Intelligence Squared U.S.Client Information
16 August, 2017Print
Intelligence Squared U.S. Co-Sponsors NYC's Mayoral Democratic Primary Debate 8/23
Intelligence Squared U.S. (IQ2US) is co-sponsoring the First Democratic Mayoral Primary Election Debate, hosted by the New York City Campaign Finance Board and sponsored by NY1, on Wednesday, August 23 at Symphony Space. For the first time ever, the debate will incorporate the traditional Oxford debate format in a ten-minute segment called the "Intelligence Squared Round." During this round, candidates Sal Albanese and Bill de Blasio will debate "for" and "against" a stated motion not revealed in advance, using facts and reason to prove their arguments and disprove their opponent's.
The Intelligence Squared Round continues IQ2US's longstanding mission of bringing higher-quality debates to the American public. The general election mayoral debate on October 10 will also feature an Intelligence Squared Round.
NY1's Errol Louis will moderate the debate. Panelists who will ask the candidates questions are Grace Rauh (NY1), Juan Manuel Benitez (NY1 Noticias), Brian Lehrer (WNYC) and Laura Nahmias (Politico New York). Find complete information about the First Democratic Mayoral Primary Election Debate at the NYCCFB:
About Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates (IQ2US)
A non-partisan, non-profit organization, Intelligence Squared U.S. was founded in 2006 to address a fundamental problem in America: the extreme polarization of our nation and our politics. Their mission is to restore critical thinking, facts, reason, and civility to American public discourse. The award-winning debate series reaches over 30 million American households through multi-platform distribution, including radio, television, live streaming, podcasts, interactive digital content, and on-demand apps on Roku and Apple TV. With over 140 debates and counting, Intelligence Squared U.S. has encouraged the public to "think twice" on a wide range of provocative topics. Author and ABC News correspondent John Donvan has moderated IQ2US since 2008.
About New York City Campaign Finance Board
The CFB has administered the Debate Program in every citywide election since 1997. The debates are a core component of NYC Votes, the CFB's nonpartisan voter engagement campaign. Individual debates are sponsored by outside media and civic groups. NYC Votes is the non-partisan voter engagement campaign of the New York City Campaign Finance Board and its Voter Assistance Advisory Committee. In addition to promoting voter registration, participation, and civic engagement in New York City through its many programs and partnerships, NYC Votes sponsors the city's official Debate Program and produces the citywide Voter Guide.
For more information about IQ2US, contact Ray Padgett ( or Mark Satlof ( at Shore Fire Media.