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Sword of Destiny (Polish: Miecz przeznaczenia) is the second book in Andrzej Sapkowski's The Witcher series in terms of story chronology, although the original Polish edition was published in 1992, before The Last Wish (but after the Wiedźmin short story collection made obsolete by The Last Wish). One of the individual short stories was first published in Fantastyka magazine.[1]

Both English publishers decided to skip Sword of Destiny and publish Blood of Elves (the first novel in the saga) directly after The Last Wish, even though the short stories in this collection take place earlier and introduce some of the characters that become major characters in the novels.

The UK edition was subsequently published by Gollancz on 21 May 2015 and the U.S. edition was released by Orbit on 1 December 2015. Gollancz later released a second edition on 10 March 2016.

Stories Include:[]


  • Flag bulgaria Bulgarian: Меч на съдбата, (ИнфоДар, 2008)
  • Flag czech Czech: Zaklínač II - Meč osudu, (Leonardo, 2000)
  • Flag Denmark Danish: Skæbnens Sværd, (Gyldendal, 2017)
  • Flag germany German: Das Schwert der Vorsehung, (Heyne Verlag, 1998)
  • Flag uk Flag USA English: The Sword of Destiny, (UK – Gollancz, 2015, U.S. – Orbit, 2015)
  • Flag spain Spanish: La espada del destino, translated by Jose María Faraldo (Bibliópolis fantástica, 2003)
  • Flag france French: L'Épée de la Providence, Alexandre Dayet (Bragelonne, 2008)
  • Flag italy Italian: La spada del destino, (Nord, 2011)
  • Flag Lithuania Lithuanian: Likimo kalavijas, (Dagonas, Kowno 1997)
  • Flag hungary Hungarian: Vaják II - A végzet kardja, (PlayOn, 2012)
  • Flag netherlands Dutch: Het zwaard van het lot, (Dutch Media Uitgevers, 2012)
  • Flag finland Finnish: Kohtalon miekka, translated by Tapani Kärkkäinen (WSOY, 2011)
  • Flag Portugal Portuguese: A Espada do Destino, translated by Thomasz Barcinski (Saída de Emergência, 2017)
  • Flag Brazil Brazilian Portuguese: A Espada do Destino, translated by Thomasz Barcinski (WMF Martins Fontes, 2012)
  • Flag Romania Romanian: Sabia Destinului, translated by Mihaela Fiscutean (Nemira, 2019)
  • Flag russia Russian: Меч Предназначения, translated by Yevgeny Vaysbrot (АСТ, 1996)
  • Flag serbia Serbian: Mač sudbine - Saga o vešcu 2, (IPS 2010)
  • Flag slovakia Slovak: Zaklínač II.: Meč osudu, (Plus, 2015)
  • Flag sweden Swedish: Ödets svärd, (Coltso, 2011)
  • Flag China Simplified Chinese: 猎魔人系列·卷2:宿命之剑, translated by 赵琳/小龙 (重庆出版社, 2015)
  • Flag greece Greek : Το σπαθί του πεπρωμένου, (SELINI 2016, translated by Dimitris Houliarakis)
  • Flag turkey Turkish: Kader Kılıcı, translated by Regaip Minareci (Pegasus, 2017)
  • Flag croatia​ Croatian: Mač sudbine, translated by Mladen Martić (Egmont d.o.o., 2019)

Audio Versions[]

There are two audio versions available in Polish. Classic audiobook, lasting about 13 hours and read by Roch Siemianowski, was released by superNOWA (Polish publisher of Sapkowski's works) in 1990s.

In 2011, after huge success of audio play based on Sapkowski's Narrenturm, Fonopolis and audioteka.pl released audio plays based on The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny. The latter, lasting about 15 hours, was voiced by 49 actors, including Krzysztof Banaszyk (Vernon Roche in Assassins of Kings) as Geralt, Anna Dereszowska as Yennefer, Sławimir Pacek (minor characters in video games) as Dandelion, Joanna Pach (minor characters in video games) as Ciri, Wiktor Zborowski (famous Polish actor) as Istredd and Krzysztof Gosztyła as narrator. Samples from all short stories can be found on audioteka.pl's site.

Book Covers[]

  1. The Bounds of Reason (1991) was first published in the Fantastyka magazine. Another was published in the magazine the same year as this collection: A Shard of Ice (1992).