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A Kinain is a mortal that possesses faerie blood, but is not a full Changeling.



Kinain are the mortal cousins of the faerie, possessed of some amount of Faerie Blood that makes them different from other mortals but not full changelings. Even more so than changelings, kinain stand between the worlds of Banality and the Dreaming. Some kinain are marked with unusual traits by their faerie blood. Many also have strange abilities known as fae gifts, some of which can be controlled and others that are wild and unpredictable. Some go through life completely unaware of their fae natures, and others are taken by the Kithain into motleys and freeholds through enchantment, making them a valuable part of the changeling community.

History of the Kinain[]

The Mythic Age & Sundering[]

In the Mythic Age, faeries and humans mingled freely with many of the other creatures of legend... werewolves, mages, and fantastic beasts of all kinds. Many fae took mortal paramours or even wedded mortals for love, and from these couplings came the first kinain, folk of both human and Faerie Blood, mortals with Glamour flowing in their veins. Most of these first kinain became great heroes: warriors, wizards, sages, and poets.

Many of the great figures of legend were born kinain. The Irish warrior Cuchulain was was born of a sidhe and a mortal woman, while the wizard Merlin has been claimed to be the offspring of a mortal woman and a spirit that Christian scribes claimed was the Devil or an incubus, but which the fae believe was a sidhe or satyr. Their fae heritage gave these people abilities beyond those of other mortals. Sometimes their fae kin aided and advised them.

When the time of the Sundering came, a gulf grew between the fae and mortals. In many lands, those with Faerie Blood came to be looked upon as tainted rather than blessed, and the fae were mistrusted and feared. Humanity began to shut the Dreaming from their hearts, and couplings between fae and mortal became fewer. The fruits of such unions were either spirited away by their fae parents from the jealousy of humanity, or left with their human families and raised ignorant of their heritage.

The Shattering & Interregnum[]


The Shattering signaled the end of contact between Arcadia and Earth, as the gates between realms slammed shut in the face of Banality. Commoner fae took refuge in human bodies (and human lifespans) to conceal themselves from the icy scourge of disbelief and the hostile world in the throes of plague, war, and witch hysteria. Without the support of Arcadia, the Kithain's struggle to survive those years was desperate indeed.

As a result, the exile of the Kithain from Arcadia caused the number of kinain born into the world to increase for the first time since the beginning of the Sundering. The Glamour canceled within Kithain mortal seemings was passed on to their children and their children's children. Although few of those born to Kithain and mortal parents were themselves Kithain, many evinced signs of their fae heritage in gifts of imagination, Glamour, and magic.

The Kithain believe that many of the great artists and wonderworker who brought humanity out of the Dark Ages were kinain or human dreamers inspired by fae muses, who sought to fan the fires of Glamour from the embers preserved in kinain souls. The darkness gave way to light eventually, but the age of wonder and myth that the faerie folk had once known seemed forever lost.

Faerie Blood spread through families and clans who were friends of the fae. Sometimes the blood would not make itself known for several generations, the suddenly appear in a child who was clearly faerie-touched. Humans made pacts and honored long traditions of trust with the fae, but the clans and families to do so became fewer as time went on. Always, the Kithain were forced to withdraw tp protect themselves from the ravages of humanity's growing Banality.

As areas grew more cosmopolitan and cities sprang up like weeds, the rural folk became the only ones to honor their ties to the fae. The people of Ireland and the Scottish Highlands, the Rom, farmers, and those who lived with the land recalled the charms and traditions to seek the goodwill of the faeries, and honored them still. The rest of humanity forgot the embodiments of their dreams in their quest for Science, Enlightenment, and Progress.

The Kithain's ties with their mortal kin helped to sustain them through these times, and intermarriages resulted in several clans and families with some degree of Faerie Blood in them. Many wandering bands of changelings included kinain, who were some of the only mortals who could understand the strange nature of their fae cousins and help them to survive in the mortal world.

The Resurgence & Accordance War[]


The Resurgence and Accordance War put kinain in an awkward position. For the most part, kinain who still held ties with their commoner faerie kin sided against the nobility and they were often great allies. Few kinain sided with the nobility, who preferred not to involve those they viewed as little better than humans. When commoners won their rights from the nobility, they also won them for some of their mortal kinfolk, or so they thought.

In the aftermath of the Accordance war, Kithain society became a labyrinth of feudal loyalty and intrigue. In such a society, kinain were at a distinct disadvantage. Those who has the protection of fae mentors were able to secure places for themselves as servants and vassals, whole other kinain were exploited and treated as little better than slaves. No kinain attained noble status, although there were some nobles who were sympathetic to mortal and kinain causes.


Today, most of the kinain in the world are ignorant of their heritage. They may have an occasional flash of insight or a hint of the True Dreaming, but most are too mired in Banality to notice any longer. Some kinain become dreamers, following the drives of their Faerie Blood, but not even all of them learn the truth about who and what they are.

Of the Blood[]

To be kinain, a person needs some degree of Faerie Blood. Any trace of the blood, no matter how small, is enough to qualify. But like most things of Glamour and the Dreaming, the fae heritage is a tricky and sometimes capricious thing. It can skip generations, or only appear in certain members of a family; an investigation of someone's family tree can turn up signs of Faerie Blood in the line, usually in the form of eccentric relatives and "black sheep."

Where Kinain Come From[]


Kinain are usually born of a changeling and a mortal or two changelings. About 15-20% of those white one changeling parent are changelings themselves, while about 40-50% of the children of two changelings are changelings are changelings as well. The rest are kinain. It is also possible for the Faerie Blood to skip a generation or two so that the parents who are fully mortal (but still faerie kin) can have a kinain or (more rarely) changeling child. While there are probably more kinain in the world than changelings, kinain are also more likely to slip between the cracks and be overlooked, so the exact number of people with Faerie Blood is unknown.

Mortal parents are often unprepared for a child in touch with the Glamour and end up forcing Banality on them ("Why don't you grow up and act your age?") to deal with it. Changeling communities sometimes kidnap kinain children in order to prevent their fae heritage from being extinguished entirely beneath the smothering blanket of Banality.

Changelings that have kinain children often raise them in changeling society, although kinain who live too long among the fae risk becoming Dream-struck. To prevent this, some changeling parents foster their kinain and mortal chidden with mortal parents, sometimes taking away a fae child in exchange and arranging occasional visits to freeholds and the world of the Dreaming that will not endanger their children's sanity. Children seem to be far more resilient and resistant to the dangers of becoming Dream-struck or driven mad by the experience of the Dreaming, most likely because their minds have not yet become set in the rigid patterns imposed by Banality.

This pattern of fosterage was common in the old days when changelings would take a faerie child from mortal parents and leave a mortal child of their community in its place. Some of the abandoned fledges, both kinain and mortal, discover their heritage only after years of searching or strange chance encounters. The truth drives some of them to become Dauntain and consider their fae lineage evil, while others want to rejoin the community that first abandoned them.


Unlike changelings, kinain have only a mortal self. They age similarly to changelings... childling, wilder, and grump, but these stages are dictated more by the kinain's mortal age (except for those kinain who have spent a great deal of time in freeholds). Most kinain are not even aware of their age by changeling reckoning. Applying such standards to kinain is an afterthought on the part of many changelings.

With their fae nature diluted by their mortal blood, kinain have different Tempers than their fae equivalents. They have greater Banality and less Glamour for the most part, and they are restricted by their level of Faerie Blood in gaining and using what Glamour they might acquire.



Childling kinain are most like true changelings in their acceptance of the Dreaming, their innocence, and love of play. Kinain can be quite close to the Dreaming at this age; if they are lucky, they may be raised by changeling or kinain parents who are aware of their natures and encourage the Glamour within them. Most kinain childlings, though, live in the mortal world with little or no contact with the fae realm (apart from their own imaginations), so they learn to hide their fae sides for fear of ridicule or punishment.

  • Beginning Glamour: 4
  • Beginning Willpower: 1
  • Beginning Banality: 2


Wilder is the stage when most kinain come into some realization of their fae heritage, consciously or not. The time of growth, change, and rebellion is when they realize that they are different from their mortal peers. Some come to accept their differences and revel in it, who others repress it (and accept Banality into their lives) in order to become "normal" and "fit in." Wilder kinain are the most likely to come into contact with changelings and be patronized by them as muses. As dreamers, they often have vivid imaginations and creative spirits from their sparks of Glamour, making them most suitable for changelings looking for someone to inspire.

  • Beginning Glamour: 3
  • Beginning Willpower: 3
  • Beginning Banality: 4



Grumps are very rare among the kinain. Those kinain who have not yet become aware of their fae nature by the time they reach adulthood and old age may never find it, trapped as they are in Banality. Kinain grumps are banal enough that most changelings consider them lost causes, although some rare individuals resist to hold on to something of the Glamour they knew in childhood. These kinain are some of the finest dreamers and visionaries, and can become significant forces in changeling society if they choose. Kinain grumps get their greatest sympathy from changeling childlings, who take a liking to them if they are kind-hearted and open-minded, and changeling grumps, who see in the kinain a reflection of how they themselves might be someday.

  • Beginning Glamour: 2
  • Beginning Willpower: 5
  • Beginning Banality: 6


Kinain Pooka

Faerie Marks are the physical signs of a kinain's Faerie Blood. These are holdovers from whatever kith the kinain is most closely related to, not unlike the mortal appearance of a true changeling, and can be an indication that someone is kinain. While Faerie Marks are usually subtle in nature, they are dictated by how much faerie blood the kinain has. A kinain with 5 dots in the Faerie Blood Background should have some more obvious fae traits than someone with only 1 or 2 dots. Sometimes the Faerie Marks become more pronounced with the greater amount of blood, or manifest as something else altogether. More extraordinary Faerie Marks can be mistaken for birth defects or other deformities, and may even be considered Flaws. This is particularly common in kinain of Unseelie heritage.


The most common boggan marks are those of stature. Boggan kinain are usually short and plump like their fae cousins, often with large noses. They typically have nimble fingers and find themselves working with their hands in some way, from clockmaker to surgeon. Boggan kinain are especially prone to the Flaw: Short.



Kinain of eshu stock are typically dark-skinned and dark-haired, with handsome features. They often have very pleasant voices and find careers using them as singers, DJs, actors, or orators. They also seem to have an innate sense of style within their social situation. The most striking thing about an eshu kinain is their eyes, which are always dark and tend to manifest surprising qualities based on the amount of Faerie Blood they have. Eshu kinain with high Faerie Blood Backgrounds have extremely dark eyes, sometimes almost black, flecked with gold or silver that seems to shift and sparkle.


Nocker kinain tend to get the short end of the stick when it comes to looks. Their Faerie Marks are like the appearance of their kin... twisted and sometimes ugly. Nocker kinain with only a trace (1 or 2 dots) of Faerie Blood have ruddy complexions, particular in the cheeks and nose, pale hair, and large hands. Larger degrees of fae heritage express themselves in slightly pointed ears, knobby or gnarled fingers that still have a surprising amount of manual dexterity, and sharp canine teeth. Nocker kinain are into grumbling and tinkering like their fae cousins and can often be found in occupations that allow them to work with machines and avoid people.


There is no set Fae Mark for pooka kinain; all are as diverse as the pooka themselves. Generally, pooka kinain have a slight animalistic cast to their features, which grows more pronounced with greater degrees of Faerie Blood. Usually this gives the kinain a certain "cute" quality... like a rabbit, fox, or cat, but for some, particularly those with strong Unseelie heritage, the features may be sinister or downright ugly, like a rat or pig. Pooka kinain are charming and confident, capable in any role that involves dealing with people and making creative use of words like sales or politics. Some also become word-artists like poets, actors, and writers. Pooka kinain are not compulsive liars like their faerie kin, but they do tend to stretch the truth and have a touch of the blarney in their natures.


Kinain Redcap

The only kinain who are worse off in looks than the nockers are probably the redcap kinain. These cousins of the fae bullies tend to be stocky and have a complex about it. They typically have wide mouths that are alway open, either to shove something in them or to heap abuse on the latest object of their displeasure. While garbage and other non-edibles are out of the question for them, they frequently have the cast-iron stomach and constitution of a billy goat that is every chili cook's delight. Their skin is usually pale, sometimes with a slight grayish tinge if the blood runs strong. The most clear and obvious mark of the redcap kinain is the fact that all of them have "the mark of the blood": red hair. In fact, the stronger the Fae Blood, the brighter the hair.


Satyr kinain are most easily recognized by their hair. Females typically have long, enviably gorgeous tresses, while male are quite hirsute, with a profusion of facial and body hair. They tend to have high foreheads and expressive features. Some satyr kinain have a lame or clubbed foot, although most are talented athletes. They are social animals and prefer lives and careers that allow them to meet a diverse range of people, not to mention attending parties and other gatherings. They have a particular affinity for music, and many can be found in the industry as performers, producers, or club owners.


Kinain of sidhe heritage are the cover models and beautiful people of the mortal world. Their fae heritage manifests in their attractive features and perfect bodies. Sidhe kinain are less ethereal and otherworldly than their fae cousins; their beauty is tempered with a mortal transience that some faeries consider all the more attractive. They usually have somewhat angular features the become more pronounced according to their degree of Blood, along with unusual eye colors, particularly green-gold and blue-violet. They carry themselves with an innate air of nobility, even if they are completely unaware of their heritage, and some are downright arrogant. It is interesting to note that the kinain are looked down upon by many of their fae cousins, who find their posturing and preening humorous.


Kinain Sluagh

Sluagh kinain can be considered fortunate or unfortunate, depending on how one looks at it. They are fortunate, according to many, to be spared the dismal existence of their full-blooded cousins, but they are also cursed with a part of that dark and brooding nature. Sluagh kinain tend to be thin and gaunt, painfully so in the cases of those with a great amount of Faerie Blood. Their faces are somewhat pinched, with small mouths and slightly sunken eyes. Although not required to whisper like their kin, they are usually soft-spoken. They also share their cousins' predilection for avoiding social gatherings, preferring to surround themselves with solitary hobbies and collections. Most sluagh kinain are quite shy and socially awkward.


Troll kinain are easy to spot in a crowd because nearly all of them are large and powerfully built like their fae cousins. Troll kinain are usually much larger than the average mortal, and many of them have the Merit: Huge Size. Those of Seelie heritage tend toward fair hair and Nordic features, while Unseelie heritage gives way to darker hair and a coarser appearance. They have a reputation for slow wits that is not entirely deserved. Most of them are simply more patient and thoughtful than the people they interact with, giving them the appearance of being plodding and dim-witted. They most often find work where their great bulk can be of use, such as physical labor, but whatever they do, they make the most of their strength.

Mixed Background[]

The bloodline of some kinain can be difficult to determine. Fae heritage can skip several generations, and the influence on a lineage is sometimes mixed or jumbled by the capriciousness of inheritance and Glamour. Such kinain may have Faerie Marks from two or more different kith, or new marks that do not appear to be related to any known kith. Kinain born of two changeling parents are often afflicted in this manner. These kinain, especially those with high degree of Faerie Blood, may have strange physical and mental deformities or quirks, and are prone to odd behavior. Some changelings consider these kinain particularly touched by the power of Glamour, while others point to them as signs of the dangers of polluting the Faerie Blood through intermarriage. Kinain with particularly unusual marks might have difficulties in both mortal and fae society based on the nature of the mark.



Like their faerie cousins, kinain have Seelie and Unseelie Legacies that are reflected in their personalities, drives, and inner struggles. Kinain who are ignorant of changeling culture have no idea why they often feel so conflicted about the differing sides of their nature, or are driven by passions they do not fully understand.

Since they live almost entirely in mortal society, most kinain at least try to follow their Seelie Legacies; their Unseelie sides may lead them into illegal or dangerous behavior. Of course, there are plenty of kinain who have no interest in following the law, mortal or otherwise, and who indulge their Unseelie sides freely. These can be very dangerous kinain, since they are often both jealous and fearful of the powers and Glamour of their faerie kinfolk.

Being Kinain[]

Perhaps even more than changelings, kinain are caught between the worlds of faerie and mortality. They are mortal by birth and nature, but they each carry a Birthright of Glamour and marks of their faerie heritage that set them apart from other mortals. Kinain walk the line between the two worlds, and it is a delicate balancing act; leaning too much in either direction can cause a kinain to fall, either into Banality and forgetfulness, or into the depths of madness and Dream-Struck stupor.

Their passionate natures, balanced between Glamour and Banality, make them very effective Dreamers, which is why many changelings attach themselves to kinain as muses. Kinain often express their imagination and creative spirits through some kind of art or performance, becoming artists, actors, writers, or roleplaying gamers. They lose themselves in worlds of imagination (that are poor and pale reflections of the Dreaming), create elaborate fantasies, and have very rich dream-lives... all grist for the Glamour mill. A changeling muse can help a kinain artist to touch the real power of the Dreaming through Glamour and enchantment, in return gaining some of the Glamour generated by the artist's efforts.

Kinain are only barely aware of the Dreaming most of the time. They have no fae mien or interaction with chimera or other aspects of the Dreaming unless they are enchanted



Kinain do have some spark of Glamour, part of their faerie inheritance. A kinain character cannot have more Glamour than their level of Faerie Blood, and their starting level of Glamour is determined by their seeming. If a kinain's starting level of Glamour is higher than their amount of faerie blood, it is reduced to that level. No kinain can ever have more than 5 points of Glamour available to them.

The kinain's spark of Glamour is even more precious to them because they have few means of gaining Glamour on their own. They are too far separated from the True Dreaming to gather Glamour for themselves. instead, kinain must receive it as a gift from changelings, or through an act of self-creation such as Rapture.

Sadly, a kinain's inner Glamour makes them even more vulnerable to Ravaging than normal mortals. The system is the same as for Ravaging mortals, except that the changeling does not need to establish any kind of relationship with the kinain. A changeling can simply rip Glamour from them with fairly little effort; many kinain have had their spark of the Dreaming extinguished by greedy changelings who seized it from them without a second thought.

Kinain are capable of achieving Rapture, a state of communion with their own inner Dreaming, and of drawing Glamour from it. The system is the same as for changelings, though it is slightly more difficult (all difficulties increased by 1). Few kinain succeed at the kind of creative breakthrough needed to achieve a Rapture, and fewer still are consciously aware of what they have achieved. The potential for Rapture is what drives many kinain into creative fields, but the failure to achieve it drives must as many into the depths of Banality. Frustrated and disillusioned with there failures, these kinain eventually give up on the idea of achieving Rapture and the power of Glamour


Kinain highly value dross because it allows them to cast cantrips without expending their own supply of Glamour. Many kinain sorcerers and would-be wizards spend a great deal of time hunting for and gathering dross for their own use. Dross is also one of the more common means they have of replenishing their own Glamour without the aid of a changeling.

They can use dross in the same way as changelings do, although they often have a more difficult time determining its nature and quality. Dream stones, mementos, and treasures can be used by kinain to power their cantrips. Chimera and founts can be used to replenish their Glamour up to the limit dictated by their Faerie Blood rating.

Some kinain even take up the highly banal art of chimera hunting, in which they steal chimerical items or hunt chimerical creatures in order to gain their Glamour. Since they must be enchanted to interact with chimera, this usually requires the aid of a changeling, but some Kithain have been known to use capable kinain "hunters" as catspaws to rid themselves of bothersome or dangerous chimera.


Since they have some amount of Glamour in their natures, kinain can learn the Arts and Realms needed to cast cantrips. Most never do, though, since such must be taught by a changeling. Some do manage to strike deals where they trade instruction for some service or oath to the changeling, often becoming part of that faerie's retinue. Since they have so few ways of renewing Glamour, those who do know how to use cantrips use them sparingly.


Kinain start out with more Banality than changelings, and they acquire it just as easily as their fae cousins. Those who accumulate too much Banality become overwhelmed by the Mists and lose touch with their fae sides very quickly. Even very banal kinain remain easier to enchant, but the Mists often obliterate their memories of the experience when the enchantment fades. Some particularly banal kinain have addled memories of their experiences with the fae that can lead them into therapy or even madness if they cannot overcome their own Banality. Many Dauntain come form the ranks of such tortured souls.

Kinain are not affected by Cold Iron in the same way that changelings are. They do not find its touch painful or discomforting. If attacked with a cold iron weapon, they still lose Glamour in the same way that changelings do, which makes them cautious about such weapons, but they can handle and even wield items of cold iron with no ill-effect to themselves. This can give them a substantial advantage in combating changelings, and is one of the things that make kinain faerie-hunters so dangerous. A kinain with cold iron weapons can be a powerful and dangerous ally, and just as powerful and dangerous a foe.



Kinain are easier to enchant than mortals, requiring only an investiture of Glamour to awaken their faerie heritage. Tokens are not necessary to enchant them. They also remain enchanted longer than banal mortals.

To enchant a kinain, a changeling need only end a point of temporary Glamour and overcome the kinain's Banality by rolling their Glamour against a difficulty equal to the kinain's Banality minus their level of Faerie Blood (minimum difficulty of 2). Only one success is needed for the kinain to become enchanted. The changeling can perform this effect on any kinain that they can see or touch, and the kinain does not have to be willing or even aware of the enchantment attempt.

Once enchanted, kinain are aware of the Dreaming and able to interact with it normally, just like enchanted mortals. They can see and interact with chimera and take damage from chimerical attacks. They can also see the fae mien of Kithain. Most kinain find the transition into the fae realm easier than mortals; blood calls to blood, and kinain often find the world of the Kithain to be the dream-realm that they have longed for all their lives.

How long a kinain remains enchanted depends on their Banality and the amount of Faerie Blood they have. The base time is seven days, plus a number of days equal to the kinain's Faerie Blood Background and minus a number of days equal to their Banality, with a minimum of one day. This means that it is generally easier to enchant kinain for longer periods of time than other mortals, particularly if the changeling has a source of Glamour to regularly renew the enchantment. Once the enchantment fades, the kinain's mind is clouded by the Mists much like any other mortal's and they may forget much of their fae experiences. However, the kinain have a special connection to the Dreaming and the world of the fae through their Faerie Blood. Kinain should subtract their level of Faerie Blood Background from their Banality for the purposes of determining the effects of the Mists. Kinain recall more of their experiences with the fae, which makes them valuable friends and allies.

Enchanted kinain who get a chance to experience the world of the Kithain are often overcome with wonder, while some others are crushed by the truth of the reality they cannot reach on their own. Many become fascinated, even addicted to experiencing the fae world, and will do whatever they can to remain enchanted. For many this means swearing loyalty to a changeling liege or patron who can continue to supply them with Glamour, provide them a place within a freehold, or both. Living in a freehold is not without its dangers for kinain, though.

Since kinain can be enchanted against their will, they are vulnerable to being enchanted by hostile changelings, especially Unseelie, who may use hapless kinain as puppets or toys in their dangerous games.

A Note on the Faerie Affinity Merit[]


Characters with the Merit: Faerie Affinity are not themselves kinain, but they have some attributes that are similar to the kinain. Faerie Affinity is the result of ancient pacts and oaths that were made between the fae of old and certain mortals and Prodigals. The power of those oaths has carried down to many of their descendants, giving them special status among the Kithain. A successful Kenning roll (difficulty 6) reveals if a character has a Faerie Affinity.

Characters with Faerie Affinity are partially aware of the Dreaming and have the ability to see the fae mien of Kithain and any chimera the changeling is carrying or directly interacting with, although they cannot see other chimera unless they are enchanted. Such characters are easier to enchant, like the kinain, requiring only a Glamour roll against the subject's Banality. Characters with Faerie Affinity also remain enchanted for the same amount of time as kinain.

A character with Faerie Affinity, though, cannot be enchanted against their will because of the ancient pacts that gave them the Faerie Affinity in the first place. A changeling who does so becomes an oathbreaker and an outcast in Kithain society.


One advantage of the kinain is that they are not subject to the dangers of Bedlam. They are too rooted in their mortal natures to fall victim to the insanity that plagues changelings. A kinain can remain in a freehold or make use of Glamour without any danger of Bedlam.

On the other hand, kinain are subject to the dangers of becoming Dream-Struck almost as much as enchanted mortals are. Too much exposure to the world of the Kithain can sometimes overwhelm the mind of a kinain and send them into a dumbfounded state of perpetual daydreaming, only able to interact with the mortal world around them in the most basic ways. Such kinain become Glamour "addicts" who have no interests or drives other than remaining enchanted in the warm embrace of the Dreaming

Fae Gifts[]


Kinain do not have the ability to perceive and collect Glamour like changelings, but their common heritage is the Dreaming, and a spark of Glamour, no matter how small, is at the heart of all kinain just as it is at the heart of all changelings. This sets the kinain apart from their mortal kin and sometimes gives them what changelings refer to as "Fae Gifts."

Fae Gifts are a part of a kinain's heritage of Glamour, and some Gifts can be quite powerful. Generally the more Faerie Blood a kinain has, the more likely they have a powerful Fae Gift, but this is not always the case. Some strong Fae Gifts have been known to turn up in kinain with only a trace of fae heritage.

Many kinain possess Fae Gifts and are completely unaware fo them. Even if a kinain is aware of their gift, many are capricious and difficult to control. Some Gifts can be equal part blessing and curse. Kinain who become aware fo their Gifts without knowing who and what they are might rightly consider themselves psychic, magically talented, or mad.

Kinain Status[]

Kinain are even more between two worlds than changelings; not quite faerie and not quite human either. They are sometimes looked down upon by their "full-blooded" changeling kin, and are considered strange by human peers.

Mortal society generally considers kinain to be eccentrics. Their extreme personalities and habits are blamed on psychology rather than faerie inheritance. Some kinain are trapped by the Banality of the mortals around them, and the sparks of their fae natures are extinguished, which is one of the reasons they tend to be loners and make friends only with people they trust not to scoff at their unique visions and perspectives. Even those who are unaware of their true natures have an instinctive need to shield themselves from the cold touch of Banality by hiding within worlds of imagination they have constructed for themselves.

More dangerous to kinain are those mortals who know of the true nature of the Dreaming, the Dauntain. The Autumn People seek to smother everything they do not understand beneath a blanket of Banality, but the Dauntain are far more dangerous because they are more aware of what they are doing. Many Dauntain are themselves kinain who fear their true nature or are jealous of their changeling kin.

Some kinain also become Dauntain because of abuse they have suffered by the Unseelie. These kinain feel betrayed by their kinfolk, and have decided to side with mortality and Banality against all changelings. Some in the Seelie Court point to such lost souls as signs that the practice of Ravaging and enslavement need to be controlled or banned, but their voices are still few and weak against ways that have been condoned for centuries.

Kinain are considered tools and allies by both Courts, but are generally snubbed or pitied. The views on kinain vary widely according to kith, Court, and House, and range all over the spectrum.


  1. CTD. The Enchanted.