Blog Posts

Record(s) o’ the Month – January 2025

Record(s) o’ the Month – January 2025

The tradition at Angry Metal Guy has been the strong start to the year where, like so many people with New Year’s Resolutions, you stick with ’em for a while, and then they taper off, sliding later and later as the year goes on. But this year, even the dopamine kick of listing everything in some kind of ranking order and getting lots of positive feedback from readers didn’t help me shake my funk. Yet, I have dragged myself out of funk in order to make a minimal effort for the greater good. APPRECIATE ME!’s Aggregated Top 20 Albums o’ 2024’s Aggregated Top 20 Albums o’ 2024

“Here we are. The culmination of not just two to five weeks of hardcore listing, but twelve months of hardcore metalling. The Aggregated Top 20 Albums o’ 2024 represents the cream of the crop, or more accurately, the cream of a small corner of a field containing some crops. Using the unrestrained power of manual data entry and a mighty spreadsheet, our wonderful little website compiles our numerous year-end ranking articles and the dozens of metal albums therein into one final, dreadful ranking.” One List to Debase Them All, One List to Find Them…

Angry Metal Guy’s Top Ten(ish) of 2024

Angry Metal Guy’s Top Ten(ish) of 2024

Starting 2025 with a bang was always important, and I elected the “being 26 days late with your Record o’ the Year post” as the best possible way to give everyone that patented Angry Metal Guy feeling of waiting and waiting only to be smacked in the face with 5000 words that you disagree with entirely. Welcome to the Wonderful World of Executive Dysfunction™! Let’s make a list!

Cherd’s Raw Black Metal Muster [Things You Might Have Missed 2024]

Cherd’s Raw Black Metal Muster [Things You Might Have Missed 2024]

“There are two types of people in this world: those who appreciate raw black metal, and those who live fulfilling lives with friends and careers and family who speak to them at holiday gatherings. Since the advent of Bandcamp, the kvltest of all metal genres has become infinitely more accessible. Every year I wade through acres of tape hiss and tinny treble, looking for the half dozen or so raw black releases that rise above the buzzing tangle of cobwebs to rarified, putrid air. The following represent a cross-section of the seemingly infinite number of corpse-painted weirdos in basements the world over making music with no hope of even the smallest commercial success.” Enjoy of deep basements.

Heavy Moves Heavy 2024 – AMG’s Ultimate Workout Playlist

Heavy Moves Heavy 2024 – AMG’s Ultimate Workout Playlist

“Before I was press-ganged into the Skull Pit, I, Ferox, began curating an exercise playlist named Heavy Moves Heavy. For a decade, I alone reaped the benefits of this creation–many were the hours spent preening aboard my Squat Yacht, mixing oils so that I could marvel at the glistening gainz unlocked by the List. My indentured servitude is your good fortune, because a new and improved version of the Heavy Moves Heavy playlist is now available to all readers of AMG in good standing.”

La Torture des Ténèbres – V / The Lost Colony of Altar Vista [Things You Might Have Missed 2024]

La Torture des Ténèbres – V / The Lost Colony of Altar Vista [Things You Might Have Missed 2024]

“The breed of noise that courses through Ottawa one-woman act La Torture des Ténèbres is truly disorienting and off-putting, but it takes on a hypnotizing and triumphant quality when its curious blend of caustic and decadent settles into your bones. While 2016 debuts Acadian Nights and Choirs of Emptiness captured a predictable blend of raw black and spacefaring dark ambient, Civilization is the Tomb of Our Noble Gods found mastermind J.K. taking influence from classic science fiction and decopunk.” One person’s torture…