Dr. Angela Hernandez is a member of Iteration X and a Statistician.
Dr. Hernandez grew up on the Southside of Chicago. She attended the University of Chicago in the late 1970s when computer science was first becoming a popular subject and completed a double major in Sociology and Computer Science. Her Master's project at Washington University in St. Louis consisted of a constructing a series of highly advanced mathematical models to analyze data from the 1980 census. While looking at this data, supplemented by interviews gathered by her and several other grad students, she uncovered several disturbing anomalies. The patterns of deaths, residence changes and income indicated the presence of several unknown wealthy and powerful individuals living in downtown St. Louis. Furthermore, there was an unusually high incidence of death and illness near the most likely locations of these individuals. She was dismayed when her advisor dismissed her data as based upon faulty models. When she attempted to contact other professors about her project, Dr. Joseph Germain, a Statistician who noticed Hernandez when she was at the University of Chicago, contacted her instead. Hernandez was recruited into the Statisticians and came back to Chicago to complete her graduate work. By the time she finished, she was also a full-fledged member of Iteration X.
While she was initially content using the Convention's supercomputers to develop highly advanced social simulations and demographic models, she grew restless with life in the ivory tower and decided her talents would be most useful in the field. She convinced her superiors of her use as a field agent - after a number of highly successful interventions, she was promoted to the head of Department 37.
Dr. Hernandez is an idealist who believes in the Technocracy. She worked long and hard to rid the world of danger and used her social modeling techniques as a tool to improve the lives of the Sleepers. She is also a hard-nosed realist who knows that change often does not come without a price. While deeply compassionate, she also firmly believes in providing the greatest good for the greatest number. Although she would never endorse casual murder, Dr. Hernandez accepts that some must suffer, so long as her plans help more people than they harm. She also understands that corruption, incompetence and outside influence have all conspired to cause the Technocracy to lose its way.
Worried that it may often be a force for oppression and suffering, she regularly investigates anomalies and trouble spots within the Technocracy. This attitude has not endeared her to the members of many other Conventions, and several influential members of the Syndicate have repeatedly tried to have her investigated for acting against the overall interests of the Technocracy.
Shortly before the Dimension Storm struck, Dr. Hernandez was in danger of censure or even demotion. However, many of those who opposed her are now dead or trapped on the other side of the Gauntlet. Overjoyed with this development, she sees these changes as an opportunity to bring the Technocracy back on track. Her recent successes have also fueled her political ambitions. Although still dedicated to improving the world, she is now equally interested in becoming the senior supervisor of the Statisticians and eventually the head of Iteration X. She is beginning to worry that her ambitions are causing her to compromise her principles.
Dr. Hernandez is a short but extremely striking Hispanic woman with light brown skin and short, carefully styled hair. She dresses in the latest fashions and speaks unaccented English in a soft, pleasant voice. She is very conscious of her appearance and how she comes off to people.
Division: Statisticians
Eidolon: Dynamic
Nature: Architect
Demeanor: Director
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 2
Talents: Alertness 2, Awareness 1, Dodge 2, Expression 2, Leadership 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3
Skills: Etiquette 3, Firearms 1, Melee 1, Stealth 2, Technology 3
Knowledges: Academics 3, Computer 4, Cosmology 1, Investigation 1, Linguistics 1, Occult 2, Science 4
Backgrounds: Destiny 3, Genius 2, Influence 2, Resources 3, Devices 1 (Mark IV Hand Computer, Digital Armband Interface)
Enlightenment: 5
Spheres: Entropy 5, Forces 1, Mind 2, Time 4
- MTAs: Convention Book: Iteration X, p. 71-72