noun, often attributive \ˈtā-bəl\Definition of TABLE
: tablet 1a
a plural : backgammon b : one of the two leaves of a backgammon board or either half of a leaf
a : a piece of furniture consisting of a smooth flat slab fixed on legs b (1) : a supply or source of food (2) : an act or instance of assembling to eat : meal <sit down to table> c (1) : a group of people assembled at or as if at a table (2) : a legislative or negotiating session <the bargaining table>
a : a systematic arrangement of data usually in rows and columns for ready reference b : a condensed enumeration : list <a table of contents>
: something that resembles a table especially in having a plane surface: as a : the upper flat surface of a cut precious stone — see brilliant illustration b (1) : tableland (2) : a horizontal stratum
— on the table
: up for consideration or negotiation <the subject is not on the table>
— under the table
: into a stupor <can drink you under the table>
: in a covert manner <took money under the table>
Examples of TABLE
- They were sitting at the dining table.
- She reserved a table for two at the restaurant.
- He had the attention of the entire table.
- The table shows the salary of each employee.
Origin of TABLE
Middle English, from Old English tabule & Anglo-French table; both from Latin tabula board, tablet, list
First Known Use: before 12th century
Related to TABLE
Synonyms: board
Related Words: coffee table, refectory table, tea table; bar, counter; buffet, sideboard, side table; bed table, card table
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