The Fianna Tribebook is the first tribebook regarding the Fianna, werewolves from Ireland.
What are the Three Treasures of the Fianna?
The secrets of songs that we sing,
The secrets of brews that we make,
The secrets of Fey we call Kin.
What are the Three Fires of the Fianna?
The fire in the head that inspires,
The fire under cauldron that brews,
The fire of moot that renews.
What are the Three Dooms from Inside?
The Rage that leaps out at brother and Kin,
The Harano that chokes us all from within,
The thing that is born when Garou join in sin.
From the gleam of the brow,
Through the wood on the hill,
By the airs of the glens,
And the Land of the Young,
We'll carry the tune.
And we'll sing to the moon
Towards the final ground
When the days of our race
Will end with the sun.
Fianna Tribebook includes:
- The history and culture of the Fianna
- A "Legends of the Garou" comic book
- Five ready-to-play character templates
Alternative Summary:
The Fianna, Celtic werewolves, live life to the fullest, reveling in their passions and mocking their enemies in vicious satire--even the Wyrm gets embarrassed when they mock him. This complete book provides a history and culture of the Fianna, a "Legends of the Garou" comic book, and five ready-to-play character templates.
'Bleeding Heart'[]
An eight-page comic, story by Harry Heckel and art by Brian LeBlanc.
Introduction: Slainte![]
Chapter One: The Song of Our Tribe[]
The history of the Fianna
Chapter Two: The Ways of Our People[]
The culture of the Fianna
Chapter Three: Across the Water[]
The Fianna around the World
Appendix One: Powers[]
New Gifts, rites, fetishes and totems.
- Tribal Weakness (Optional)
- Low Self-Control
- Merits and Flaws
- Voice of the Songbird (3 point Merit)
- Pain of the Past (4 point Flaw)
- Geas (1-7 point Flaw)
- Abilities
- Faerie Lore (Knowledge)
- Poet's Language
- New Fianna Gifts
- Faerie Light (Level One)
- Ceridwen's Blood (Level Two)
- Howl of the Unseen (Level Two)
- Luck of the Irish (Level Two)
- Warp Spasm (Level Four)
- Sleep of the Hero (Level Six)
- Tuatha de Fionn Gift
- Sense the Unnatural (Level Three)
- Songkeeper Gift
- Cairbre's Tongue (Level Three)
- Tuatha de Fionn Gift
- Rites
- Rite of Inspiration, or "Awen's Blessing (Level One Mystical)
- Rite of the Solstice (Level One Caern Rite)
- Rite of the Equinox (Level One Caern Rite)
- Rites of the Changing Seasons (each Level Three Caern Rite)
- Sacred Directions
- Fetishes
- The Lightning Spear - Level 5, Gnosis 6
- Pipes of Terror - Level 4, Gnosis 6
- Torc of Wisdom - Level 3, Gnosis 6
- Knotwork
- Knot of Protection - Level 3, Gnosis 7
- Tattoos
- Tattoo of Protection - Level 3, Gnosis 7
- Talens
- Gaia's Best - Gnosis 7
- Unicorn's Milk - Gnosis 6
- Faerie Fyre - Gnosis 7
- War Whiskey - Gnosis 6
- Totems
- Totems of Respect
- Totems of War
- Totems of Wisdom
- Fianna Renown Rules (Optional)
- Legends of the Fianna
- Irish Sources
- Book of Invasions
- Book of Conquests
- Tain Bo Cuailnge, or the Cattle-Raid of Cooley
- Welsh Sources
- The Mabinogion
- Irish Sources
Appendix Two: Lads & Lasses[]
Five ready-to-play characters
- Templates
- Roving Ragabash - Homid Ragabash, Whispering Rover
- Fey-Struck Garou - Homid Theurge, Tuatha de Fionn
- Black Rose - Metis Philodox, Song Keeper
- Warrior's Inspiration - Homid Galliard, Grandchildren of Fionn
- Red Wolf - Lupus Ahroun
Appendix Two: The Dreamers[]
Famous Fianna of the past and present.
Background Information[]
- The Fianna Tribebook was re-printed in the Litany of the Tribes Volume 2.
- At the back of the book, before the Character Sheet, is an ad for the Rage card game (May 5th).
- Thanks and Dedication is made to Heather Curatola, Alan Fisher, Ribert Kaminsky, everyone at Dream Wizards, the First Pack of RhyDin, Gray and Daniel Greenberg.
Memorable Quotes[]
- Cuchulain, the Hound of Ulster (Setanta)
- Cathbad the Druid - Fianna
- Cuin the Wanderer
- Emira Ruith-an-Eas
- Patricia McKinnon
- Gabrielle - Fianna Kinfolk, Comic, Died
- Conall - Fianna, Comic
- Brigit - Fianna, Comic
- Eamon - Fianna, Comic
- Fionn mac Cumhail
- Cairbre - Renowned Fianna Galliard Songmaster, Songkeeper, Past
- Boudicca - Fianna, Past
The American Dream, Amharm, Arcadia Gateway, Ar-Righ (Leader of the entire Tribe), Awen, Balor, Banshee, Black Spiral Dancers, Boar, Breas the Beautiful, Camps: Brotherhood of Herne, Children of Dire, Eire Fundamentalists, Grandchildren of Fionn, The Songkeepers, The Tuatha de Fionn (The Children of Finn), Whispering Rovers; Chair of Poetry, Chair of Song, Chair of Stories, Corax, Councils of Song, Cromh-Cruach, Dana, Dindsenchas (Place Name Stories), Dryn a drowd yn flaidd (Welsh Fianna), Faeries, Fianna Calendar: Autumn Equinox, Beltane, Imbolc, Lughnassa, Samhain, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice; Fianna Homeland, The Fomori Wars, Fostering, Get of Fenris, Golden Lion (Pub), Grand Council of Song, Herne the Hunter, Lion, Lugh, Merlin, Nuada of the Silver Arm, Ogham, Red Branch, Righ (Warleader), Rooster, The Second Battle of Moy Tura, Sept of Tara, Silver Fangs, Song of Life/Song of Gaia, Stag, Super Bowl Sunday (Bone Gnawer Holiday), Taniaste, Tara, Tuatha de Danaan, Verbena, White Howlers,
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