The Wayback Machine -
Kehlani, 2016 Grammy Awards

Jason Merritt/Getty Images for NARAS

Kehlani identifies as queer. 

The singer took to Twitter on Sunday with a message for those inquiring about her sexuality. She's since deleted the tweets, ultimately apologizing for some of the "offensive" language she used. 

"cuz I keep geddin asked," Kehlani posted online, "I'm queer. Not bi, not straight. I'm attracted to women, men, REALLY attracted to queer men, non binary people, intersex people, trans people. lil poly pansexual papa hello good morning. Does that answer your questions?"

She also added, "and since we on that… I'm the LEAST attracted to straight men, y'all really adorable sometimes tho. Bisexual men really are little gifts from god tho."

Kehlani, whose hit songs include her "Ring" collaboration with Cardi B and "Good Life" with G-Eazy, has publicly described herself as queer before. 

And after a Twitter user questioned why she considers herself queer instead of gay, Kehlani responded, "I felt gay always insisted there was still a line drawn as to which 'label' of human I was attracted when I really jus be walking around thinking ERRYBODY FINE."

She then decided to remove the tweets completely, explaining, "I retracted my queer tweet because i am being corrected about the way in which i listed the gender spectrum and i'm super super sensitive to being offensive especially when i'm only trying to appreciate. point is, i love love, and that love lies in every gender there is."

Kehlani continued, "i always want to be corrected & educated when i am wrong. if i tweet something any form of incorrect, please let me know because i have a massive responsibility by having a platform."

On Monday, the performer once again clarified her intentions, writing, "My identifying as queer wasn't the issue, it was the singling out of trans & intersex which sounded transphobic, ignorant and to some, sounding like fetishization. which is completely wrong, not my intention, and something to say sorry about." 

Kehlani celebrates her 23rd birthday tomorrow. 

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