The story starts with Barry a worm who accidentally finds a record of disco music and plays it. His body starts moving, his tale flips and the music takes over him. Barry feels worthless. He works for a company in a compost pile. Lots of insects make fun of him and his capabilities. He wants to do more with his life.
He starts to look for band members a singer, drum player etc He convinces his friends to join he decides to and enter his band in a contest hoping to win money
The movie is very amusing. It is animated but more for kids over 12. The songs are disco music "Boogie Wonderland, Feelings, Disco Inferno, Upside Down" and more. All really good.
The singing and instruments animation in the movie are so good with worms playing the guitar and drums.
Barry is discouraged - others keep telling him disco is not the kind of music that will make him famous.
The storyline shows if you keep trying to do something you believe in and have talent for -- people still come against you but, in the end you come out the winner. I found that to be a good reason enough to like the movie though I think was made for entertainment,
The producers, cast members, musical and animation team make this a great movie.