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Dragonshrines can be found dotting the wasteland of the Dragonblight.

There is one for each dragonflight, five in total, and these are the places that dragons come to when their life is at an end.[1] These dragonshrines are very different from one another and each has its own storyline.

  • The Red Dragonshrine is under attack from the Scourge and players can quest there to help the flight.
  • There is also the Bronze dragonflight shrine where players can shift time sending them back and forth.
  • The Green Dragonshrine needs help from players because Ysera, affected by the Emerald Nightmare, has commanded the defenders of the dragonshrine to attack anyone that is not part of the green dragonflight — instead of just the Scourge as intended.
  • The Black Dragonshrine also has quests involved with it against the Scourge.
  • The Blue Dragonshrine is a hostile area.

During the war against the Lich King, in addition to the problems facing the individual dragonshrines, the dragons had to contend with Arthas Menethil and the Scourge, who took the bones of dead dragons and using them to create frost wyrms.[2]

Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard reported that as the dragons have dispersed now on their own business; all the dragonshrines stand empty.[1]


