- fetter: Shackles or leg irons. A kind of physical restraint used on the feet or ankles. The term "fetter" shares a root with the word "foot."
A Fetter is a person, place, or object that ties a wraith to the Shadowlands and keeps them from moving on.[1] Along with allowing a wraith to hang on to their existence and keeping them from falling into Oblivion, Fetters are also places where a wraith can Slumber and gain back Corpus.[1] In addition, any Arcanoi a wraith knows are easier to use when they are around their Fetter.[2] Fetters can be manipulated, made, and severed by the Arcanos Lifeweb as well.[3][4][5]
If a Fetter is destroyed, the wraith loses a major tie to the Shadowlands, and therefore their existence becomes more shaky.[6] Wraiths with no Fetters do not last long in the Shadowlands, as they have no place to recharge and nothing to tie them to their unlife.[7][8] Wraiths who lose their Fetters in this fashion will fall prey to a Harrowing and probably end up pulled into Oblivion.[9][10]
Fetters can also be resolved, meaning a wraith gains the strength to say goodbye to the things and people they loved in life.[11] A wraith who loses all of their Fetters by resolution has taken a major step towards achieving Transcendence.[12]
- WTO: The Sea of Shadows, p. 16
- WTO/cMET: Oblivion, p. 20, 22, 38, 68, 140-141
- HTR: The Walking Dead, p. 91-98