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Title <Keepers of Time Quartermaster>
Gender Female
Race Bronze whelp (Dragonkin)
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Keepers of Time, Wyrmrest Accord
Location Various
Status Alive

In high elf visage

Alurmi is a Keepers of Time faction rewards vendor located in Caverns of Time. Taking the form of a high elf, she is found standing outside an orcish hut at the end of the trail leading up to the Caverns of Time room. Alurmi also appears as a quest giver inside End Time and Well of Eternity.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Caverns of Time[63, 57]VZ-TanarisBlip 15-30 Alliance Horde
End Time; Well of Eternity 35 Alliance Horde


<Keepers of Time Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Honored Inv chest plate05 [Crusader's Ornamented Chestplate] 5g 82s 67c Plate Chest
Inv helmet 22 [Crusader's Scaled Helm] 4g 68s 5c Plate Head
Inv gauntlets 28 [Dragonhide Gloves] 3g 8s 71c Leather Hands
Inv gauntlets 15 [Dreadweave Gloves] 2g 99s 85c Cloth Hands
Inv chest leather 01 [Evoker's Silk Raiment] 5g 91s 78c Cloth Chest
Inv pants cloth 05 [Kodohide Legguards] 5g 85s 2c Leather Legs
Inv pants cloth 05 [Mooncloth Legguards] 6g 9s 57c Cloth Legs
Inv shoulder 12 [Opportunist's Leather Spaulders] 4g 47s 91c Leather Shoulders
Inv gauntlets 15 [Satin Gloves] 3g 11s 0c Cloth Hands
Inv pants plate 17 [Savage Plate Legguards] 6g 16s 40c Plate Legs
Inv pants mail 15 [Seer's Linked Leggings] 25g 68s 81c Mail Legs
Inv shoulder 29 [Seer's Mail Spaulders] 19g 78s 91c Mail Shoulders
Inv helmet 09 [Seer's Ringmail Headpiece] 3g 73s 14c Mail Head
Inv chest chain 11 [Stalker's Chain Armor] 6g 13s 87c Mail Chest
Inv helmet 30 [Wyrmhide Helm] 4g 52s 88c Leather Head
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Drums of Panic] 9g 60s 0c Outland Leatherworking (50/70)
Inv scroll 03 [Design: Enigmatic Skyfire Diamond] 9g 60s 0c Outland Jewelcrafting (65)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Facet of Eternity] 9g 60s 0c Outland Jewelcrafting (65)
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Major Spellpower] 7g 20s 0c Outland Enchanting (60)
Revered Inv scroll 05 [Design: Stone of Blades] 9g 60s 0c Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Living Ruby Serpent] 9g 60s 0c Jewelcrafting (370)
Inv sword 11 [Continuum Blade] 44g 23s 44c Main Hand Sword
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Pendant of Frozen Flame] 9g 60s 0c Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv pants plate 10 [Timewarden's Leggings] 30g 85s 1c Plate Legs
Exalted Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Flask of Supreme Power] 3g 60s 0c Alchemy (300)
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility] 8g Outland Enchanting (1)
Inv bracer 10 [Bindings of the Timewalker] 34g 51s 17c Cloth Wrist
Inv weapon shortblade 26 [Riftmaker] 185g 11s 18c One-Hand Dagger
Inv datacrystal02 [Timelapse Shard] 63g 20s 90c Trinket
Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Keepers of Time Tabard] 90s Tabard



End Time gossip

Greetings, <name>.

Well of Eternity gossip

Greetings, <name>.

Gossip I am ready to help Thrall, back in my present time.

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]

Caverns of Time End Time / Well of Eternity