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Not to be confused with Inv mace 118 [Lockjaw].
Image of Lockmaw
Race Crocolisk (Beast)
Level 32-37 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Oasis of the Fallen Prophet, Lost City of the Tol'vir
Status Killable
Lost City of the Tol'vir

General Husam
Augh and Lockmaw
High Prophet Barim



Lockmaw in WoW.

Augh TCG

Augh riding Lockmaw.

Lockmaw and Augh compose the second boss encounter in the Lost City of the Tol'vir.


Dungeon Jornal[]

Amid the Neferset's chaotic insurrection against Siamat, the pygmy Augh pilfered whatever treasures he could from the ancient tol'vir city. Among his race, Augh is respected as much for his cunning as he is for his ferocious pet crocolisk, Lockmaw.


  • Ability creature poison 01 Viscous Poison poison ā€” Lockmaw spits a glob of poison onto the location of a random player, inflicting 4875 to 5125 Nature damage to every player within 5 yards of the location, slowing their movement speed by 30%, and additionally inflicting 2437 to 2562 Nature damage every 2 seconds for 12 sec.
  • Inv elemental primal earth Dust Flail ā€” Lockmaw begins to whip his tail up and down for 5 sec. Lockmaw deals 2925 to 3075 Nature damage every second to players behind him and their chance to hit is reduced by 50% for 10 sec. The damage dealt by Dust Flail increases by 25% for each second Lockmaw whips his tail.
  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy Venomous Rage enrage ā€” When Lockmaw's remaining health reaches 30%, he enters a Venomous Rage. This increases his damage dealt by 25%.
  • Spell deathknight bloodtap Scent of Blood ā€” Lockmaw causes a random player to bleed, inflicting 975 to 1025 Physical damage every 2 seconds for 30 sec. The scent of the blood causes Frenzied Crocolisks to attack the affected player.
  • Frenzied Crocolisk ā€” These vicious crocolisks periodically join the fight from the nearby riverbeds. They try to attack any player who has the Scent of Blood effect on them.
    • Ability druid ravage Vicious Bite ā€” Frenzied Crocolisks bite their current enemy target, inflicting Physical damage equal to 50% of a normal melee attack and additionally inflicting 437 to 562 Physical damage every 2 seconds for 15 sec. The Vicious Bite stacks up to 3 times.

While Lockmaw is alive, Augh is immune to damage and will periodically enter the fight stealthed then use his Paralytic Blow Dart, Whirlwind, or Smoke bomb abilities before retreating. After Lockmaw dies in Heroic Difficulty, Augh steals Lockmaw's loot and becomes attackable.

  • Ability poisons Paralytic Blow Dart poison ā€” Augh shoots a Paralytic Blow Dart at a random player, immediately inflicting 5087 to 5911 Nature damage, reducing melee, ranged, and spell casting speeds by 40%, and additionally inflicting 2000 Nature damage every 2 seconds for 9 sec.
  • Ability whirlwind Whirlwind ā€” Augh spins around like mad towards a random player for 20 sec, inflicting 14137 to 15862 Physical damage every second to surrounding enemies within 4 yards.
  • Ability hibernation Smoke Bomb ā€” Augh explodes a Smoke Bomb at his feet, stunning any enemy target within 0 yards for 3 sec.
  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy Frenzy Heroic Difficulty ā€” Augh enters a Frenzy, increasing his attack speed by 60% and damage dealt by 60%.
  • Inv misc head dragon 01 Dragon's Breath Heroic Difficulty Magic Effect ā€” Augh breathes fire in a 10 yard long 60 degree frontal cone, inflicting 7800 to 8200 Fire damage to every enemy target within the cone and disorienting them for 3 sec.


  • Pull Lockmaw back, closer to the stairs you came from. This will allow for easier add management throughout the fight. Avoid his tail, as he likes to Dust Flail, doing damage to targets behind him.
  • Augh will appear every now and then during the fight, whirlwinding players around him. Have your ranged DPS shoot a few spells at him, it will make him go away.
  • Spread out in order to minimize the damage done by Viscous Poison, which Lockmaw will shoot at a random party member. Have your healer remove the poison debuff left by this move.
  • They key ability of the encounter is Scent of Blood, which Lockmaw will do frequently throughout the fight. He will use this on a random party member, causing 4 Frenzied Crocolisks to spawn in the water pools on the side of Lockmaw's lair and head for the debuffed person. Slow, snare, stun, and nuke them fast, since those guys can be quite vicious. Your tank can help out by taunting some of them off their main target.
  • When Lockmaw hits 30% health, he will go into Venomous Rage. This is an Enrage effect and can be removed, but is far from deadly if it's not.
  • On heroic mode, don't be dismayed when you see no loot! Augh will appear and be quick to point out that he is smart and managed to steal the loot from under your nose. You'll have to fight him too.
  • The pygmy chieftain is a simple fight. He will not engage immediately after Lockmaw, giving you time to heal up, rebuff, and resurrect.
  • Avoid his Whirlwind by kiting him. He is tauntable when spinning, so your tank can "pick" him up and kite him away from the squishier party members.
  • Paralytic Blow Dart should be removed.
  • Augh will disorient your tank with Dragon's Breath, which will make him go after the second person on the threat table for 3 seconds. Move away from him if you want to, but a hit or two from this fellow isn't too bad.
  • Frenzy cannot be removed, so you should save your cooldowns for this time of the fight.


In heroic mode Augh 'steals' the loot from Lockmaw after you have killed him, thus sharing the same drops.

Item Type
Normal Heroic
Inv bracer robe dungeonrobe c 03 [Sand Silk Wristband] Inv bracer robe dungeonrobe c 03 [Sand Silk Wristband] DPS cloth bracers
Inv knife 1h cataclysm c 06 [Barim's Main Gauche] Inv knife 1h cataclysm c 06 [Barim's Main Gauche] Agility dagger
Inv belt plate dungeonplate c 03 [Sand Dune Belt] Inv belt plate dungeonplate c 03 [Sand Dune Belt] Tank plate belt
Inv misc kingsring2 [Veneficial Band] Inv misc kingsring2 [Veneficial Band] Spirit ring
Spell holy persecution [Heart of Solace] Spell holy persecution [Heart of Solace] Strength trinket

Related Achievements[]


First Aggro
Augh says: Bwaaaah! You no take da treasure!!!
Goes to Lockmaw
Augh says: Bwagauugh!!! Augh feed you to da crocs!
Augh says: Gwaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!
Lockmaw dies
Augh says: GAAAH! How you kill crocs?!
Augh says: Augh smart! Augh already steal treasure while you no looking!


Patch changes[]

  • Legion Hotfix (2016-07-28): Lockmaw can again be looted, and Augh no longer harasses you after the encounter.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.6 (2011-02-08): Lockmaw no longer tolerates fighting in his treasure room. You also cannot stand on the croc statues to avoid the adds.
  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2011-01-03): Lockmaw's Frenzied Crocolisks have learned how to swim! In addition, Vicious Poison was doing too much damage and has been reduced slightly.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added.

External links[]
