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Mythrax the Unraveler HS
Faction/Affiliation Old Gods' forces (Black Empire)
Racial leader(s) IconSmall Yogg-Saron Yogg-Saron (passive)
  Formerly IconSmall N'Zoth N'Zoth †
IconSmall Deathwing Deathwing †
IconSmall G'huun G'huun †
Homeworld Azeroth
Language(s) Shath'Yar

C'Thraxxi (singular C'Thrax) are monstrous warbringers far larger and more resilient than other lesser n'raqi.[1] They seem to usually serve as protectors within places of great importance to the Old Gods, and as commanders and generals of the Old Gods' forces. The C'Thrax Warlord Zon'ozz was one of the two faceless generals that led the assault on Wyrmrest Temple during the final battle against Deathwing.[2]

C'Thraxxi possess arthropod-like features, along with great strength and brutal intellect. Their dark powers can drive even titan-forged to madness.[1] Even after what mortals might consider death, C'Thraxxi can still slowly regain their energy and return to life through external help. The Twilight's Hammer made one such attempt to awaken Zakajz, and trolls have in the past succeeded to do so via blood rituals such as those that awakened Kith'ix and Mythrax.

They exist between the material plane and the Void.[3]


Name Role Status Location
Boss IconSmall FacelessGeneral Erudax The Duke of Below, sent by Deathwing to discover the secrets of Grim Batol Killable Lifebinder's Cell, Grim Batol
Mob IconSmall FacelessGeneral Mindbreaker Gzzaj Herald of the faceless ones,[4] Brawler's Guild gladiator Killable Bizmo's Brawlpub, Deeprun Tram; Brawl'gar Arena
Neutral IconSmall FacelessGeneral Kith'ix Hunter of Tyr, founder of Azj'Aqir and responsible for the Aqir and Troll War Deceased Buried underneath Zul'Aman
Mob IconSmall FacelessGeneral Kosumoth the Hungering Killable Eye of Azshara
Boss IconSmall FacelessGeneral2 Mythrax the Unraveler The Unraveler, servant of G'huun, Slayer of Sethraliss Killable Vol'dun; Uldir
Mob IconSmall FacelessGeneral Uul'gyneth The Darkness, banished by Huln Highmountain long ago Killable Highmountain Summit, Highmountain
Boss IconSmall FacelessGeneral General Vezax Guardian of the Prison of Yogg-Saron Killable Descent into Madness, Ulduar
Mob IconSmall FacelessGeneral Void-Touched Juggernaut Prisoner of the Vault of the Wardens Killable Vault of the Wardens
Boss IconSmall FacelessGeneral2 Warbringer Yenajz Killable Stormsong Valley
Mob IconSmall FacelessGeneral Zakajz the Corruptor Hunter of Tyr Deceased Tyr's Fall, Tirisfal Glades
Boss IconSmall FacelessGeneral Warlord Zon'ozz Lieutenant of N'Zoth unleashed by Deathwing on Wyrmrest Temple Killable Maw of Go'rath, Dragon Soul


Patch changes[]

  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.1.0 (2012-11-27): C'Thraxxi once considered uncategorized are now classified as aberrations.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14): Introduced.


  1. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 37
  2. ^ Tyrygosa in Dragon Soul - The faceless generals, Zon'ozz and Yor'sahj, command the enemy legions from within the monstrosities you see on the horizon.
  3. ^ H [20-60] Protocol Recovery
  4. ^ Inv inscription tarot 6otankcard [Rumble Card: Mindbreaker Gzzaj]