White Wolf Wiki

Morwangu was born after the Great War, when the Dreamtime shook with the death screams of the Bunyip and the lands of the dead convulsed with their own wars. Clouds darkened the sky as the great storm poured rain onto the land. His legal name is Abraham Miller, but to the Alligator River mob, he is Morwangu. Ulungan (Arnhem Land) was his home, in the dryland of Australia's northern coast. The old women, who knew the signs, knew that he was a Gumagan. At his man-making, he received the sacred scars and entered the dreaming, where he took the shape of a crested, beaked Dreamtime beast and walked with Perenty Man under the moon.

Morwangu showed that he was much more than a shapeshifter. He spent many years sitting with the old men of Ulungan's mobs, sifting through the tales and dreamings to reconstruct lore which had been destroyed by the white invaders. His powerful Mnesis enabled him to reach back to a time before whitefella came, but one memory always eluded him - the fate of Wolaru and the Clutch of Scales of Many Colours. He sought among one corroboree after another for some clue of her fate. In the process, he became master of Koori rites and lore. He went so far as to to seek the Bunyip, but they were long gone.

Morwangu realized when he heard about the War of Tears that the Garou would slaughter the Gumagan if they found them, and so cast powerful magics to prevent this. His work has so confused the Garou that several have met Morwangu without knowing he is anything but an old Koori.

