The Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Solder is a sourcebook for Exalted Second Edition. The first part is a chapbook containing extracts from the in-universe text of the same name; the second part is a detailed errata for the Dragon-Blooded.
- This abridged version of The Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier contains wisdom sufficient for the enlisted or conscripted mortal soldier, distilling the Five Elemental Wisdoms of the martial era in which it was originally recorded. It is the responsibility of every soldier who owns one to study his Thousand Correct Actions daily. Copies of the Thousand Correct Actions that are issued to soldiers are not annotated except by the soldiers themselves. Copies of the texts printed for civilian readers, however, often include such annotations to explain nuances of translation or obscure minutia regarding military life for which the civilian likely has no frame of reference.
- This PDF exclusive product for Exalted contains:
- The text of the Thousand Correct Action to use as quotations or military advice in your Exalted chronicle
- New Charms for Dragon-Blooded characters
- Revisions and updates of original Dragon-Blooded Charms
Book One: Air Wisdom[]
Book Two: Water Wisdom[]
Book Three: Fire Wisdom[]
Book Four: Wood Wisdom[]
Book Five: Earth Wisdom[]
Selected Martial Aphorisms[]
Dragon-Blooded Charms[]
Background Information[]
Memorable Quotes[]
Previous book: Exalted: Scroll of the Exalts |
Game Books Exalted books |
Next book: Exalted: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals |