White Wolf Wiki

Generation Hex are camp of Black Spiral Dancers that have utilized the dark corners of the internet to their benefit.

"...there's a reason the Internet is known as the Misinformation Highway." - Mob'loc


All werewolves know they've got to watch their Kinfolk closely. Black Spiral Kinfolk in particular carry a streak of insane genius deep within their souls - this often encourages them to drift toward the fringes of human society. Mild insanity, emotional problems, or obvious voices in their head lead them away from the human herd. One Camp of Black Spirals watches over these slackers, selectively placing packs within their bizarre human societies. Religious cults, ecoterrorism groups and heavily-armed militias keep in touch through a network of disaffected werewolves. This forms the elaborate conspiracy known as Generation Hex.

E-mail is the most common medium used to mobilize the servants of this secret society. A Hive member within Generation Hex typically has a broad range of questionable contacts, usually through other Black Spirals. The recent popularity of militias has also helped them recruit more psychotic, heavily-armed shock troops. Drifting toward the lunatic fringe, they arm themselves for the Wyrm's cryptic agenda.

Known Members[]

