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Title | High King of Quel'Thalas |
Gender | Male |
Race | High elf |
Level | 50-70 |
Class | Mage, Warrior |
Resource | Mana |
Reaction | Horde (Heritage of the Sin'dorei) |
Affiliation(s) | Kingdom of Quel'Thalas |
Former affiliation(s) | Alliance of Lordaeron |
Occupation | Last king of Quel'Thalas |
Status | Deceased |
Relative(s) | Dath'Remar (great grandfather),[1] Kael'thas (son), Lyandra (distant relative) |
Companion(s) | Verath Windrunner (trusted advisor)[2] |
Anasterian Sunstrider was the high king of Quel'Thalas, a descendant of the royal bloodline established by King Dath'Remar Sunstrider. His reign from Sunfury Spire,[4] which lasted at least 2,800 years, was marked by several conflicts that threatened the continued existence of Quel'Thalas, ending with his death at the hands of the evil Prince Arthas Menethil during the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas.
As decreed by his son and successor, Prince Kael'thas, Anasterian was to be the very last king of the high elves.[1] Kael's own successor, the regent lord Lor'themar Theron, has also upheld this, acknowledging Anasterian and Kael'thas as the last elves with a right to kingship over Quel'Thalas.[5]
The great-grandson of Dath'Remar Sunstrider,[1] Anasterian came to power during the Troll Wars, when his people faced war with their ancient enemies, the forest trolls.[6] Anasterian was the monarch of Quel'Thalas when the sister blade of Quel'Serrar, the powerful Quel'Delar, was handed to the high elven king personally by Alexstrasza the Life-Binder.[7] In turn, Anasterian granted the mighty blade to Thalorien Dawnseeker, who would wield it for years to come.
The Troll Wars[]
Reigning during the Troll Wars against the resurgent Amani Empire, Anasterian saw that his people were hard-pressed to keep the forest trolls at bay and were perilously close to defeat. Anasterian hit upon a radical idea: His scouts had reported that a human nation named Arathor had recently formed to the south. One tribe had risen to dominance through the simple expedient of offering amnesty to the people it defeated. That such a strategy was new among humans was a testament not only to the youth of their race, but also to their willingness to gain strength via clear-sighted pragmatism.
Although the humans had no spellcasters, Arathor had a sizeable population. Anasterian was certain there had to be humans with magical talent. They merely needed training in order to be useful in combat. He, therefore, dispatched ambassadors to the southlands with all speed.
King Thoradin of Arathor greeted the ambassadors with surprise and wary courtesy. He had been hearing rumors of the high elves' plight for months, but he had not suspected that the trolls posed a truly significant threat. The weary elves warned the king that the troll armies were vast. Should Quel'Thalas fall, the trolls would certainly besiege Arathor next.
The king was distrustful of magic, but he could not deny that the elves had a point. Further negotiations ensued until at last Anasterian and Thoradin had reached an agreement. Almost immediately, elven sorcerers arrived in Arathor and began to instruct a group of humans in the ways of magic. One hundred men were taught the very basics of the elves' magical secrets: no more than was absolutely necessary to combat the trolls.
In addition to these new spellcasters, Thoradin sent his armies to the battlefront. Together, the humans and high elves ultimately achieved victory over the trolls, who would never fully recover from their defeat. Assured that Quel'Thalas was saved from destruction, the elves made a pledge of loyalty and friendship to the nation of Arathor and to the bloodline of King Thoradin, a blood debt that King Anasterian would not be coerced into repaying until years later.[8]
Anasterian personally wielded the ancient family runeblade Felo'melorn against the trolls, and it was said that a thousand Amani fell before its fury,[9] spilling enough Amani blood to brim the walls of Zul'Aman.[1]
Warcraft: Sylvanas[]
Anasterian held court with Grand Magister Belo'vir, Magister Rommath, Ranger General Lireesa Windrunner, and his chief adviser Verath Windrunner the day Sylvanas Windrunner escorted Nathanos Marris to his presence. The king's ranger-general was sceptical of the human's reports of a swelling horde of monsters from another world, and Anasterian was hesitant to commit to an answer, but at Verath's urging the king named him an ambassador to the Alliance. Lireesa, his wife, accompanied him on the errand; both were slain in Eastweald.
The king summoned the Windrunner children to Sunfury Spire and informed them of their parents' deaths. Anasterian was sympathetic, but put little stock in Sylvanas' belief that the Horde had a hand in the deaths. Anasterian acquiesced to his new ranger-general's request to personally conduct an investigation into the killings, but considered the action unwise and held to the simplest explanation: that Amani trolls had caught the Windrunners unaware.[10]
Sylvanas returned from Eastweald with proof–an orcish arrow retrieved from her father's steed. Anasterian conferred with his ranger-general in a private solar and expressed gratitude for her loyal service. He then tossed the arrow into his burning fireplace, destroying the only evidence of the Horde's involvement. Sylvanas was aghast, but Anasterian swore her to secrecy and forbade any reprisals. In his view, the Windrunners had journeyed beyond the Sunwell's protection, and fallen in a war that was not their own–a war Quel'Thalas would not involve itself in. To do so would only agitate and endanger the kingdom.
Though appalled, Sylvanas agreed to her king's demand. Anasterian knew more of politics than she, and she knew that her parents would have obeyed the command, however wrong or unfair. Sylvanas determined to find justice in her own way and kept Anasterian's secret from all but her sisters.[11]
Second War[]
During the Second War, Anasterian was largely unconcerned with the threat of the orcs rampaging through Lordaeron, considering it a problem that could not touch Quel'Thalas and thus not worth the high elves addressing. After Terenas Menethil sent a request of help, Anasterian sent only a token army to Hillsbrad. After the orcs joined forces with the Amani trolls (the Amani themselves ever-eager to see Quel'Thalas burn), he was approached by Alleria Windrunner, who attempted to open his eyes to the threat. Still reluctant, the high elven king finally changed his tone when Alleria hurled an Amani head at his feet, which roused Anasterian to anger. Kicking it away and enraged at the trolls' nerve, the king ordered the high elven warriors and rangers to crush the Amani once and for all.[12]
King Anasterian reluctantly joined the Alliance of Lordaeron, honor-bound to fulfill the pledge to the Arathi, of whom Lord Anduin Lothar was the last. Anasterian was forced to contribute more of Quel'Thalas's armies when the outer forests were attacked by the Old Horde, and despite the elves' desire to stay out of the war, their hand had been forced.[1] The troll warlord Zul'jin aimed to hold Anasterian's decapitated head high so it could see its people's death, just before he devoured it whole.[13]
When the Horde invasion had been routed and the orcs had abandoned the battle in favor of besieging Lordaeron, Anasterian seized the opportunity to rid himself of the beleaguered Amani forever. The king dispatched magi and priests (among them high priestess Lady Liadrin) to bolster the Farstriders' ranks and hopefully wipe out the trolls for good.
Ultimately, the Horde was to fall, and placed into internment camps. With his blood debt paid and Lothar dead, Anasterian became an aloof member of the Alliance. The high elves came to realize that the increasingly strained Alliance needed them far more than they needed it, and after a period of mutual coldness between the humans and their elven allies,[14] Anasterian resolved to officially secede his nation.
In the aftermath of the war, the high elves as a whole began to doubt the value of the Alliance. Humanity seemed to need the high elves, but had little to offer in return, especially now that a large portion of Alliance resources was allotted toward maintaining the internment camps. Anasterian had led efforts to drive the Amani trolls from Quel'Thalas while the main Alliance army went to besiege Blackrock Spire. He would later accuse the Alliance of abandoning his people, although not all high elves believed him. Even so, enough did to justify leaving the Alliance.[15]
At last, Anasterian rescinded the high elves' allegiance to the Alliance. He stated that the humans' poor leadership had been directly responsible for the burned forests in the borderlands of Quel'Thalas. King Terenas Menethil argued that nothing of Quel'Thalas would have survived if not for the hundreds of valiant humans who gave their lives to defend it. Despite his attempts at reestablishing diplomatic relations, however, the elves opted to remain independent of the crumbling Alliance.[16] Anasterian's secession sparked the domino effect that led to the Alliance of Lordaeron splintering almost completely: Gilneas and Stromgarde followed Anasterian's example and removed themselves from the increasingly deteriorating Alliance.[17]
Anasterian's declining health continued to falter in the following years, and the aged king's public appearances grew less frequent. Nonetheless, he attended Lor'themar Theron's ceremonial promotion to the rank of Ranger Lord, and wished him continued success.[1]
Third War[]

Felo'melorn, Anasterian's sword, as an Artifact.

Anasterian in Warcraft III: Reforged.
Still reigning over Quel'Thalas at the time of the Third War, despite his advanced age, Anasterian spared little thought for the plight of the humans in Lordaeron; true to the past, believing it to be a human issue than the high elves would not deign to trouble themselves with.[18]
Anasterian confronted the twisted prince, Arthas Menethil, before the gates of Silvermoon. The death's undead onslaught had taken him from the freshly-destroyed ruins of his homeland of Lordaeron to the heart of Quel'Thalas. Arthas revealed the banshee form of Anasterian's ranger-general, Sylvanas Windrunner, but the king denounced the specter and declared Sylvanas had died a quel'dorei hero. He rejected Arthas' call to surrender, vowing that his people would never yield and Arthas would never defile his kingdom.[19] When the Scourge breached Silvermoon City, Anasterian and the surviving elves gathered aboard their fleet and retreated to the island.[20]

Anasterian battles Arthas on Quel'Danas.
After Arthas arrived on the shores of the Isle of Quel'Danas, he was met by the high king of Quel'Thalas himself. Anasterian swiftly went about destroying the path of frost that Arthas had created over the ocean, wreaking havoc upon it with his fiery magics and forcing the displaced undead into the ocean. He then proceeded to cut a swath of destruction through the undead hordes near the shore. Clad in his armor, Lu'minellia and wielding Felo'melorn in conjunction with a powerful kaldorei crystal nestled atop his staff, Anasterian ferociously fought back the invaders, knowing this would likely be his last battle.[1] His powerful casting was disrupted when Arthas charged the high elven king personally.[21]
But even his unyielding will and extraordinary powers proved insufficient against the merciless death knight. King Anasterian fought a valiant but ultimately hopeless battle against Arthas, the outcome of which the elves knew would decide the fate of them all; elves and Scourge alike turned to watch the duel between their rulers play out. Though both his formidable martial prowess and spellcasting proved an apt counter to the corrupted prince's dark powers, Anasterian's three millennia hindered him in his last, desperate battle to protect his people.[22] The high elves' hopes were raised when despite the unfavorable odds, Anasterian managed to severely wound Arthas's necromantic steed, Invincible, by severing its forelegs, though the act only served to enrage the forcibly dismounted Arthas further. Warping behind the prince, Anasterian attempted to decapitate him but was caught in a blast of howling ice. Felo'melorn and Frostmourne clashed, the former shattered in two on collision. Arthas fought on and severed Anasterian's right leg, but Anasterian buried his broken blade deep in the prince's thigh.[23] The elven king then fell under the weight of Frostmourne, which cut through the ancient elven blade and stole the soul of its owner.
Anasterian's corpse was secured by the brothers Solanar and Falon, to save the king the fate of undeath. They brought him to a reclaimed portion of Silvermoon.[1] The fallen king was put upon a table in the tavern hall.[23]
In the wake of the high elven kingdom's destruction, Anasterian's son, Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider returned home from Dalaran and proclaimed his people reborn as blood elves, in honor of Anasterian and all of the elves who had perished.[1] Kael'thas recovered his father's broken runeblade and later reforged it.
Anasterian was cremated on a funeral pyre in the Bazaar after Prince Kael'thas had said his private farewells.[1]
Wrath of the Lich King[]

Image of Anasterian presented during the Quel'Delar questline.
- Main article: Image of Anasterian
During the Quel'Delar questline, after returning to Myralion Sunblaze or Caladis Brightspear, Blood-Queen Lana'thel replays the events of Quel'Delar's bestowal to the high elves, images of Alexstrasza, Thalorien Dawnseeker and King Anasterian Sunstrider appear during the small scene, which shows Anasterian granting the blade to Thalorien.
Battle for Azeroth[]

A vision of Anasterian.
In visions from the past during the Heritage of the Sin'dorei questline, a vision of Anasterian Sunstrider can be seen alongside High Priest Vandellor, Grand Magister Belo'vir, and High Priestess Liadrin at Sun's Reach Sanctum on the Isle of Quel'Danas before going to fight the invading Scourge.[24] The vision then fought Arthas on the southern tip of Quel'Danas and fell.[25]
As a victim of Frostmourne, Anasterian entered the Shadowlands a sundered soul. Its missing fragment, crystallized as "The Golden King", came into the Jailer's possession after Frostmourne's shattering.[26]
King Anasterian is remembered as one of the blood elves' greatest heroes; his sacrifice is honored yearly in Quel'Thalas.[24] To this day, the blood elves are known to charge into battle with the name of their fallen king upon their lips.[27] Lady Liadrin described Anasterian's death as a huge blow to Quel'Thalas, writing that for many of her people, their hearts and hopes died with their beloved king.[23]
Prince Kael'thas decreed that King Anasterian would be the very last king of the high elves,[1] and chose to style himself with various other titles instead.[5] Despite Anasterian's decision to remove himself and Quel'Thalas from the Alliance, following the Scourge attack on Silvermoon, some of the elves claimed that it was the humans who had abandoned them in their darkest hour, citing this to justify their eventual membership in the Horde. Anasterian had claimed that the Alliance had abandoned his people during the Second War, although not all elves agreed with him.[28] Anasterian's secession left bitter memories for the Alliance, who looked upon the surviving elves with wariness and distrust,[29] and this time expressed no interest in fighting for Quel'Thalas.[17] Anasterian's long reign would not be matched by his only son, whose own period of rule was cut short after his demise in the same place as his father: the Isle of Quel'Danas.
The designated regent lord of Quel'Thalas, Lor'themar Theron, now rules the elven homeland after the fall of its royal family. Lor'themar had reflected on the decisions made by Anasterian, and does not fault the elven king for them, acknowledging the burden of leadership he bore to be something one cannot simply be taught, only experienced.[30]
According to Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, he had the skills of a warrior and was still a powerful mage. He is shown in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, wearing plate armor. Along with his weapon of choice being the runeblade [Felo'melorn].
Blood of the Highborne further expanded on his repertoire of abilities, portraying him as a remarkably swift combatant who favored fire magic and protected himself using various magical flame shields. He also knew how to teleport.
- Isle of Quel'Danas
- Blazing Swipe - Inflicts Fire damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster and additional Fire damage over 6 sec.
- Meteor Step
- Meteor Storm - Calls down a series of meteors that inflict massive Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards of the target.
Anasterian was a fiercely proud monarch who prioritized Quel'Thalas's interests above all else. Despite owing a blood debt to humanity for their part in the Troll Wars, Anasterian was hesitant to assist the humans against the Old Horde years later, seeing no threat to his own kingdom, and only truly dedicated resources to the conflict when his own people were threatened once more.[31] When the Second War was done and his debt was paid, Anasterian saw no further use for the Alliance, criticizing its apparent failings during the war, and seceded his nation. Terenas Menethil II was appalled by this and attempted to re-establish relations, arguing that nothing would remain of Quel'Thalas if not for the humans who had given their lives to defend it; but the high elf king was unmoved, and chose to keep his kingdom independent.[16] In a twist of fate, Anasterian's death would be at the hands of Terenas's own son.
Surrounded by flatterers, Anasterian was wise enough to treasure those who spoke the truth to him.[32] Anasterian never failed to acknowledge those who had fallen in defense of the people.[33] However, he was known to dither on crucial decision-making,[34] and, most damningly, mistook ignorance for protection - so long as Quel'Thalas did not involve itself in the world beyond, its problems would not become theirs.[35]
He cared deeply for Kael'thas, his only son, who was left shattered and lost by his father's death.[1]
Ultimately, Anasterian remains a divisive figure. Some argue that he was simply a pragmatist who did all he could for his kingdom and people, forging and ending alliances as a means to that end. Others consider him a self-centered leader and an ungrateful ally whose kingdom benefited from the very sacrifices he himself scorned.
King Anasterian is described as a highly aged man, with long white hair and a pale complexion, his skin thin and his tone having long turned soft. However, his powerful voice still carried the unmistakable hints of his authority. He had piercing blue eyes that had not been diluted by the pangs of advanced age, though little else had been spared of his once slender and powerful body. His anger flaring, even at such an age, was fearsome to behold.[31] In Reforged, his eyes are golden.
Warcraft: Sylvanas[]
- "Stoking fears of invasion and mysterious monsters can only bring harm to this kingdom. We are safe, Sylvanas. They will never take our land. We have the Sunwell to protect us, and I have every faith in your Farstriders to defend us should the need arise. Your parents always did what was best for our people, even if they disagreed. Will you carry that legacy forward? Or will you defy your king?" - Anasterian swears Sylvanas to a vow of secrecy
- "That is not our ranger-general. Sylvanas Windrunner died in battle -- a quel'dorei hero. We will never yield. We will die before you pollute the sanctity of this place." - Anasterian challenges Arthas Menethil at the gates of Silvermoon
Tides of Darkness[]
- "Outrageous! They dare to invade our home? They dare! We shall teach them to trespass here! Gather our warriors. Summon our rangers. We will attack the trolls and drive them from our forest so sternly they shall never dare encroach again." - in response to the Horde-aided troll invasion of Quel'Thalas
Rise of the Lich King[]
- Arthas: "You may have been formidable once. But I sense your soul fading, your life force flickering weakly—a flame I will gladly extinguish."
- Anasterian: "At least I have a soul, you despicable bastard."
- Arthas: "Not for long."[1]
World of Warcraft[]
- Main article: The Setting Sun#Notes
In the RPG[]
Before Kael left shattered Quel'Thalas, he managed to salvage the skull of his father, Anasterian, from the ruins of Quel'Thalas.[36] The skull is among the artifacts that the red and green dragonflights thought would be needed to restore the Sunwell. [37]
Notes and trivia[]
- In World of Warcraft, a plate helm named the
[Crown of Anasterian] can be found in the Sunwell Plateau. Whether it can be considered his "crown" in the literal sense is debatable, though it is worth note that his image during the Quel'Delar quest chain shows a younger King Anasterian wearing an armor set with a cape matching the helm's design.
- Anasterian's in-game model (seen briefly in the first Quel'Delar vision) has the king wearing the golden paladin set from the Sunwell Plateau, minus the shoulders and helm. His cape is a
[Drape of the Refreshing Winds].
[King Anasterian Sunstrider's Silver Coin] can be acquired in Dalaran. The coin's flavor text suggests that Anasterian was displaying concern for his son's loyalty, which he felt was torn between Quel'Thalas and the Kirin Tor.
- Blood elves will occasionally shout "For Anasterian!" when using the /charge emote.
- Anasterian and Thalorien Dawnseeker appear as the end bosses of the Fall of Silvermoon mission in Warcraft III: Reforged, replacing the four golems guarding the Sunwell in the original.
- Anasterian's in-game portrait originally had blue eyes, matching his canonical description, but it was later changed to match his Reforged model's golden eyes.
- Anasterian is voiced by Cameron Folmar.
- Anasterian Sunstrider appears as a boss card in Hearthstone's March of the Lich King expansion, as part of the death knight prologue.
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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
The description of his abilities points towards a fusion between a warrior and mage. As such, Anasterian may have been considered a warmage or battle mage.
Patch changes[]
Patch 8.1.0 (2018-12-11): Added.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Blood of the Highborne
- ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 9
- ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 151 - 152
- ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 91
- ^ a b In the Shadow of the Sun
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 121
- ^
[25-30] Return To Myralion Sunblaze
- ^
[Arathor and the Troll Wars]
- ^ Examiner Andoren Dawnrise
- ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 132 - 138
- ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 150 - 153
- ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 206-208
- ^ Tides of Darkness, chapter 13
- ^ Beyond the Dark Portal, pg. 60
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2
- ^ a b The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Anasterian Sunstrider
- ^ a b The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Blood Elves
- ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, pg. 266
- ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 203
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 62
- ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, pg. 292
- ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, pg. 293
- ^ a b c Archive of the Tirisgarde#Felo'melorn
- ^ a b
[50-70] A People Shattered
- ^
[50-70] The Setting Sun
- ^
[60] A Paladin's Soul
- ^ Blood Elf /charge emote: "For Anasterian!"
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2
- ^ The Warcraft Encyclopedia/High Elves
- ^ In the Shadow of the Sun, Lor'themar's diary
- ^ a b Tides of Darkness, pg. 205
- ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 65
- ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 109 - 110
- ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 124
- ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 168
- ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 115
- ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. ??
External links[]
Preceded by: Earliest known: Dath'Remar Sunstrider |
Position: High King of Quel'Thalas |
Succeeded by: Kael'thas Sunstrider (Lord of the Blood Elves) Lor'themar Theron (Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas) |