A taint is a symptom of something or someone which acquired too much of the Weaver, Wyld, or Wyrm. It can be felt with the appropriate Gift: Sense Weaver, Sense Wyld, Sense Wyrm. or Sense Imbalance. The rarest of all kind of taint, the Touch of Gaia, is easily sensed by Garou. It can be felt after a successful spirit quest or at greater Caerns.
Taints also have effects in the Chi consumed by vampires or Kuei-Jin. The Wyld Taint of Changelings and Garou can infect them with madness. Wyrm Taint is impossible to digest, save by the Scorpion Eaters.
A Garou can be cleansed of taint by going to Erebus and submerging himself (willingly, accidentally, or involuntarily) into one of the molten silver rivers.
- WTA: Book of the Wyrm First Edition, p. 36-37
- WTA: Book of the Wyrm Second Edition, p. 58
- WTA: Players Guide to Garou, p. 228-231
- WTA/cMET: Mind's Eye Theatre: Book of the Wyrm, p. 18-19
- VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade Revised, p. 281
- KOTE: Heresies of the Way, p. 121