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Artoon And Feelplus Also Absorbed Into AQ Interactive

By Spencer . August 13, 2010 . 8:54am

imageAfter developing Nier, Cavia was dissolved and rebranded as an AQ Interactive studio. AQ Interactive also owns two other console development studios, Artoon and Feelplus, and both of these studios are now part of a general AQ Interactive development teams. Microcabin and widget/social game maker Linkthink appear to be unaffected.


Websites for Artoon (link), Feelplus (link), and Cavia (link) are closed and redirect users to AQ Interactive’s newly created development page.


Artoon developed Yoshi’s Island DS, Vampire Rain, and Blinx: The Time Sweeper. The studio is currently developing Flingsmash for Nintendo. Feelplus’ first project was Lost Odyssey before moving on to Ju-On: The Grudge and most recently N3 II: Ninety-Nine Nights. Mindjack and Necromachina, which are being published by Square Enix, are two titles in development at Feelplus.


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View Comments to “Artoon And Feelplus Also Absorbed Into AQ Interactive”

mygamer312 Says:

Hey gang, if your a fan of game and movie trailers, you'll love this! Mediajuice (veteran game trailer producers) just
smacked us in the face with ten of the sweetest movie tributes ever! Technically they should be called “screenwriting tributes” since they're using
some screenwriting book called Save the Cat!… But either way their pretty sweet! The first of ten (Back to the Future) is already live on media juice blog, http://mediajuicestudios.wordpress.com/ or you can check em' out right on the MJ site@ http://www.mediajuicestudios.com/#/savethecat/ From the looks of it, they'll be releasing nine more with “ET” being the next one and I'll admit the nostalgic side of me can't wait!

gatotsu911 Says:

It's like they're absorbing all the second-tier Japanese developers into one teeming mass of mediocrity!!

Code Says:

rar, I admittedly have never had one good experience from an Artoon game, so as far as I'm concerned hopefully being absorbed into a larger company might benefit the quality of there games. I still haven't forgiven them for Yoshi's Island DS omo~!

As far as Feelplus, I am watching Necromachina, I don't have as much first hand experience with them, but Necromachina does intrigue me.

malek86 Says:

I don't especially care about these two developers in particular, but considering the other news of the past days, it definitely doesn't bode well.

epy Says:

feelplus did make Lost Odyssey which might be the only exclusive RPG the 360 has that makes me feel I'm missing out. This trend of small studios dissapearing/getting absorbed is definetely not pleasant.

thebanditking Says:

speak for your self I for one think Feel+ and Cavia are very good developers (not the best) but good. Nier is a strange but worth while title to try and Lost Odyssey is an excellent JRPG. Blue Dragon could have been better but thats not Artoon's fault, its graphics were fantastic. As a whole I'm sorry to see so many JP developers falling on hard times, it really just seems at time that everyone collectively woke up one morning and decided they did not like JP developed games anymore, as most of these companies titles would have flourished during the PS2 or PSX days.

Buntar0 Says:

I did a quick wikipedia search and discovered that both created some games I enjoyed quite a lot.
Not too thrilled by this, but at least this is 'just 'a rebrand and not a closure (yet).

Sieghardt Says:

Seems like working with mistwalker is an absolute death touch

Aoshi00 Says:

It's sad, but looks like it, even ASH bombed in Jpn and isn't even localized here, which I thought was a fine game, even if the touch screen was a bit small for the map, would work great w/ DSi XL though.. If Cavia was able to make a great game like Nier, I can't imagine how great “Cry On” would be w/ Mistwalker and Uematsu..

Aoshi00 Says:

I never played Blinx, but I liked Artoon for Blue Dragon, I thought they 3D-ed Toriyama's style very nicely, compared to the tried and true cel shaded graphics which looks a little boring now (except Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm). Also loved Lost Odyssey and Nier, was even looking forward to their sequels.. yep, FPS is norm and people shun JRPGs like the plague now in general :( .. I hope some good games would still come out from AQI after absorbing all these good developers. Anata wo Yurusanai was a good visual novel that's very different than your usual fare, either artistically or story-wise.

Anonymous Says:

As a proud individual among of the one-member Yoshi’s Island DS fanbase, I’m mildly intrigued by this.

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