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For the Naxxramas item, see Inv jewelry necklace 27naxxramas [Heritage].

Heritage armor sets are cosmetic rewards unique to each playable race. Their cosmetic nature means they are transmoggable over any armor type, from plate to cloth. The set is unlocked account-wide, and can be worn or transmogrified by any character of the armor's race.

How to unlock[]

Allied races can unlock their set by leveling an allied race character to level 50 without the use of the Character Boost, Race Change, or Faction Change services and prior to patch 8.1.5 the original Recruit A Friend extra level bonus also prevented receiving the armor.[1] Upon reaching level 50, they automatically receive a quest to speak to their faction leader in their capital and receive their armor. Welcome Back Gift (aka Gear Update) would not make an allied race ineligible for it.

Core races can unlock their set by reaching level 50 and completing a short racial questline. For questline details, see the article for each armor set.

List of sets[]



Concept art

See also[]


  1. ^ Blizzard Support: Earning an Allied Race Heritage Armor. Blizzard Entertainment (2023-07-01).
  2. ^ Suzie Ford 2019-05-15. New World of Warcraft 8.2 Info: Tyrande, Sylvanas, Customization, OH MY!. Retrieved on 2019-08-16.ā€‹ ā€œā€œShortly after Rise of Azshara, youā€™ll see [goblin and worgen model updates],ā€ Morgan explained. ā€œThese are the two races that havenā€™t been updated. Theyā€™ll have new heritage armor with that as well.ā€ā€
  3. ^ Blizzard Entertainment Kaivax 2019-08-16. Worgen & Goblin Heritage Armor? - World of Warcraft Forums. Retrieved on 2019-08-16.ā€‹ ā€œI can confirm that 8.2.5 does not include any new Heritage Armor questlines.ā€
  4. ^ Blizzard Entertainment Kaivax 2019-08-19. Worgen & Goblin Heritage Armor? - World of Warcraft Forums. Retrieved on 2019-08-20.ā€‹ ā€œWe are getting Worgen and Goblin Heritage armor questlines in a future content update. We think itā€™s really cool to have these memorable questing experiences that go along with and encapsulate the moment when you inherit your Heritage armor. Weā€™re working on bringing them to the game as soon as we can.ā€
  5. ^ World of Warcraft 2019-10-07. Watch the New Developer Content Update Preview (13:44). YouTube. Retrieved on 2019-10-07.

External link[]
