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For strategy on the Zul'Gurub encounter, see Zanzil (tactics).
MobZanzil the Outcast
Image of Zanzil the Outcast
Gender Male
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Class Witch doctor[1]
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gurubashi tribe, Zanzil
Former affiliation(s) Skullsplitter tribe
Location Ruins of Aboraz, Cape of Stranglethorn
Status Deceased[2] (lore)
Killable (WoW)
Zanzil the Outcast

Old model.

Zanzil the Outcast was a Gurubashi troll exile.

In Stranglethorn Vale, he is a jungle troll found in the Ruins of Aboraz, serving as a minor villain during the Cape of Stranglethorn storyline, and a major antagonist during the Rise of the Zandalari quest chain. He is also a 5 man boss in the newer Zul'Gurub.


Years ago, the Gurubashi exiled one of their own from Zul'Gurub: a troll by the name of Zanzil. The reasons why aren't all that clear, but it had most likely something to do with Zanzils tendency to administer powerful, behavior-altering drugs to anyone he saw. His mixtures cause those who drink it to become strong but feeble-minded - similar to zombies.[3] Apparently, he is the one troll too insane for the likes of the Gurubashi.[citation needed] 

Zanzil's liberal use of Zanzil's Mixture has drugged just about everything in the Ruins of Aboraz into obeying him, including naga, Chucky "Ten Thumbs" and Yenniku. Yenniku was captured by Zanzil, who took control of his body and mind, and then sent to the Skullsplitter tribe to make them join him. Using a Soul Gem, players were able to retrieve his soul.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Zanzil attempted to unite the troll tribes of Stranglethorn Vale into an army under his rule, starting with the Skullsplitter tribe.[4][5]

Years after the Gurubashi priests and their blood god have been slain, Zanzil the Outcast was approached and brought back into the tribe.[2] He was enlisted by the shade of Jin'do to help him restore Zul'Gurub to its former glory by resurrecting both High Priestess Jeklik and High Priest Venoxis using his special elixirs. Though the player managed to thwart the resurrection of Jeklik, High Priest Venoxis was successfully brought back to life.

After the Zandalari pledge to aid the Gurubashi to reach their former greatness, the Gurubashi begin attacking Stranglethorn, and Zanzil personally ventures to the Cape of Stranglethorn and turns the inhabitants of both Hardwrench Hideaway and the Explorers' League Digsite into voodoo zombies by poisoning the food in each town.

He was killed in the Gurubashi capital of Zul'Gurub, failing in his attempts to redeem himself to the empire.[2]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.
  • Spell nature lightning Lightning Bolt â€” Blasts an enemy with lightning, inflicting Nature damage.
  • Inv potion 19 Zanzil's Elixir â€” Heals target for 0 every 1 sec.
WoW Icon update The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.

Objective of[]

WoW Icon update The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.


Main article: Backdoor Dealings#Notes
Main article: High Priest Venoxis (quest)#Quotes

At the alter of Jeklik during the quest B [10-30] Plunging Into Zul'Gurub

Zanzil the Outcast yells: What're you doin here? Don' matter. I'm gonna resurrect Jeklik before you get a chance to interfere!
Zanzil the Outcast yells: I've had enough of this! Time to take a break..
Zanzil the Outcast yells: Zanzil's back!
Zanzil the Outcast yells: Uh oh...Jin'do's not gonna be happy about this...
Zanzil the Outcast yells: Time to get out of here!


  • The unscrupulous goblin Crank Fizzlebub wants to get his hands on the potent solution that Zanzil creates to make a liquid to drug others
  • Zanzil has a set of rings from Zul'Gurub named after him: Zanzil's Concentration.
  • It is likely that Zanzil created the poison, Spell nature drowsy [Touch of Zanzil].
  • It appears that Zanzil has a very low self-esteem. However, the reason for this remains unknown. He also apparently has no friends.[6]


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.


Despite a quest, Jin'do, and Zanzil himself mentioning and implying that he was exiled from the Gurubashi, his Dungeon Journal page and Zanzil the Outcast and His Followers list him as being exiled from the Skullsplitter tribe.

Patch changes[]

See also[]


  1. ^ H [45] The Fate of Yenniku
  2. ^ a b c Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 135
  3. ^ A [10-30] Zanzil's Secret
  4. ^ Yenniku says: Zanzil is creating an army that will wash over all of Stranglethorn! Bloodscalps, Skullsplitter, Gurubashi and Horde... all will serve Zanzil!
  5. ^ B [10-30] Backdoor Dealings
  6. ^ Zanzil tactics

External links[]

Cataclysm Classic