White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. John 3:17

I am not the same person I was when I worked in the gaming industry. I was agnostic most of my life and into a bunch of stuff I shouldn’t have been into. Back then I always hoped God was real but didn’t understand how faith was a gift that comes from God and that it wasn’t something that came from myself. My life started falling apart and I needed to know why - then Jesus came and saved me. He’s real, He’s good and it’s actually true what the Bible says about Him. He does NOT condemn us. Our own hearts condemn us because deep down we know we sin and do wrong things and some part of us knows there’s consequences for that. The consequences of sin are serious - we’re talking death, destruction, demonic oppression (the spiritual battle for our souls is real and when you understand what real, unredeemable evil is actually like you also understand you don’t actually want anything to do with it), and eternal separation God (who is the source of any and everything that is good and there is nothing but eternal suffering apart from Him). We all sin and we all need to be saved from the consequences of sin. Jesus did not come to condemn us but to save us. I have experienced that salvation and the transformative power of God in my own life. I am a completely changed woman and I do not even recognize who I used to be. I know Jesus lives and I know my eternity is secure. Jesus paid for all my sins and for all of all of our sins - he died in our place on the cross and rose again so we could live forever with him. You can know everything I’m saying is true, too. If you don’t believe in Jesus, pray and ask God to show you he’s real and if you mean it, he will. Everyone who calls on the name of Jesus will be saved.

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