The emphasis of the founders on ‘knowledge’ is aptly reflected in the college emblem, which bears the inscription, ‘Knowledge is Power’. The ‘Garuda’ (the Eagle) in this emblem, symbolizes the youth, soaring with the power of knowledge, into a vast sky of challenges and opportunities.Mission
To aspire and strive for excellence in education by developing and sharpening the intellectual and human potential of learners for the good of society and of our stakeholders.Goals
- To impart quality education through traditional and innovative learning practices.
- To provide a dynamic and creative academic environment, to tap and nurture talent for the development of professional skills and an all round personality.
- To inculcate good moral values and a sense of nationalism, in keeping with the glorious heritage of the Institute
Our College
The Deccan Education Society (DES) was founded in 1884 by luminaries such as Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Vishnushastri Chipalunkar, Gopal Ganesh Agarkar, Mahadev Ballal Namjoshi and Vaman Shivram Apte. (also the first Principal of the College). They took the bold step of starting the first ever privately managed college in india, on 2nd January 1885. They named it Fergusson College in appreciation of the support from Sir James Fergusson, then the Governor of Bombay Province and also the first Patron of the DES.Over the past 125 years, Fergusson College has enriched the country by contributing illustrious names to the nation's list of patriots, thinkers, philosophers, poets, writers, teachers, social workers, scientist, sports persons, industrialist, entrepreneurs, administrators, defence officers, film makers…. Every walk of life is graced by Fergussonians who have achieved eminence in their field.As a whole, in its geographical location, in the architecture of its buildings, and its ambience, the College blends an old world charm with the ethos of modernity, linking history with the future. "knowledge is Power" the buzzword of today has been the motto of the College from the day of its inception – a testimony to the foresight, commitment and versatility that characterized the spirit of the Institution.Distinctive Characteristics :
- Glorious history of 125 years
- Reaccredited by NAAC 'A' Grade (with 3.26 CGPA) in March 2010
- Located in the heart of the city.
- Beautiful campus with greenery and flanked by the famcus 'Fergusson Hill'.
- The Botanical Garden with its greenery and flowering plants.
- Rich heritage of excellence and excellent academic ambience.
- Heritage Buildings – Main Building N.M. Wadia Amphitheater and the Bai Jerbai Wadia Library.
- Seprate buildings for Science departments and two Arts departments (Economics and Psychology), with well- equipped laboratories and spacious classrooms.
- Science Museum of Botany, Geology, Physics and Zoology departments are storehouses of rich and rare exhibits.
- Flexible and wide range of academic programmes.
- Outstanding academic achievements which is evident from the ranking in Top Ten Colleges in India, survey conduct by leading weekly, “India Today”.
- International and national linkages and college preferred by foreign students.
- Good Hostel facilities.
Arts Faculty
Subjects |
1. Economics 2. English 3. French 4. Geography 5. German 6. Hindi 7. History 8. Marathi 9. Mathematics (Industrial) 10. Philosophy 11. Politics 12. Psychology 13. Sanskrit 14. Sociology 15. Statistics (Applied) |
Post Graduate Courses (M.A.) |
1. Economics 2. English 3. Marathi 4. Psychology |
- *Only at general level and not at special level.
- # Non grant Courses.There are 15 subjects at F.Y.B.A. English and second language is compulsory. Students must offer additional four subjects from the specified groups.
- Subjects Groups offered at F.Y.B.A.
- Compulsory English
- Marathi or French or German
- Hindi or Sanskrit
- Optional English or Industrial Mathematics.
- Economics.
- History.
- Sociology or Logic or Mathematics.
- Politics.
- Geography or Philosophy or Statistics or Applied Statistics
- Psychology
- At S.Y.BA., students can select 6 subjects as follows :
- One Paper : Compulsory English
- Three Papers of Special subject from amongst those selected at F.Y.B.A.
- Two other papers of Special subject from amongst those selected at F.Y.B.A.
- The combination of subjects at S.Y.B.A. continues T.Y.B.A.
- The college has total intake capacity of 4 divisions (480 seats) at F.Y.B.A. out of which 3 divisions (360 seats) are under grant-in-aid pattern and 1-division. (120 seats) is on non grant basis.
- The intake capacity of grantable M.A. (Economics/English/Marathi) is 60 per subject and intake capacity of non-grant M.A. (Psychology) is 24.
Science Faculty
College offers under graduate (three year B.Sc. ) and post graduate (two years M.Sc.) courses in Science faculty. Students have a wide range at the undergraduate level.Subjects |
Special B.Sc. Courses |
Post Graduate Courses (M.Sc.) |
Special PG Courses |
Research |
# Non Grant Courses
- The College has a total intake capacity of 5 divisions (600 seats) at General F.Y. B.Sc., Two divisions (180seats) for B.Sc. (Computer Science) and One division (45 Seats) for B.Sc. (Biotechnology).
- At F.Y. B.Sc. a student can choose a combination of FCUR subjects from the subject made available by the college. Each subject will have two theory courses and one practical course.
- At S.Y. B.Sc. a student can choose a combination of THREE subjects out of the four taken in F.Y. B.Sc. in addition the student will have to opt for one language course in English/Marathi/Hindi/Sanskrit. S.Y. B.Sc. Students will have to do a compulsory Environmental Awareness course as per the directive of the Supreme Court and as per Pune University directives.At T.Y. B.Sc., a student shall offer any ONE Science subject out of those available at S.Y. B.Sc.
College Facilities
Laboratories :
The college has spacious and well equipped laboratories for all the Sciences.Library :
The B.J Wadia Library is one of the largest libraries among the colleges afficiated to Pune University and contains about 2.5 lakh books. It has spacious reading hall for accommodating about 400 students at a time. The library has a valuable and rare collection of books and manuscripts.Gymkhana & sports facilities
Fergusson College has two large playgrounds and well equipped gymnasium. The college Gymkhana organizes various indoor and outdoor games. A badminton hall, two basket ball courts and seven tennis courts are available to the students. Physical Training (PT is compulsory for First year and Second year).Hostels :
The college has four hostels blocks for boys and two hostel blocks for girls with capacity of 388 boys and 134 girls.NCC :
Students can join the NCC in the Infantry/Armoured Corps or in the Naval unit. There are 50 seats for Naval and 50 seats for Army unit.NSS :
The college has National Service Scheme with intake capacity of 80 students NSS inculcates leadership qualities, spirit of service to society, initiation and dedication to social cause. It provides a good opportunity for personality development.Cultural Activities and Subjects Associations :
Fergusson College has number of active cultural groups/ separate subject associations which organize various cultural programs and co-curricular activities.Scholarships and Endowments :
A wide number of government and non-government scholarship and additional endowments are available for students.General Instructions
Admissions :
All admissions are made as per the rules and regulations of the Deputy Director of Education Pune, and Government of Maharashtra.Eligibility :
A student from other than Maharashtra board applying for admission to First Year Junior College must fill the eligibility form at the time of admission. A student migrating from other Board either from state of Maharashtra or from outside Maharashtra needs to submit Migration certificate, Transference certificate, Passing certificate and statement of Marks for eligibility to State Board of Maharashtra.- Students are adviced to read regularly all notices displayed on the notice boards at various places, and on college website.
- Students must always carry identity card and the same must be produced if demanded by any college authority.
- Students should attend lectures, practicals, tutorials, unit tests and examinations, and should keep their guardians informed of their progress in studies.
- Students should note that they will not be permitted to appear for the Examinations if they fail to satisfy the college authorities on any of the following grounds :
A. Minimum 75% attendance at lectures/ Practicals
B. Minimum 75% attendance at P.T. parades/N.C.C parades/ N.S.S. work as prescribed.
C. Good and disciplined behavior on the college campus.
D. Obeying of the instructions of teachers, staff and any college authorities.
E. Payment of fees as instructed. - Students should note that smoking, chewing tobacco, use drugs is strictly prohibited on the college campus.
- Students must switch-off mobiles or cell phones in the classrooms and laboratories or during any academic activity.
- “Zero tolerance” towards ragging : if any incident of ragging comes to the notice of authorities concerned, the accused students will be given an opportunity to explain and if his/her explanation is not satisfactory, the authorities would expel him/her from the institute. The Police would be informed immediately and criminal law would be set into motion. [Supreme Court Order& University of Pune Circular No. 170 of 2009 dated 21.5.2009]
- Government Scholarship and Concessions : All government scholarship and free studentships are available to the students (aided) of the college. Students are advised to collect information from the notice placed on notice boards and college website from time to time and also to enquire in the college office, if necessary.