The Wayback Machine -


Subscribing is all about supporting ANN because you think we offer a service that is worth paying for. But it also offers a number of side benefits.


  • Turn off ads
    You can selectively turn off banners, rectangles, buttons, in-text links and even specific advertisers. However this does not apply to video at this time.
  • Faster access
    Dedicated access to a server where only staff and subscribers may roam.
  • Access to the Community forum
    A place to hang around with other people who thought it was worth it to support ANN.
  • Customize your experience
    Increase the size of images in the encyclopedia, remove the sidebar from anime & manga pages, or request other modifications.
  • More like-minded users
    Increase how many people are listed when viewing public anime lists by like-minded users, and refresh the list as often as you want.
  • Exclusive give-aways
    We regularly give-away DVDs, Blu-Rays and other merchandise we've received to our subscribers. The give-aways occur in the community forum.
  • Other goodies
    From time to time we may have exclusive articles, contests, skins, etc. We are also very open to suggestions for other goodies or improvements.
  • Our eternal gratitude
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