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Sony’s ‘In the Deep’ May Have Found Its Director


Last year Sony Pictures won a heated bidding battle over In the Deep, a spec script written by Tony Jaswinski (Vanishing on 7th Street). The script was called a cross between 127 Hours, Jaws, and Gravity. The story centers on a young woman who’s grief-surfing over the loss of her mother when she gets stranded 20 yards off shore with a massive great white shark circling beneath.

Today Deadline reports that big budget filmmaker Louis Leterrier is in talks to direct. Leterrier’s resume may be short, but he’s got some hefty flicks on there like The Transporter, The Incredible Hulk, and the painfully stupid Now You See Me. His works aren’t really known for their emotionally powerful roles, which, according to Deadline, the central character of In the Deep will require.

  • REC03

    im sick of these people circled by sharks movies. i want a Jaws type movie with an actual story and no not like Shark Night 3D.

    • McGilli

      I hear you… I figure it’s just that ‘the shark is below the water’ is much cheaper to make since they really don’t need to show a shark…

  • wehoaks

    Now you see me was a fun romp. We don’t need your shitty opinion when delivering news. Sorry when delivering other sites news (which is all this site does anymore).

  • Evan3

    I’ve been praying for a legitimately good shark attack film (Sharknado is fun… not good) since Jaws. Alas, this one doesn’t make me hopeful.

  • Sutter Cane

    They already made this film. It’s called The Reef. It was pretty great.

    • Sutter Cane

      Also it could be that the writer saw Open Water and 127 Hours back to back on HBO Go a while back and said, “Let’s make this with one woman and add a great white shark and have her get stuck in a rip current 20 yards from shore as the Jaws takes itty bitty pieces of her for 90 minutes. Also FLASHBACKS to how awful she was to her mother or how she cheated on her husband or some tortured past thing that she can never fix. We end the film with a slam cut to black after she screams Oh God help me and gets pulled under water. It’s totes edgy because we know she can’t be helped because the Jaws just ate her. And the Jaws (which we never ever see) is actually the devil. Boom! Pulled a Sixth Sense!”

      • Victor


  • marklola12 .

    sounds nothing like jaws other than it has a shark in it haha
    sounds like boring crap to me
    just make the movie MEG already, it was supposed to have been made few years ago but didn’t go anywhere

  • Victor

    Sounds like Cast away and Jaws….. Honestly I’ve been waiting for a new Shark ” creature feature ”, I mean ” Bait ” was ok but I need more. They should just do a remake of Jaws or a new Sequel.