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  1. Disease gene identification has made enormous strides in the past twenty years through functional, positional and candidate gene approaches, and more recently by the exploitation of genome-wide strategies. How...

    Authors: Andrea Ballabio and Stylianos Antonarakis
    Citation: PathoGenetics 2008 1:1
  2. One of the most pressing and timely scientific questions concerns the evolution of man. In 1970, Karl Pribram delivered the James Arthur Lecture at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. His ...

    Authors: Neil R Smalheiser
    Citation: Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration 2006 1:12
  3. Authors: Wei Luo, Li Ma, Qian Wen, Xin-Sheng Yao, Na Wang, Hong-Yun Zou, Ming-Qian Zhou, Ying Lin, Zhen-Qiang Wu, Xiao-Wei He, Ju-Fang Wang and Xiao-Ning Wang
    Citation: Journal of Autoimmune Diseases 2008 5:5

    The original article was published in Journal of Autoimmune Diseases 2008 5:4

  4. Authors: Wei Luo, Li Ma, Qian Wen, Xin-Sheng Yao, Na Wang, Hong-Yun Zou, Ming-Qian Zhou, Ying Lin, Zhen-Qiang Wu, Xiao-Wei He, Ju-Fang Wang and Xiao-Ning Wang
    Citation: Journal of Autoimmune Diseases 2008 5:4

    The Retraction Note to this article has been published in Journal of Autoimmune Diseases 2008 5:5

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