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White Wolf Wiki

This article is about the Storytelling Adventure System product. For other uses of the term, see Harvester.

The Harvesters is an SAS for the Chronicles of Darkness (the "New World of Darkness").


From the Onyx Path catalog:

People Disappear All The Time. Will You Be One Of Them?
In The Harvesters, the characters are pitted against a group of kidnappers that prey upon the forgotten people and sell them off to the highest bidder. They visit upon those lost souls any torment that pleases them, so long as they don’t compromise the bottom line. But all isn’t as it seems, and what at first appears to be a perfectly normal (if genuinely monstrous) crime begins to show the involvement of something unnatural around the edges, revealing to the characters a glimpse of the strange and terrifying things that lurk in the shadows.
A story in the Storytelling Adventure System for the World of Darkness, inspired by Midnight Roads.
The Harvesters contains a number of interactive links that take you to page reference, reference sheets and even props that you can use at the gaming table.

Background Information[]

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