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noun, often attributive \ˈtā-bəl\

Definition of TABLE

: tablet 1a
a plural : backgammon b : one of the two leaves of a backgammon board or either half of a leaf
a : a piece of furniture consisting of a smooth flat slab fixed on legs b (1) : a supply or source of food (2) : an act or instance of assembling to eat : meal <sit down to table> c (1) : a group of people assembled at or as if at a table (2) : a legislative or negotiating session <the bargaining table>
a : a systematic arrangement of data usually in rows and columns for ready reference b : a condensed enumeration : list <a table of contents>
: something that resembles a table especially in having a plane surface: as a : the upper flat surface of a cut precious stone — see brilliant illustration b (1) : tableland (2) : a horizontal stratum
on the table
: up for consideration or negotiation <the subject is not on the table>
under the table
: into a stupor <can drink you under the table>
: in a covert manner <took money under the table>

Examples of TABLE

  1. They were sitting at the dining table.
  2. She reserved a table for two at the restaurant.
  3. He had the attention of the entire table.
  4. The table shows the salary of each employee.

Origin of TABLE

Middle English, from Old English tabule & Anglo-French table; both from Latin tabula board, tablet, list
First Known Use: before 12th century

Other Furniture and Woodworking Terms

Rhymes with TABLE


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