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For other versions, see A Call to Bastion.
NecrolordA Call to Bastion
Start Tabulator Killham
End Tabulator Killham
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Calling Quest
Category Necrolord Callings
Reputation +1,500 The Ascended
Rewards Item bastion paragonchest 01 [Tribute of the Ascended]
Inv misc covenant renown [Emblem of Renown]
35x Pvecurrency-valor [Valor]


Defend Bastion by completing Daily Quests and World Quests, looting treasures, and slaying rare creatures. You may also defeat powerful foes in the Spires of Ascension and Necrotic Wake dungeons.


We, the defenders of the Shadowlands, will never let a great foe go unchallenged.

The Kyrians of Bastion have long served all denizens of the Shadowlands by ferrying souls. We would be lost without their services.

Now, they too are under attack from within. We must defend them in their time of need.

Go now, and bring glory in the name of the Primus.


You will receive:

You will receive:
Item bastion paragonchest 01 [Tribute of the Ascended] Inv misc covenant renown [Emblem of Renown]
Pvecurrency-valor 35x [Valor]


Are the golden fields bathed in blood?


We will always rise to the defense of the Shadowlands, even if we are weakened from within.

You have shown that no foe is too far to escape the reach of Maldraxxus.

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