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Shan Foods new ad shows a touching concept  —Screen grab
Shan Foods new ad shows a touching concept —Screen grab

Shan Foods has managed to do it yet again — in their latest television commercial, which is being dubbed the best Pakistani ad ever, the brand has managed to encapsulate the brand values they hold so dear and tug at heartstrings globally.

Don't say we didn't warn you to grab a tissue!

The three minute long commercial that has gone viral on social media tells the story of two brothers, living away from home and missing it terribly during Eid. It starts off with the younger brother, who looks an awful lot like a young Shahrukh Khan, tearing up and telling his elder brother how he misses home and his Ami's food.

The elder brother then sets out to give him a little taste of home, miles away from home in what appears to be San Francisco. He heads to the local grocery store there, picks up fresh produce, coupled with Shan masalas and attempts to cook a scrumptious meal fit for Eid.

When the younger one comes one, he's surprised to find a home cooked dinner and his parents on Skype chat on the dinner table.

Who wouldn't want to come home to this?
Who wouldn't want to come home to this?

One of the few Pakistani brands that are available almost everywhere in the world, anyone who moved away at any point in time and had to live without Mom's cooking knows how these masalas are lifesavers.

As opposed to a typical storyline revolving around a husband and wife, shot around the standard dinner table, the ad touches on the very real but often overlooked struggle of Pakistanis living abroad.

No celebrities, no grand dance sequences - the touching concept will resonate well with those living away from home, as well as Pakistanis who have friends and family abroad.

A marketing rep from the food spice mix company says: "The idea was to create emotional appeal and I think that has been successfully achieved. People not living in the country anymore are particularly moved by the ad because the bulk of our online views are coming from various different counties, not just Pakistan."

Paired with impeccably timed music and visually enticing production value, this one by Shan Foods is a real winner.

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Comments (65) Closed

Dawn Addicted
Jun 24, 2015 03:16pm

It is the TVC of the year. Bravo to the director and other creatives of the commercial.

Basheer DEST
Jun 24, 2015 03:17pm

Will making us teary force us to buy Shan Masalas more? M confused

Jun 24, 2015 03:20pm

Why was this made in India?

Jun 24, 2015 03:32pm

Ad of the year ! Hats off, i got emotional too!

Jun 24, 2015 03:40pm

again pakistani businessman loosing out due to inefficiency and non investment in business

also this communication has crossed the threshold in emotional element in brand communications...

this is just rubbish in my view

Jun 24, 2015 03:51pm


Mubashir Ali
Jun 24, 2015 03:55pm

great ad, Appreciate the efforts , however brother should hv some same features so that they look siblings

Amer RAO
Jun 24, 2015 04:03pm

I really Love this Ad , Shan made me cry, but its wonderful :)

Salman Ahmed
Jun 24, 2015 04:42pm

Even though i live away from my home, after watching this ad i didn't feel sadness or anything!! Damn , Im cold hearted _

Jun 24, 2015 04:42pm

Missing home....:(

Jun 24, 2015 04:43pm

Emotionally profitable ad (for the company).

Jun 24, 2015 04:52pm

Emotional blackmailing. Funny rather teary.

Jun 24, 2015 04:59pm

Certainly brought tears to my eyes (as I am typing this). Great work.

Kazim Reza
Jun 24, 2015 05:04pm

So they are selling exportable tears with some food items!

Jun 24, 2015 05:07pm

What's there to cry about ?

Haider Farooq
Jun 24, 2015 05:17pm

Been there, and done that.. really shows the picture of Pakistanis living away from home and mother's food... Excellent TVC.. Hats off

Jun 24, 2015 05:30pm

Obviously masalas make you cry is it a movie song or ad if it is an movie based ad than all creativity takes zero

Jun 24, 2015 05:41pm

Some people can't understand this advertisement if they have not lived abroad or if they haven't seen mother in life. I feel sorry for those people.

Thanks "Shan" due to your products, my stomach is still Pakistani, despite living in US for the last three years.

Jun 24, 2015 05:42pm

Brilliant ad. Rula Diya. This ad is a true representation of our emotions with our parents and country. I know so many non-Pakistanis that use Shan abroad. Log kuch bhi bolain per Shan ne ad se dil jeet liya :)

Jun 24, 2015 05:43pm

I'm living abroad as well but watching these overly emotional, fully grown bearded men sobbing for their mom made me feel a little sick rather than sad. I think this was more than a little over the top.

Jun 24, 2015 05:49pm

Only those people who r living away from family, can feel the true reflection of this TVC.

Jun 24, 2015 05:51pm

well done shan thanks for telling that brands can be sold without dancing (so called) and making foolish gestures

Jun 24, 2015 06:11pm

this brought tears to my eyes even when i am living with my parents. Wonder what are the feeling of those living abroad without their loved ones.

muhammad naseem kakar
Jun 24, 2015 06:20pm

this is wonderful ad of can't help crying watching the ad.Emotionally touching.

ubaid khan
Jun 24, 2015 06:26pm

too right. i grabed my tissue late. missing my parents a lot

Haris Riaz
Jun 24, 2015 06:30pm

I couldnt control my tears, its beautiful idea.

raja amer khan
Jun 24, 2015 06:57pm

OMG! So emotional. I nearly cried. :-(

Awais Anjum
Jun 24, 2015 07:02pm

This was really heart touching , tears in my eyes when i saw it

Jun 24, 2015 07:43pm

Kudos to Team Shan and to the producers and actors of this ad - beautifully directed!

Despite some naysayers here, this ad has succeeded in deeply touching the emotional heartstrings of countless sons and daughters studying or working abroad who have a strong, loving bond with their parents.

During family holidays such as Eid, it's even more difficult for children who due to restrictive study or work visas and/ or financial constraints can't visit their parents for years at a time.

This is why Pakistan needs to heavily invest in competitive higher education and socio-economic infrastructure so our children won't need to go abroad for advanced world class degrees or for competitive, high paying jobs.

Alas, this is not a priority for present leaders who are too busy pocketing personal profits from flash in the pan transportion projects.

Farrukh Najam
Jun 24, 2015 07:45pm

A mature ad for our industry. Good work. But dear author I think you missed out the Golden Gate bridge and the trolleys - this is San Francisco, not Lisbon.

Jun 24, 2015 07:51pm

slightlyyyy over the top but a very vey good effort.

Waqas Durrani
Jun 24, 2015 08:00pm

Heart Touching and beautiful ad. Kudos to the creative team!

Jun 24, 2015 08:04pm

I went back to Pakistan after 13 years and Eid is not the same as it use to be. People do not meet each other like they used. Neighbors do not talk to each other like they used. It is a good ad though.

East pakistani
Jun 24, 2015 08:06pm

Then do not leave pakistan.In Rome,do what romans do.Using emotion to sell masalas.Uff...

Dr. Liaqat
Jun 24, 2015 08:26pm

Tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat...This is so true for any Pakistani who has lived abroad..Shan is a winner

Jun 24, 2015 08:31pm

I did cry a bit!

Jun 24, 2015 08:46pm

No doubt 'Shan masalha mix' have been my saviour away from home. A job well done SHAN!

omer khan shaheen
Jun 24, 2015 09:12pm


Jun 24, 2015 09:13pm

emotional trash over the years as the quality of spices go down and emotions go up

Jun 24, 2015 09:15pm

lol....I was teary eyed because I couldn't stop laughing at the melodrama! Great marketing and look forward to the many spoofs and parodies.

Jun 24, 2015 10:46pm

Heart touching !!!! Worth watching !!!!

Jun 24, 2015 10:47pm

If only our channels had these type of class advertisments on them , instead of retarded men and women dancing for no reason

Jun 25, 2015 12:18am

On an honest note.. I cried much on this ad.. I have been away from family and it struck the right chords... It was an amazingly clever idea to bring in emotion... Provided I always use Shan masalas so this ad for me was not about getting hooked to the brand.. The feeling is what I enjoyed! The power that this ad had to reveal my emotions and make me emotionally vulnerable! Kudos to the creative team.. My philosophy is that advertising should always be creative and yet hit the mass at large... And you guys succeeded! Amazing!

Hamid Music4Cause
Jun 25, 2015 12:26am

If you ask me I get teary every time I cook with Shan Masala, not to mention the sneezing that ensues. Love it regardless and great ad.

Jun 25, 2015 01:15am

they picked up the Real topic " how people living abroad miss their Mothers and Delicious Food. all Thumps up for Shan. Shan Masalas are must grocery item for Pakistanis living abroad

Shaheed Faiz
Jun 25, 2015 02:13am

Great commercial. But the place seems to be San Francisco. Not Lisbon. I saw Golden Gate bridge in the back.

Jun 25, 2015 04:08am

Good one!

Jun 25, 2015 04:11am

@DR. SHAZIA oh hush dear.... all who can must at least once go away from home to live on their own. It makes for a better mind set. And lets not forget pakistanis abroad contribute hugely to our forex reserves.

Jun 25, 2015 04:59am

Sitting here alone away from family just before Iftar, this ad really bring tears to the eyes. I remember 15 years ago when first time I used Shan was to make Haleem, even none of the gals in my family knew how to make Haleem, but thanks to the recipe and great proportions of spices, it turned out to be excellent Haleem. From that day on I was hooked. Thanks Shan and Dawn. Funny how they rhyme.

S. A. M.
Jun 25, 2015 05:21am

I love food. when I left for Dubai in 2000 I did miss my family but it was actually home cooked food that I was craving for. Pakistani restaurants were there in large no bug after a few days you start hating that food. but then my brother who paid me a visit from Muscat showed how easy it into cook it yourself with Shan. so that changed my life and I started cooking all my favourite items. apni daw stem khud hi ker Salim. big thanks to Shan Masala

Jun 25, 2015 05:42am

Eid is just another day, big deal.

Jun 25, 2015 06:28am

Very nicely done. Wiping my tears.

Shaan, San Diego

Jun 25, 2015 06:38am

Ya, diaspora is like a cancer that doesn't heal with time.

Jun 25, 2015 06:48am

Shan replaced Moms!!!

Jun 25, 2015 06:49am

If anything, Pakistanis should me masters in controlling their emotions considering how much crying there is in our drama serials. This ad is nothing. Waste of time.

An observer
Jun 25, 2015 07:03am

Shan Foods is a Pakistani brand. So why does this ad have Indian actors & the language is not Pakistani urdu? Shan is not a foreign multi national where they have to follow the regional head office's directive as to their ad policy. So why aren't they supporting the local media industry?

Jun 25, 2015 07:42am

Ad is teary but man this is emotional blackmailing.

Jun 25, 2015 07:55am

Good insight and attention to detail in execution. However I felt it didn't highlight the crescendo very well...also too long makes it a drag.and the little brother with all those tears starts looking annoying after a while..Def over the top.

Jun 25, 2015 08:46am

No doubt one of the best ad , I love the line "Mera moula sub ki suntan hai par kisi kisi ko who chunta hai". this line touched my heart.barvo to the marketing department of Shan Foods

Jun 25, 2015 10:11am

The ad is wonderful, and those who are criticizing putting emotional element: well, Indian ads do it all the time and they are lauded for that (I personally feel that Indian ads focus less on the product and more on making a Bollywood flick in 30 seconds). But think it was made in India right?

Jun 25, 2015 10:40am

Bought Tear in my eyes i can feel the pain for those living aboard,away from their families. Cast of the add look like are they Indians or Pakistani???

Jun 25, 2015 11:17am

Didn't feel like crying. In fact despite of teary thing, its funny though. Good over acting. :p

Jun 25, 2015 11:43am

Could anyone pls enlighten me that its a brainchild of which ad agency? otherwise Brilliant

Jun 25, 2015 12:46pm

This is just funny - nothing emotional. Who on earth cries like that because he couldn't spend Eid with family

Jun 25, 2015 12:56pm

It was so cheesy ! Didn't stir anything in me at all! and I am living on like junk food and terribly terribly miss my mom's cooking and all.. but it doesn't mean that we should start appreciating cheesy acting with so fake tears!