- See also: Clanbook: Followers of Set Revised
Clanbook: Setites is a sourcebook for the Followers of Set. It was subtitled, Children of the Endless Night. Like all Clanbooks, it was later updated with a revised edition.
From the White Wolf catalog:
- Sharper than a Serpent's tooth... I wish you joy o'th' Worm!
- We are the small voice that whispers to you in the lonely hours of the night. We call to the darkness within all of you. We came from the dark, and to the dark we shall all return...
- Called the corrupt by even the most crooked Ventrue, the Setites are almost universally mistrusted and feared by the clans of the Camarilla, and scorned by the Sabbat for their unwillingness to share in the Vaulderie.
- Clanbook: Setites includes:
- Extensive history of the Followers of Set
- All new Merits and Flaws for Setite characters
- Ten complete character templates!
Chapter One: Through a Serpent's Eye[]
The story of an unnamed Setite in San Francisco waking for the night.
Chapter Two: Hissing in the Dark[]
The story of the Followers of Set, as told by Sir Marriot d'Urban to a group of neonates. The history of the Clan is told as is its influence throughout the world.
Chapter Three: Children of the Dark God[]
This chapter gives the Followers of Set's attitudes to the other denizens of the world; information about Setite Embrace practices and clan structure, as well as the Art of Corruption. The secrets of the Setites are revealed as is information about the other two paths of Enlightenment that are within the clan: The Path of Ecstasy and The Path of the Warrior. There is information about the Temples of Set. And finally there are Setite information about Thaumaturgy and Merits and Flaws.
- New Knowledge Trait: Setite Lore
- Setite Merits and Flaws
- Drug Resistance (2 pt. Merit)
- Poisonous Bite (2 pt. Merit)
- Addictive Blood (3 pt. Merit)
- Scales (1-3 pt. Flaw)
- Forked Tongue (2 pt. Flaw)
- Heartless (4 pt. Flaw)
- Aura of the Wyrm (5 pt. Flaw)
Chapter Four: Templates[]
A short list of Templates for use in a chronicle.
- Bent Narc
- Closet Setite
- Corrupt Politician
- The Dilettante
- Egyptologist
- Exotic Dancer
- Gangsta
- Priest of Darkness
- Sister Sin
- Voodoo Houngan
Appendix One: Setites of Note[]
A short list of relevant Setites.
Appendix Two: Last Supper Errata[]
Errata for the previously published Giovanni Chronicles I: The Last Supper.
Background Information[]
- Setites Temples reside in the following places:
- Grand Temple of Set stands at the shores of Lake Victoria in Uganda; the docklands of London, England; the catacombs beneath Rome, New York City's sewers; in the dripping, decay-rich swamps beyond New Orleans; and the Death Valley, California.
- There is a disclaimer made at the front of the book that states, "no snakes were harmed in the production of the book, and that the authors of this book do not have anything against persons of Egyptian ethnicity. It's just a game, people!"
- The book contains errata for Giovanni Chronicles I: The Last Supper.
Memorable Quotes[]
Then God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, be accursed beyond all cattle, all wild beasts. You shall crawl on your belly and eat dust every day of your life."
- Genesis 3:14
I walk 47 miles of barbed wire, I use a cobra snake for a necktie, I got a brand new house on the roadside, made from rattlesnake hide. I got a brand new chimney made on top, made of a human skull. Come on take a little walk with me, and honey tell me, who do you love?
- The Jesus and Mary Chain, "Who Do You Love?"
Well you know the story of the viper, it's long and lean with a poison tooth.
-Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, "Jack the Ripper"
We are special, we are perfect, we were born in the sight of God, we were born in the sight of God. Our suffering bodies will suffer no more, our suffering bodies will suffer no more. We are children. Children of God.
- Swans, "Children of God"
As the books burn and a peculiar kind of darkness falls clutching men's hearts, consuming bones as a frozen star beckons a crumbling of idols beyond a cold sanctuary of fire and of ice deep in the bedrock already here I come.
- Lustmord, "Heresy"
I can resist anything, except temptation.
Oscar Wilde, "Lady Windermere's Fan"
I had a dream, which was not all a dream. That the bright sun was extinguished, and the stars did wander darkling in the eternal space, rayless and pathless, and the icy earth swung blind and blackening in the moonless air; morn came and went - and came and brought no day, and men forgot their passions in the dread of this their desolation; and all hearts were chilled into a selfish prayer for light.
- George Gordon, Lord Byron, "Darkness"
So farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear, farewell remorse; all good to me is lost; evil, be thou my good; by thee at least divided empire with heaven's King I hold, by thee, and more than half perhaps will reign...
- Milton, "Paradise Lost"
To thee, o Satan, glory be, and praise, in Heaven, once thy kingdom, the abyss of Hell, where now, thy dreamest silently! Grant that my soul, on day, beneath the Tree of Knowledge, may rest near thee, when o'erhead, like a new Temple, its wide branches spread!
- Charles Baudelaire, "Prayer"
Devils speak of the ways in which she'll manifest. Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress. Need to contaminate to alleviate this loneliness. I now know the depths I reach are limitless.
- Nine Inch Nails, "Reptile"
And some of us were human once, and some have never heard the name of Earth, abominations of a monstrous birth out of the womb of nightmare...
- Lin Carter, "The Million Favored Ones"
- Setites of Note
- Augusta Holford, master corrupter mostly active in Seattle
- Ghede, the head of his Clan's activities in Haiti
- Marriot d'Urban, wandering Setite who teaches neonates about the Clan
- Rasputin, the ever-elusive Rasputin, this time presented as a Follower of Set
- Ezuli - Ghede's neonate and Rival for worshipers in Haiti.
- Prince Sarrasine - "Toreador", Prince of Sydney
- Legba - Serpent of the Light, Ghede's enemy,
- Louhi, Finnish Sorceress
- Al Capone - Crime Boss in Chicago
- Cleopatra VII Philopator - Setite Ghoul
- Comte Jules Lehmann de Marigny - Arcanum member and head of the Paris Chapter House.
- Edwarde Hagger - Arcanum member of the Vienna Chapter House.
- Prince Sarrasine
- Giovanni Chronicles I: The Last Supper Errata Characters
Abyss Leapers (A Black Spiral Dancer Pack), Anubis, Apep, Arcanum, Bane Mummies: Amam the Devourer, Hau-hra of the Backward Fae, Hemhemti the Roarer, Kharebutu the Fourfold Fiend, Qetu the Evil Doer, Saatet-ta, the Darkener of the Earth, Tutu the Doubly Evil One; Cats, Children of Osiris, Cult of Amon-Ra, Cult of Isis, Cult of Osiris, Cult of Sekhmet, Gaki, Geb, Grand Temple of Set (location), Horus, Isis, Nephthys, Nut, Osiris, Path of Ecstasy, Path of Typhon, Path of the Warrior, Ra, Serpents of the Light, Set, Silent Striders, Temple of Set, Thaumaturgy, Wyrm,
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