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Assamese Unicode Typing Workshop

A workshop by the people, for the people, of the people.
The workshop aims to give hands-on training to type Assamese Unicode in computers to any interested person. It will not have any discussion forums by experts. It will be just hands-on training by some common citizens who already know how to install Baraha / Avro/ XOBDO KB etc and write Assamese Unicode in computers to some other common citizens who do not know how to do it. Very simple - direct people to people interactions... no expert, no discussion or presentation :  pure hands-on work.
If you are interested to attend either to train or be trained, kindly fill up this registration form. It will facilitate the organizers to do a better job.


(Please send an email to to express your interest.)

Welcome Desk: The learners will be registered, that is, take down their contact details at this desk. They will also be briefed about the Unicode Configuration and choices of Keyboard tools. This space may need some waiting area in case the other desks are too busy.

Unicode Setup Desk: In this desk, the laptop computer will be configured for proper Unicode display. If needed fonts or service packs will be installed.

Software Installation Desks: The learner can choose one or more from these software installations. Every desk will have volunteers to install that specific software. For Linux, a special desk is kept as it is very specialized. Blog Creation Desk : Volunteers at this desk will assist create Assamese blog account and write the first line of Assamese blog or send an Assamese email.

Feedback & Thank You Desk : There will be a comment book for the learner to write down their honest experience. Moreover, they will give face-to-face feedback/complain/suggestions etc

Supported By:

  • NITS Mirza Students' Community
  • Assam Linux User Group (ALUG)
(more organizational supporters/well wishers are invited. Only moral support and publicity. No other conditions & requirements needed)