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This article is about the Maw of Souls dungeon boss. For character biography, see Helya.
Image of Helya
Gender Female
Race Val'kyr (Humanoid)
Level ?? Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Helarjar
Location The Naglfar; Maw of Souls
Status Defeatable

Helya is the final boss in Maw of Souls. The fight is quite healing-intensive due to Taint of the Sea and has a kill-mechanic in the form of Corrupted Bellow, making Helya one of the more difficult Legion 5-man bosses. Though the fight ends at 70%, this can be a very long battle for a 5-man due to her massive amount of HP.

Adventure Guide[]

Helya, once queen of the val'kyr, was once at Odyn's right hand, raising the spirits of vrykul champions to the Halls of Valor to prepare for the final battle for the fate of Azeroth. But following Loken's betrayal, she was persuaded to join him and turn upon her master. She now lurks in the shadowy realm beneath the world, plotting her revenge.


Attaching herself to the Naglfar, Helya launches an all-out assault of the vessel from a distance. Defeating Helya's Tentacles wounds her, and after defeating several tentacles, Helya submerges and continues to barrage the Naglfar with her tentacles. After 15 sec, Helya rips the front of the Naglfar in half and combats players directly, periodically retreating to the waves for the remainder of the encounter.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • Defeat Helya's Destructor and Grasping Tentacles to wound her during the Siege of the Naglfar.
  • Watch Helya's facing for Corrupted Bellow.
  • When Taint of the Sea explodes, it and leaves behind a Tainted Essence.
  • Watch Helya during Brackwater Barrage to know which side of the Naglfar will be bombarded.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • Taint of the Sea explodes when dispelled or when it expires, and leaves behind a Tainted Essence.
  • Watch Helya's facing for Corrupted Bellow.
  • Watch Helya during Brackwater Barrage to know which side of the Naglfar will be bombarded.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Destructor Tentacles cast Smash and Helya casts Wing Buffet when untanked.
  • Watch Helya's facing for Corrupted Bellow.
  • Watch Helya during Brackwater Barrage to know which side of the Naglfar will be bombarded.


Stage One: Siege of the Naglfar[]

  • Spell nature elementalshields Taint of the Sea Magic Effect â€” Taints a target, inflicting 21000 Frost damage every second for 21 sec. When this aura is removed, the taint explodes, inflicting 80750 to 89250 Frost damage to all players.
    • Inv misc slime 01 Tainted Essence â€” The expelled Taint of the Sea leaves behind a Tainted Essence, which explodes after a short time, inflicting 665000 to 735000 Frost damage to enemies within 5 yards.
  • Spell frost summonwaterelemental Torrent â€” Conjures a torrent of watery globules which pelt the Naglfar, inflicting 38000 to 42000 Frost damage to several targets.
  • Spell frost summonwaterelemental 2 Brackwater Barrage Important â€” Fires a massive barrage of frost energy, inflicting 475000 to 525000 Frost damage to enemies struck by the barrage.
  • Inv misc monsterhorn 03 Piercing Tentacle â€” Helya's tentacle pierces the bottom of the Naglfar, knocking back nearby targets. After 3 seconds, the tentacle inflicts 427500 to 472500 Nature damage to players within 6 yards, knocking them back.
  • Destructor Tentacle â€” Defeating Destructor Tentacles damages Helya.
    • Ability druid ravage Rapid Rupture â€” Lashes out at a target, inflicting 61750 to 68250 Physical damage three times and bleeding the target for an additional 5225 to 5775 Physical damage every half-second for 6 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Inv misc volatileearth Smash â€” Smashes the Naglfar when there are no targets within melee range, inflicting increasing 71250 to 78750 Physical damage, increasing in damage by 20% per cast.
  • Grasping Tentacle â€” Defeating Grasping Tentacles damages Helya.

Intermission: Submerged[]

After several of Helya's tentacles are defeated, Helya submerges under the waves and assaults the Naglfar from below. On subsequent phases Helya periodically submerges.

  • Inv misc monsterhorn 03 Piercing Tentacle â€” Helya's tentacle pierces the bottom of the Naglfar, knocking back nearby targets. After 3 seconds, the tentacle inflicts 427500 to 472500 Nature damage to players within 6 yards, knocking them back.
  • Inv misc volatilelife green Turbulent Waters â€” The turbulent waters of the Maw of Souls sometimes spew orbs of muck, inflicting 95000 to 105000 Frost damage to enemies within 2.5 yards of each impact location.

Stage Two: The Breached Vessel[]

  • Spell shadow possession Corrupted Bellow â€” Bellows forward, inflicting 171000 to 189000 Shadow damage repeatedly to enemies in a frontal cone for 3 sec.
  • Spell frost summonwaterelemental Torrent Interruptible â€” Conjures a torrent of watery globules which pelt the Naglfar, inflicting 285000 to 315000 Frost damage to all targets.
  • Spell nature elementalshields Taint of the Sea â€” Taints a target, inflicting 21000 Frost damage every second for 21 sec. When this aura is removed, the taint explodes, inflicting 80750 to 89250 Frost damage to all players.
    • Inv misc slime 01 Tainted Essence â€” The expelled Taint of the Sea leaves behind a Tainted Essence, which explodes after a short time, inflicting 665000 to 735000 Frost damage to enemies within 5 yards.
  • Inv misc leatherscrap 17 Wing Buffet â€” Buffets the Naglfar when there are no targets within melee range, inflicting 237500 to 262500 Physical damage, increasing in damage by 15% per cast.



The fight consists of three phases: Killing Helya's tentacles, an intermission phase where she is submerged and is unhittable for at time, and a second phase where the players attack her directly. Helya's Torrent will deal consistent frost damage to the players throughout the fight unless DPS interrupt the spell. Of more concern to the healer is Taint of the Sea, a dispellable magic debuff that will hurt the target over time, cause a burst that hurts all other players when it fades, and leaves behind a green void zone on-top of the targeted player that explodes after about 5 seconds (simply move out of it). Multiple players will be targeted at once on Heroic and Mythic, so it may be in the group's best interest to dispel the Taints as they come, so that they don't all burst at the same time when their time runs out.

Phase 1: Attack the Grasping Tentacles on the hull of the ship and the Destructor Tentacles attacking the players. As the Grasping Tentacles have large hitboxes, you may be able to cleave them while fighting the Destructors. Once they are all dead, the intermission phase will begin. Watch the ground for Piercing Tentacles which rise up, hit anyone close-by after a few seconds, and then retreat below the ship. They leave behind holes in the ship which stun you when you step in, so watch your step.

Intermission: As Helya submerges at 80% HP, more Piercing Tentacles will rise from the ground and try to hit the group. Simply keep moving and continue dodging the green void zones.

Phase 2: Helya rises, destroys half the arena, and pushes the players back against the ship before attacking the party herself, not summoning any more tentacles. In addition to her previous spells, she now uses Corrupted Bellow, a large frontal cone of shadow damage in-front of her. Due to it's large range and the fact that the arena gets cut in half, players must see where Helya is facing and/or where her hands are in order to see where she is about to fire the spell and move very quickly if she is facing towards them. Speed buffs or instantaneous teleports like Spell druid stampedingroar cat [Stampeding Roar], Ability monk roll [Roll], and Spell shadow demoniccirclesummon [Demonic Circle] are valuable here. Take note of- or mark where the holes created by the Piercing Tentacles in the previous phase are as being stunned while within Corrupted Bellow will kill you.


The following items are contained in the Waterlogged Cache of Ancient Relics which spawns after defeating Helya.

Item Type
Ability rogue envelopingshadows [Screams of the Unworthy] (H Â· M) Shadow Artifact Relic
Spell shadow soulleech 2 [Seacursed Mist] (H Â· M) Frost Artifact Relic
Inv helm leather legiondungeon c 01 [Kraken Hide Helm] (H Â· M) Leather helmet
Inv 7 0raid necklace 13a [Brysngamen, Torc of Helheim] (H Â· M) Necklace
Inv shoulder cloth legionendgame c 01 [Bonespeaker Mantle] (H Â· M) Cloth shoulders
Inv shoulder leather legiondungeon c 01 [Mantle of the Dark Sea] (H Â· M) Leather shoulders
Inv shoulder plate legionendgame c 01 [Skoldiir Shoulderguards] (H Â· M) Plate shoulderds
Inv chest mail legionendgame c 01 [Tideskorn Vest] (H Â· M) Mail chest
Inv glove leather legionendgame c 01 [Biornskin Gloves] (H Â· M) Leather gloves
Inv glove mail legiondungeon c 01 [Seaworthy Deck Hands] (H Â· M) Mail gloves
Inv cloth legiondungeon c 01 [Belt of Eternal Torment] (H Â· M) Cloth belt
Inv belt plate legiondungeon c 01 [Slack Tide Girdle] (H Â· M) Plate belt
Inv pant mail legiondungeon c 01 [Tempered Seaborne Leggings] (H Â· M) Mail leggings
Inv boot cloth legiondungeon c 01 [Mistbound Helarjar Footwraps] (H Â· M) Cloth boots
Inv boot plate legiondungeon c 01 [Salt-Laden Stompers] (H Â· M) Plate boots
Inv misc ring 6 0 013 [Grasping Tentacle Loop] (H Â· M) Ring
Trade archaeology whitehydrafigurine [Figurehead of the Naglfar] (H Â· M) Ranged DPS trinket
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Terrorspike] Blacksmithing Plans

Objective of[]


You ALL will regret trespassing in my realm.
You have come far enough. Time to die.
Taint of the sea
Your fate rains down!
Losing 1st tentacle
You will pay for that.
Losing 3rd tentacle
I am losing my patience.
Losing 4th tentacle
Embrace your fate, fools!
Losing 5th tentacle
No! This is not possible!
Losing 6th tentacle
What manner of creatures ARE you??
Corrupted Bellow
I will drown you all like rats!
Stop squirming!
Killed a player
  • Your soul will not find shelter here.
  • Begone to the next life.
It is finished. I banish your weak mortal souls forever more.
Do you think you have won? You have merely survived the storm... The seas are unstoppable.
Unused quotes
  • Odyn values these creatures?
  • I have had enough! This ends now!
  • An eternity of agony awaits you.
  • Hold still!
  • Curse you all! Do you really think to conquer my domain? All of Helheim will stand against you.


Patch changes[]

  • Legion Hotfix (2016-09-07):
    • Decreased the frequency of Helya's Taint of the Sea during the Breached Vessel phase.
    • Altered the visual of Corrupted Bellow in order to perform better on lower-end machines.
    • Lowered the baseline damage of Corrupted Bellow and added a damage increase on subsequent damage events.
  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.

External links[]
