of course there's the wretched 2000s with Inokism in full swing, but even after it reclaimed it's glory and during the crazy heights of the 2010s, there were still issues. New Japan is a company that always feels like it struggles to move on. Of course they build up great stars and always have young people to take the mantle, but they struggle to...well let them do that for years and years. Okada, Tanahashi, Naito and the like were always so pushed and Champions. Then when people finally win it like SANADA, Kota Ibushi, Will Ospreay, etc. it just feels like it's too late. They don't capitalise on popularity all that well, which sure can make for good stories but also just makes it hard to sit through ANOTHER opportunity for a mainstay. I also think that after AEW took some of their bigger stars like White, Okada, Ospreay, etc...New Japan really hasn't recovered too well. Sure having Zack Sabre Jr as champion will help in the long term, I am not totally confident that they'll have him hold onto the title for a long time or drop it to a rising star. You can never be certain with that stuff in New Japan.
6427.10.2024Dweeeab10.0The best promotion ever hands down. NJPW from any time period has put on spectacular matches but I want to focus on the stretch from 2010-2020. 10 years of absolute peak with no dull moments. Some of the greatest fueds and matches EVER took place during this time period and solidified NJPW as a wrestling powerhouse. Recently it has been struggling a bit but they still put on great matches and ZSJ as champion seems to be them heading in a new exciting direction.
6815.10.2024Pm Frank10.0The best professional wrestling company in the world. Their prime in , , 2012-2020" was the best peak in wrestling company since the attitiude era.
6909.10.2024BiosJoshiBar5.0Oh how the mighty have fallen... while it wouldn't be far off to say New Japan was at the very top of the wrestling world in terms of match quality with satisfying booking... I'd say they are the complete opposite now. While you can attribute that to most of their top stars leaving and joining AEW, their booking has become incredibly repetitive and leaving much to be desired. I can only hope New Japan can refind their footing and create new great stars for the future. Until then a 5 rating is all I can offer them.
7609.09.2024giannists10.0I started watching NJPW since WK 11 and that was my first experience in Japanese wrestling too.I was really impressed with every match and the wrestlers of New Japan.Since then i watching every event and despite all these big that left the company i still enjoy watching and NJPW stills one of my favorite promotions because there still some great talents and i have faith in new generation.Back then i watched only WWE but because of WK and NJPW i became more fan of Japanese wrestling and i find that's the style of pro wrestling i really like.
8026.08.2024Advocate of Inokism9.0 
8518.08.2024Liam Miyahara8.0 
8708.08.2024Willie 1920010.0One of the most historic companies in history with one of the greatest belts in pro-wrestling history. It may not be good as it was but it is still one of the greatest companies of all time.
8807.08.2024igskillfart10.0Although it's not the same as it used to be, NJPW has become my favorite promotion since AJPW, they have always been consistent, the only down about this company is its state right now in 2024, not saying it's terrible but from what I used to be in the 2010s, 2023 for NJPW was great, it had excellent matches and storytelling was great. As of 2024, they haven't been doing the best, the 2010s was NJPW prime, they had some of the best wrestlers in the world, and they had 5-star classics that people STILL talk about to this day, this company should be more talked about than what it is, I guess because it's across the globe from the United States, but the fans of NJPW are super loyal, and they are one of the best crowds you can hear, they are also have perfect timing when to react to things and its just awsome, its the BEST company to have ever exist.
9004.08.2024Lukasny9.0Irgendwie ist es eine Hassliebe geworden mit New Japan. Meine Lieblingscompany zwischen 2016 und 2019. Danach immer Ups and Downs gehabt. Verpasst, neue Stars aufzubauen und viele Einfl�sse vom westlichen Wrestling. Dennoch auch immer wieder starke Phasen gehabt. Aber das, was NJPW mir von 2016 bis 2019 gegeben hat, werde ich niemals vergessen.
9103.08.2024Cletxa10.0It's a long way from its former perfect state, but it's still watchable. A tremendous promotion that has been standing for years. I don't like the design around the ring, it looks too old, but the excellent wrestling inside the ring overshadows the bad things.
9331.07.2024Zak229.0As with all multi-decade promotions it is tough to rate NJPW. End of the day this promotion gave us modern Junior Heavyweight wrestling, it gave us Liger, Tanahashi and Okada, it gave us the Omega-Okada series and I love watching Zack Sabre Jr in NJPW. This promotion for over 50 years has given plenty of great matches (as in all time classics) and plenty of the best ever wrestlers. Is it perfect? no but so what? It has more than given enough good to justify a 9. I do prefer the 90s AJPW to anything NJPW has ever given us to be honest. But NJPW has given lots of great stuff.
9523.07.2024Aspion10.0(Sorry english is not my firtst language) Idk what to say its just one of the best promotion that i ever seen
9620.07.2024HV851068.0New Japan Pro Wrestling is in a rough spot right now. But their history, even back to the Three Musketeers era and Inokism, is so rich that I am rooting for their recovery. The spirit of Inoki deserves it.
10001.07.2024JLHarman10.0[10/10] New Japan Pro Wrestling is my favorite company of all time. No federation has made me enjoy wrestling as much as this one. There have been so many classic matches and rivalries, and for me it also has the most beautiful belt in the history of wrestling: the IWGP Heavyweight Championship V4..