Macros |
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This article describes all of the macro commands (or slash commands) recognized by World of Warcraft (without addons). To use a slash command, enter its name preceded by a slash, and followed by any parameters the command takes into the chat box (for example, /say Hello Azeroth!
). The command names are not case sensitive, and you may combine multiple commands in a macro by putting each command on a new line.
In the list below, commands with multiple aliases are generally listed under the most expanded alias.
Battle pet commands[]
- randomfavoritepet - Summon a random favorite battle pet.
- summonpet - Summon the specified battle pet.
- dismisspet - Dismiss your battle pet.
Blizzard Interface commands[]
These functions open a part of the Blizzard Interface
- achievements - Opens the Achievements interface.
- calendar - Opens the Calendar interface.
- guildfinder - Opens the Guild Finder tool.
- dungeonfinder - Opens the Dungeon Finder interface.
- loot - Open loot history
- macro - Opens the Macro interface.
- raidfinder - Opens the Raid Browser.
- share - Share to Twitter.
- stopwatch - Opens the Stopwatch interface.
Chat commands[]
All custom chat messages can make use of the chat substitutions to insert dynamic content into messages.
- afk - Marks you as "Away From Keyboard".
- announce - Toggle channel announcements.
- ban - Bans a user from a user-created chat channel.
- battleground - Sends a chat message to your battleground.
- csay - Sends chat text to a channel referenced by number only.
- chatinvite - Invite a user to a user-created chat channel.
- chatlist - Displays a list of users in a chat channel, or what channels you are currently a member of.
- chatlog - Enables/disables chat logging.
- combatlog - Enables/disables combat logging.
- chathelp - Displays a list of commonly used chat commands.
- ckick - Kicks a user from a user-created chat channel.
- emote - Perform an emote with the given text.
- dnd - Marks you as "Do Not Disturb".
- guild - Sends a chat message to your guild.
- join - Joins or creates a user-created chat channel.
- leave - Leaves a user-created chat channel.
- moderator - Sets moderation in a user-created chat channel.
- mute - Prevents a user from speaking (voice or text) in a user-created chat channel.
- officer - Sends a chat message to your guild's officer channel.
- owner - Displays or changes the owner of a user-created chat channel.
- password - Sets or removes a password on a user-created chat channel.
- party - Sends a chat message to your party.
- raid - Sends a chat message to your raid.
- rw - Sends a raid warning to your raid.
- reply - Replies to the last user to send you a whisper with a message.
- resetchat - Resets chat settings to default.
- say - Sends a chat message to players in your immediate local area.
- unban - Unbans a user from a user-created chat channel.
- unmoderator - Removes moderation from a user-created chat channel.
- unmute - Allows a user to speak (voice or text) in a user-created chat channel.
- whisper - Sends a private chat message to a player in a whisper.
- yell - Sends a chat message to all players in your zone.
Character commands[]
These commands affect your character's status, social interaction, movement, or actions
- dismount - Dismounts your character
- equip - Equip an item to its default slot.
- equipset - Change equipped items to a set stored in the Equipment Manager
- equipslot - Equip an item to a specific slot.
- friend - Adds a player to your Friends list.
- follow - Set yourself to follow the selected target
- ignore - Adds a player to your ignore list
- inspect - Opens the Inspection interface of the selected target.
- leavevehicle - Allows your character to exit their current vehicle.
- randompet - Summons a random companion pet (non-combat pet).
- removefriend - Removes a friend from your friend list.
- settitle - Sets the active title for your character.
- trade - Opens the trade interface with your current target.
- unignore - Removes a player from your ignore list
- api - Query the WoW API documentation.
- tableinspect - Open the table inspector.
- eventtrace - Allows the user to trace events in-game.
- framestack - Allows the user to see all frames under the cursor.
- dump - Displays the value of a given variable.
Key: * does nothing + has sound % has unique animation @ only when mounted; varies by mount
absent agree amaze angry,mad apologize,sorry %applaud,applause,bravo arm +attacktarget awe backpack badfeeling,bad bark bashful beckon %beg bite blame blank bleed,blood blink blush boggle bonk,doh bored bounce %bow brandish brb breath brow burp,belch +bye,goodbye,farewell cackle calm challenge +charge charm +cheer %chicken,flap,strut chuckle chug clap cold comfort commend confused +grats,congrats cough coverears crack,knuckles cringe crossarms %cry,sob,weep cuddle,spoon curious curtsey %dance ding disagree doubt drink,shindig drool duck
%eat,chew,feast embarrass encourage enemy eye eyebrow facepalm,palm faint fart %fear,cower fidget,impatient %flex,strong %flirt flop +followme frown,disappointed gasp gaze giggle glare gloat glower go going golfclap greet,greetings grin,wicked,wickedly groan grovel,peon growl guffaw hail happy,glad,yay headache +healme +hello,hi +helpme hiccup highfive hiss holdhand hug hungry,food,pizza hurry idea +incoming,inc insult introduce jealous jk %kiss,blow %kneel %laugh,lol lavish,praise laydown,liedown,lay,lie lick listen look lost love luck map massage
mercy moan mock moo moon @mountspecial mourn mutter nervous +no +nod,yes nosepick,pick object,holdit offer +oom +openfire pack panic pat peer pet pinch pity plead %point poke ponder pounce pout pray promise proud pulse punch purr puzzled raise,volunteer +rasp %read ready,rdy regret +retreat,flee revenge %roar,rawr rofl rolleyes,eyeroll %rude ruffle sad %salute scared scoff scold scowl scratch,cat,catty search sexy shake,rear shakefist,fist shifty shimmy shiver shoo,pest
shout,holler shrug shudder %shy sigh signal silence,shush +silly sing %sit slap %sleep smack smile smirk snap snarl sneak sneeze snicker sniff snort snub soothe spit spoon squeal stand stare stink,smell surprised surrender suspicious sweat %talk talkex,excited talkq,question tap taunt tease +thank,thanks,ty think thirsty threaten,doom,wrath tickle tired +train truce twiddle *unused veto victory violin +wait warn %wave +welcome whine whistle wink woot work %yawn
Other emote aliases:
congratulate (same as grats,congrats) disappointment (same as frown,disappointed) objection (same as object,holdit)
Combat commands[]
These functions pertain to combat
- cancelaura - Cancels (turns off) an aura you have.
- cancelqueuedspell - Cancels casting of the spell you have in the queue.
- cancelform - Cancels your current shapeshift form.
- cast - Uses the stated spell or item (conflict in names goes to spell on "cast").
- castrandom - Casts a random spell or uses a random item from the given list.
- castsequence - Casts the given spells in sequential order.
- changeactionbar - Changes your current action bar page.
- startattack - Turns on auto-attack.
- stopattack - Turns off auto-attack.
- stopcasting - Stops casting or channeling.
- stopspelltarget - Cancel the spell or ability currently being targetted.
- swapactionbar - Swaps between two given action bars.
- use - Use the stated item or spell (conflict in names goes to item on "use").
- usetoy - Use a toy.
- userandom - Casts a random spell or uses a random item from the given list.
Guild commands[]
- guilddemote - Demotes a guild-member.
- guilddisband - Disbands a guild.
- guildinfo - Displays information about your guild.
- guildinvite - Invites a player to join your guild.
- guildleader - Makes another guild member the new Guild Master.
- guildquit - Removes your character from your current guild.
- guildmotd - Sets the guild Message of the Day.
- guildpromote - Promotes a guild member to the next higher rank.
- guildroster - Opens the Guild window.
- guildremove - Removes a member of your guild from your guild.
Party and Raid commands[]
- clearworldmarker - Clears world markers
- invite - Invites a player to your party or raid.
- ffa - Sets the loot method for your raid/party to Free-For-All.
- group - Sets the loot method for your raid/party to Group Loot.
- master - Sets the loot method for your raid/party to Master Loot.
- mainassist - Set the main assist.
- mainassistoff - Clears the current Main Assist.
- maintank - Set the main tank.
- maintankoff - Clears the current Main Tank.
- promote - Promotes the given member to Party or Raid leader.
- raidinfo - Shows you what instances you are saved to, along with the Instance ID.
- readycheck - Performs a ready check in your raid or party.
- requestinvite - Request to be invited to the specified group.
- targetmarker - Sets or clears a target marker from your current target.
- threshold - Sets the loot threshold to apply loot rules.
- uninvite - Removes a player from your current party or raid.
- worldmarker - Allows placement of world markers.
Pet commands[]
- petassist - Sets pet to assist mode.
- petattack - Sends pet to attack currently selected target.
- petautocastoff - Turn off autocast for a pet spell.
- petautocaston - Turn on autocast for a pet spell.
- petautocasttoggle - Toggle autocast for a pet spell.
- petdefensive - Set pet to defensive.
- petdismiss - Dismiss your pet.
- petfollow - Set pet to follow you.
- petmoveto - Set pet to move to and stay at a hover-targeted location.
- petpassive - Set pet to passive mode.
- petstay - Set pet to stay where it is at.
PvP commands[]
- duel - Challenge another player to a duel
- forfeit - Forfeit a duel.
- pvp - Sets whether or not you are attackable by other players.
- wargame - Starts a War Game.
System commands[]
- console - Allows user to view or change global client-side options, or perform certain system commands.
- click - Simulate a mouse click on a button.
- disableaddons - Disables all addons and reloads the UI.
- enableaddons - Enables all addons and reloads the UI.
- help - Displays a help message with some basic commands.
- logout - Logs your character out of the game, back to the character selection screen.
- macrohelp - Displays a help message with basic information about creating and using macros.
- played - Displays information about your character's time logged in.
- quit - Exits the game.
- random - Generates a random number from 1 to 100. "/random X" rolls a number from 1 to X, "/random X Y" rolls a number from X though Y.
- reload - Reloads the User Interface.
- script - Runs a block of LUA code.
- stopmacro - Stop processing the current macro.
- time - Displays the current time
- timetest - Used for benchmarking, also shows FPS.
- who - Shows you a list of people matching filtering options.
Targeting functions[]
- assist - Targets a player's target.
- clearfocus - Clears the current focus target.
- cleartarget - Clears the current target.
- focus - Set a focus target
- target - Target the given unit by name.
- targetexact - Target the unit by exact name match.
- targetenemy - Cycle through nearby hostile units (no name matching).
- targetenemyplayer - Cycle through nearby hostile players (no name matching).
- targetfriend - Cycle through nearby friendly units (no name matching).
- targetfriendplayer - Cycle through nearby friendly players (no name matching).
- targetparty - Cycle through nearby party members (no name matching).
- targetraid - Cycle through nearby raid members (no name matching).
- targetlastenemy - Target the last attackable unit you had selected.
- targetlastfriend - Target the last friendly unit you had selected.
- targetlasttarget - Sets your current target to the last unit you had selected.
Metacommands pass data to the WoW client to affect its appearance on the action bar. Metacommands are preceded by a "#" symbol. Unknown metacommands will be silently ignored.
- #show - Affects the button's icon on the Action Bar.
- #showtooltip - Affects the button's icon and tooltip on the Action Bar.
Disabled commands[]
These commands are recognized by the WoW client, but do not perform any actions.
- usetalents - Change to a different dual spec.
- petaggressive - aggressive AI was replaced with assist. (deprecated in 4.2)