Why I got involved in politics
Politically, I joined the Labour Party because it matches my values - a progressive equal society underpinned by a strong fair economy with decent jobs. With my right to have my voice heard comes the responsibility of representing the voices of others and striving a better fairer Ireland.
My priorities
At a local level my priorities are ensuring that:
- Clean, safe, green communities,
- Transport and traffic management that serve our everyday needs,
- Well planned sustainable housing and local development,
- Local recreational and sports facilities that promote community activity and inclusion,
- Increased resources for Dublin Fire Brigade, Ambulance Service and local Gardai,
- Support for local businesses and the creation of local employment opportunities,
- Good communication and consultation with local residents on key issues
My background
My underpinning philosophy is one of social and economic quality where all citizens' rights are respected. I believe in actively participating in and contributing positively to our city, local communities and to national issues - walking the walk rather than just talking the talk.
Clubs and Committees
- Alternate member to the European Committee of the Regions and sitting on the Commission for Citizenship, Governance, Institutional and External Affairs (CIVEX),
- Chairperson DCC High Level Street Issues Group,
- Member of DCC Dublin City Business Forum and Dublin Chamber of Commerce,
- Member of DCC Corporate Policy Group, DCC Finance SPC, DCC Planning SPC and DCC Women’s Committee, DCC North Central Area Committee, DCC North Central Area Joint Policing Committee