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For the Classic version of this quest, see H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [5] Poison Water.
Not to be confused with N [45WQ] Poisoned Waters.
HordePoison Water
Start Mull Thunderhorn
End Mull Thunderhorn
Level 1-30
Category Mulgore
Race IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female Tauren
Experience 80 - 9,450
Reputation +250 Thunder Bluff
Next H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [1-30] Winterhoof Cleansing


Collect 6 Prairie Wolf Paws and 4 Plainstrider Talons.


Our sacred wells have been tainted, and I will need your help to fix this.

To cleanse each well, I must create a cleansing totem, then you must bring the totem to the well and perform a cleansing ritual.

First we will create a cleansing totem for the Winterhoof Water Well. To do this, the land must offer its aid. Hunt prairie wolves for their paws and adult plainstriders for their talons. They are to the southwest.

Return to me with the paws and talons, <name>.


You will receive:


Do you have the paws and talons, <name>?


You have done well, <name>. I will take these and bind their power into a totem of cleansing.


On turn-in
  • Mull Thunderhorn begins a rite of creation...
Mull Thunderhorn says: [Taurahe] It is done.


  • Mull Thunderhorn holds high the items <name> gave him...
Mull Thunderhorn says: [Taurahe] I have the totem of cleansing, <name>.


Mull Thunderhorn transforms the items <name> gave him into a totem of cleansing...
Mull Thunderhorn says: [Taurahe] It is done.


  1. H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [1-30] A Bundle of Hides
  2. H [1-30] Ride to Thunder Bluff
  3. H [1-30] Tal the Wind Rider Master
  4. H [1-30] Return to Varg
  • Morin Cloudstalker questline:
  1. H [1-30] Morin Cloudstalker (optional breadcrumb)
  2. H [1-30] The Ravaged Caravan
  3. H [1-30] The Ravaged Caravan
  4. H [1-30] The Venture Co. / H [1-30] Supervisor Fizsprocket
  • Grimtotem questline (Tauren only):
  1. H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [1-30] Poison Water
  2. H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [1-30] Winterhoof Cleansing
  3. H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [1-30] Thunderhorn Totem
  4. H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [1-30] Thunderhorn Cleansing
  5. H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [1-30] Rite of Vision
  6. H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [1-30] Rite of Vision (to Camp Sungraze)

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