White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Jonathan Tweet (born 1965) is an American game designer from Rock Island, Illinois who has been involved in the development of the role-playing games Ars Magica, Everway, Over the Edge, Talislanta, the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons and 13th Age, and the Collectible Miniatures Game Dreamblade. He and Mark Rein-Hagen formed Lion Rampant Games in 1987 and co-designed Ars Magica, but Tweet left the company in 1989 before its merger with White Wolf Magazine. He was lead designer for Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition, which became the basis of the d20 system.

Tweet is also the author of Grandmother Fish, a children's book that explains evolution to preschoolers.

White Wolf Credits[]


Ars Magica Creator[]



Credit Where It's Due[]

Special Thanks[]

  • 2005: IH: Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes
  • 1991: ArM: Faeries: A Complete Handbook of the Seelie : Jonathan “So long, Peoria.” Tweet, for his original faerie contributions, and his appreciation of the magical and the fantastic. May your name always be in print.
  • 1991: ArM: The Stormrider Revised : Jonathan “B.Y.O.D.” Tweet for helping with the original Stormrider Jump Start Kit and putting up with late royalty payments for the last year and a half.
  • 1990: ArM: The Order of Hermes - Jonathan "What do you mean the disk I sent you was blank" Tweet, for putting together an excellent manuscript and finishing a product that was on the drawing board for two years.
  • 1990: ArM: Covenants : We feel that the following people should be properly recognized for their contributions to this supplement: Jonathan “I really don’t want to proofread this, but I suppose I can give it a once-over” Tweet, for catching a few of those things that only a game designer can.