WordGirl Wiki

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WordGirl Wiki

painting a bus

Artsy is one of Tobey's robots that appeared in "Tobey's Masterpiece". It was originally created for destruction, but proved to be much more artistic and creative than his other robots. It was first asked (or commanded) by Tobey to paint a picture of a bowl of fruit.  It also has somewhat of a personality, more so than Tobey's other robots.

Ability Villains

The Birthday GirlThe ButcherMiss Power (Colonel Giggle Cheeks)Count CloudyEnergy MonsterLady Redundant Woman (DupeyEvil Malicious WordGirlRoyal Dandy)Victoria Best (General Smoochington)

Gadget Villains

Amazing Rope GuyCaptain Tangent (dogs)Chuck (Brent)Doctor Two-Brains (henchmenSqueaky)Glen Furlblam (cats)Granny May (Eugene)Tobey McCallister IIISeymour Orlando Smooth (ChipHarry)Mr. Big (Leslie)

Tobey's Robots

ArtsyCheckmate 3000
