White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Dust to Dust is a Storytelling Adventure System release designed for use with Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition. It acts as a spiritual successor to the first story ever published for Vampire, Ashes to Ashes, as well as the Forged in Steel chronicle that began in the original Vampire: The Masquerade Rulebook. It includes all the characters and information you need to tell a complete story, as well as notes from the Wrecking Crew, the demo team that ran the story at the Grand Masquerade 2011 in New Orleans.


From the White Wolf catalog:

When the ashes cool, all that remains is dust...
Gary, Indiana is a dying city. Its population has halved itself in 40 years, many of its buildings are burned husks, its citizens are disenfranchised and out of work, and even its predators have fled. Of the many Kindred who once hunted this small Midwestern city, only a handful remains. Modius, the Prince of Gary, continues his long rivalry with the Anarch known as Juggler. But their struggles are becoming increasingly irrelevant. If things continue, Gary won't have enough mortals to sustain even a small number of vampires.
The Kindred aren't willing to let the city crumble just yet, though. Juggler and Modius have hit upon a scheme to revitalize the city's importance for Kindred, though each wishes to claim the credit (and the rewards) for this renewal. While they snipe and strike at one another like two starving wolves fighting for the last scrap of meat on the carcass, the Giovanni Maria DiMatto seizes her chance.




Welcome to Gary[]


The Hunter[]




The Zombie Walk[]


From the Dust Returned[]


Juggling Lessons[]


Toothless Hounds[]


The Death Rattle of Gary[]


Tomorrow Night[]




Scene Cards[]


Character Sheets[]


Background Information[]


Cover of Ashes to Ashes

  • This book is a sequel to 1991's Ashes to Ashes, one of the very first story sourcebooks for Vampire: The Masquerade. Rather than use the standard SAS landscape format designed for modern computer screens, the decision was made to mimic the design of the original book, seen to the right. Although the basic layout is done to match the V20 standard, many elements – the blue border, the yellow-to-orange title text gradient – came from the original book.
  • On page 59 of Ashes to Ashes, the book says "Additionally, elements of this plot will be progressed further in a future supplement, Dust to Dust." Dust to Dust author Matthew McFarland was unaware of this.





Previous release:
VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
Game Books
Vampire: The Masquerade books
Next release:
VTM: V20 Companion Buy it from DriveThruRPG!