New Embassy
Updated 24 March 2015
The United States is building a new Embassy
in London! Beginning in 2008 when we announced the
purchase of a site in the Nine Elms area of Wandsworth, this is a process that
will produce a modern, welcoming, safe and energy efficient embassy for the
21st century.
Regarding the move, Ambassador Robert Tuttle, who led the search for a new site, said: “We looked at all our options, including renovation of our current building on Grosvenor Square. In the end, we realized that the goal of a modern, secure and environmentally sustainable Embassy could best be met by constructing a new facility.”
The design was opened up to competition to ensure the new facility reflects the best of modern design, incorporates the latest in energy-efficient building techniques, and celebrates the values of freedom and democracy.
When announcing the winning design by Philadelphia-based architects Kieran Timberlake, Ambassador Susman said “We hope to contribute to the architectural heritage and future history of this great city. We will be, now and in the future, a vital contributor and a good citizen in the community of our new home.”
The New London Embassy (NLE), is under the care of the Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) who now has a dedicated team based in London. The project, due for completion late 2016, has been funded entirely by the proceeds of the sale of other U.S. Government properties in London, not through appropriated funds.
At the groundbreaking, Ambassador Barzun said “We are proud to be putting down roots in Nine Elms. And we’re proud to provide an anchor for more businesses and jobs, bringing thousands of new neighbors to fuel economic revitalization here.”
Bookmark this to stay up to date with the news on this exciting project, as we contribute a small part to the regeneration of London’s South Bank.
We will be posting weekly photos of the construction to Flickr.
Latest News from the NLE
23 - 27 March 2015
- Steelwork for Levels 10 & 11 continues with further perimeter columns being erected (via Flickr)
- Work on reinforced concrete walls for Main Entry - Mechanical Level continues.
- Casting and reinforcement of the Main CAC walls continues
- Steel Framework to Level 6 is now complete.
16 - 20 March 2015
- Perimeter columns along the south and east elevations are beign erected for Level 10 and Level 11 steelwork.
- Upstand plinths around the perimeter of the service CAC roof structure continue to be cast.
- Decking installation has started on floors 7 and 8.
- Final east ramp pours are being cast.
09 - 13 March 2015
- Erection of Level 10 and Level 11 Steel Frame to commence this week (via Flickr)
- Final concrete pours to commence on the Service CAC roof slab this week.
- Level 5 north slab section to be secured this week, with concrete pours scheduled for next week.
03 - 06 March 2015
- Metal decking on level 7 is almost complete (via Flickr)
- Service Consular Access Compound roof slab continues with concrete pours due later this week
- Reinforcement of South section of Lvl 5 is completed ahead of concrete pours this week.
- Roof reinforcement continued on parking garage below footprint of the Main Entry CAC in preparation for concrete pours to begin later this month.
Older news and press releases are in the New Embassy news archive.
• Flickr photos - High-resolution photos
• Design Video (Youtube)
• Aerial View of Nine Elms Development & Location
• Winning Architect Kieran Timberlake
• Overseas Building Operations (OBO)
• Groundbreaking
• U.S. Contractor - B.L Harbert
• UK Subcontractor - Sir Robert McAlpine
“ Today is for celebrating a new facet of the special relationship. The U.S. and the U.K. have long been partners in development across the globe. But today we celebrate a different kind of development -- the continued development and evolution of London itself. We are proud to be putting down roots in Nine Elms. And we’re proud to provide an anchor for more businesses and jobs, bringing thousands of new neighbors to fuel economic revitalization here.” — Ambassador Barzun, Ground breaking Ceremony Nov. 2013
Highlights of the Move
Feb/Mar 15 – Reinforced concrete shell of Service CAC complete
Feb 15 - Car Park Roof Structure done
Jan 15 – Lvl 2 concrete slab complete
Dec 14 – Work began on Service and Consular Access Compound (CAC)
Dec 14 - Level 1 Concrete slab done
Nov 14 - Steel Frame complete to Level 4
Oct 14 - Car Park Basement Slab complete
Oct 14- Steel Frame complete to Level 3
Sept 14 - Steel Frame complete Levels 1-2
Aug 14 - Chancery Entry Level Frame Complete
July 14 - Slipform Complete
May 14 - Slipform construction begins
Mar 14 - Basement excavation completed
Jan 14 - Piling complete
Nov 13 - Groundbreaking Ceremony
Aug 13 - Permanent Site work begins with Piling and Diaphragm wall
July 13 - Test Piling begins
April 13 - B.L.Harbert announced as Contractor
Feb 10 - Kieran Timberlake is winning Architectural Firm
Mar 09 - Architectural Firms Shortlisted
Current Embassy Location
Click for large map
Using a GPS or Google Maps?
To reach the U.S. Embassy when using a GPS you must use the postcode W1A 2LQ.
Any other postcode will lead you to a post office sorting station!