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For the cinematic, see Old Soldier.
AllianceOld Soldier
Start Lady Jaina Proudmoore
End Lady Jaina Proudmoore
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 26,800
Rewards Inv scroll 11 [Battlefield Commendation]
70g 20s
Previous A [60] The Price of Victory
Next A [50] ...And Following Seas
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [60] Old Soldier.


Speak with Jaina in front of the gates of Orgrimmar.


No matter what doubts he harbored, Saurfang was an honorable soldier.

He prevented both a civil war within the Horde and the potential destruction of the Alliance. He brought an end to Sylvanas's reign and saved many lives at the cost of his own.

We shall honor his sacrifice.


The following will be cast on you: Inv scroll 11 [Battlefield Commendation]

You will also receive:

  • 70g 20s
  • 26,800 XP


Thank you for coming.


We continue to fall into old habits of mistrust and suspicion. Of hatred and war...

And yet, we also find ourselves banding together and rising against the forces that would destroy our world.

I pray that the day will come when we break the cycle for good.

Criteria of[]


Speaking with Jaina

We will withdraw our forces from Durotar. Our purpose was to defeat Sylvanas. Though she yet lives, she no longer leads the Horde. Hopefully, we can now unite against N'Zoth.

King Anduin has asked for us to join him in honoring Saurfang.

Gossip Lead on.

A cutscene plays, with the Horde forces assembled outside Grommash Hold in the Valley of Strength, along with Anduin Wrynn, Jaina Proudmoore, Valeera Sanguinar, and Master Mathias Shaw. The player character stands next to Zekhan and Baine Bloodhoof. Saurfang's body lies on a slab, as Thrall speaks.

Thrall says: Varok Saurfang.
Thrall says: Son of Koruk.
Thrall says: Supreme Commander of the Might of Kalimdor.
Thrall says: High Overlord of the Horde.
Thrall says: He led the charge against the Lich King. He defended our world from the Legion.
Thrall says: Saurfang inspired all of us to strive for true honor. And his legacy will live on in our deeds.
Anduin Wrynn says: When the Alliance and Horde marched on Ahn'Qiraj, it was Saurfang who valiantly commanded our combined forces.
Anduin Wrynn says: Today, his courage saved thousands of lives... on both sides of the battle.
Anduin Wrynn says: His sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Thrall rests a hand on the slab.
Thrall says: You have earned your warrior's death, old friend.
Thrall says: Now, greet your son... with honor and glory.
Thrall salutes Saurfang, and Zekhan blows a war horn as the assembled Horde all kneel. Anduin, Shaw, and Valeera all depart through a portal opened by Jaina to Boralus.

Speak to Jaina to complete the quest, which awards Inv scroll 11 [Battlefield Commendation] and completes the achievement Money achievement The Fourth War (Alliance), concluding the Alliance War Campaign.

On completion
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: This is how war always ends for us... with blood on our hands, mourning those we lost. No amount of fighting can ever bring them back.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: The cycle ends when we choose to walk away. I wasn't ready to learn that lesson before. Few may be ready now. But learn it we must.


  1. A [60] The Eve of Battle
  2. A [60] This Ain't Mine
  3. A [60] Saving the Siege & A [60] Already Among Us & A [60] Strategic Deployment
  4. A [60] Before the Gates of Orgrimmar
  5. A [60] The Price of Victory
  6. A [60] Old Soldier

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