White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Real-life Events[]

World of Darkness Events[]

  • 2001
    • Evelyn Kinsella and Truce Singh hang out in some redwoods. Singh claims it's a place he can "cope with" to avoid Jhor, but Kinsella knows there's no such place on Earth.[4]

Trinity Universe Events[]

  • 1999
    • Microsoft becomes the first private company to hire a nova for public relations and research. Mungu Kuwasha of Nigeria is hired for his ability to interface with computer systems.[5]
  • 2005
    • People Magazine has an article entitled "Dangerous Intimacy: One woman's struggle with nova mind-powers." The article details the distress which Jeanette Cooper goes through after meeting and falling in love with nova Donald "Insight" Somersworth.[7]
  • 2009
    • Matt Dawson (mdawson@opcom.sydney.au), Tom Miller (novamania@opsource.bos.us) and The Lightkeeper (lightkeeper@opcom.melbourne.au) talk about nova group Australis on the NovaWatch OpSite discussion boards.[8]


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