The Last Exorcism Part II (3/1)Not Rated
In the continuing story, Nell Sweetzer is found terrified and alone in rural Louisiana. When she returns to the relative safety of New Orleans, Nell finds that she can't remember large portions of the previous …More »
Starring: Ashley Bell, Louis HerthumShowtimes near Seattle, WA 98144
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- Wheel Chair Accessible
- Listening Devices Available
- Discounted / Bargain shows
- THX Certified Theater
- Preferred Parking Available
- Sony Digital Dynamic Sound
- Cafe on Premises
- Party Room Available
- Digital Theater Systems
- Print At Home Ticketing
- Stadium Seating
- Digital Light Processing
- Kiosk for Ticket Pick-Up
- Game Room on Premises
In Theaters This Weekend
- 2/8
- 5/12
- 2/8
- 2/8
- 2/1
- 1/18
- 1/25
Top Box Office
- 1.$20.4M
- 3.$7.7M
- 4.$6.6M
- 5.$5.2M
- 6.$4.5M
- 7.$3.2M
- 8.$3.0M
- 9.$2.4M
- 10.$2.4M