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Dwight D. Eisenhower's signature






SANDERS, HARRY: PAPERS, 1944-55. Commander, Destroyer Squadron 18, 1944-45; Commander, U.S.S. Tucson, 1946; Chief of Staff, Alaskan Sea Frontier, 1949-51; Commander, Cruiser Division 1, 1952-53; Assistant Chief of Naval (fleet) Operations, 1955. -1 foot.

SAULNIER, RAYMOND J.: PAPERS, 1929-85. Professor of economics, Columbia University, 1934-73; staff member, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1938-54; member, Council of Economic Advisers, 1954-61, (Chairman, 1957-61). 5 feet.

SAYLER, HENRY B.: PAPERS, 1911-70. U.S. Military Academy classmate of Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1911-15; Chief Ordnance Officer, European Theater, 1942-45; Director, Research and Development, Ordnance Department, 1945-49. 4 feet.

SCHAEFER, J. EARL: PAPERS, 1913-17 AND 1939-70. U.S. Military Academy classmate of Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1914-15; Vice Chairman, Boeing Airplane Company, 1957-61. 4 feet.

SCHAETZEL, J. ROBERT: Papers, 1943-95. Economics officer, Department of State, 1945-66; Ambassador to European Economic Community, 1966-72. 2 feet.

SCHOOLEY, C. HERSCHEL: PAPERS, 1954-60 AND 1975. Director of Public Information, Department of Defense, 1953-58; Assistant to the Secretary and Director of Information, Department of the Interior, 1958-61. 4 feet.

SCHOTTLAND, CHARLES I.: PAPERS, 1937-89. Director, California Department of Social Welfare, 1950-54; Commissioner of Social Security, 1954-58; president, Brandeis University, 1970-72. 3 feet.

SCHULZ, ROBERT L.: PAPERS, 1941-84. Aide-de-Camp, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1947-52; Military Aide to the President, 1953-61; Executive Assistant to Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961-69; Special Assistant to the President for Liaison with Former Presidents, 1969-72. 25 feet. (Closed pending processing)

SCHULZ, ROBERT L.: RECORDS, 1948-61. 8 feet.

SCHWESINGER, BETTY E.: PAPERS, 1943-64. Assistant to Homer Gruenther, White House Congressional Liaison staff, 1953-61. 2 feet.

SCRIBNER, FRED C., JR.: PAPERS, 1933-93. Lawyer; chairman, Maine Council of Young Republican Clubs, 1938-40; member, Maine Republican State Committee, 1940-50; Republican National Committeeman for Maine, 1948-56; general counsel, Department of the Treasury, 1955-57; Undersecretary of the Treasury, 1957-61; legal counsel, Republican National Committee, 1961-73. 84 feet. (Closed pending processing)

SEATON, FRED A.: PAPERS, 1900-72. U.S. Senator, Nebraska, 1951; member, personal advisory staff to Dwight D. Eisenhower during 1952 campaign; Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs, 1953-55; Administrative Assistant to the President, February, 1955; Deputy Assistant to the President, June, 1955; Secretary of the Interior, 1956-61. 120 feet.

       Appointment Series
       Chronological Series
       Congressional Series
       Correspondence Series, Personal Subseries
       Correspondence Series, Post-Campaign Subseries
       Correspondence Series, Routine Subseries
       Defense Series
       Ewald Research Series
       FAS-Eyes Only Series
       Hall of Fame Series
       Interior Department Series
       Ivan Hinderaker Series
       Miscellaneous Memorabilia Series
       Post-Eisenhower Administration Series
       Pre-1953 File Series
       Republican Party Series
       Speeches Series
       Subject Series

SEIDENBERG, JACOB: PAPERS, 1951-79. Executive Director, President's Committee on Government Contracts, 1953-60; professional labor arbitrator. 4 feet.

SHANLEY, BERNARD: DIARIES, 1951-57. Campaign aide to Harold Stassen and Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1951-52; Deputy Assistant and Special Counsel to the President, 1953-55; Appointments Secretary to the President, 1955-57 (photocopies). 1 foot.

SHURTLEFF, MILLER F.: PAPERS, 1938-77. Staff member, Department of Agriculture, 1938-54; Assistant to Ezra Taft Benson, Secretary of Agriculture, 1954-61; staff member, National Science Foundation, 1962-69; staff member, Economics Research Service, 1976-77. Less than 1 foot.

SMITH, JAMES H., JR.: PAPERS, 1932-80. Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Air, 1953-56; Director, International Cooperation Administration, 1957-59. 2 feet.

SMITH, GERARD C.: PAPERS, 1951-93. Staff member, Atomic Energy Commission, 1950-54; special assistant to the secretary of state for atomic affairs, 1954-57; director, Department of State policy planning staff, 1957-61; director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1969-72. 3 feet.

SMITH, THOR M.: PAPERS, 1934-1980. Public relations officer, Public Relations Division, SHAEF, 1944-45. 3.5 foot.

SMITH, WALTER BEDELL: COLLECTION OF WORLD WAR II DOCUMENTS, 1941-45. Chief of Staff, Allied Headquarters, North Africa, 1942-44; Chief of Staff, SHAEF, 1944-45; Chief of Staff, U.S. Forces, European Theater, 1945; U.S. Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., 1946-49; Commanding General, 1st Army, 1949-50; Director, CIA, 1950-53; Under Secretary of State, 1953-54; member, National Security Training Commission, 1955-57; member, National War College board of consultants, 1956-59; consultant, Special Projects Office (Disarmament), Executive Office of the President, 1955-56; member, President's Citizen Advisors on the Mutual Security Program, 1956-57; member, Office of Defense Mobilization Special Stockpile Advisory Committee, 1957-58; Chairman, Advisory Council of President's Committee on Fund Raising, 1958-61; member-at-large, President's Committee on Fund Raising, 1958-61; member, President's Committee on Disarmament, 1958; member, George C. Marshall Foundation Advisory Committee, 1960-61. 20 feet.

SMITH, WALTER BEDELL: PAPERS, 1942-98. 14 feet.

SMYLIE, ROBERT E.: PAPERS, 1948-62. Attorney general of Idaho, 1947-54; Governor of Idaho, 1954-67. Depository - Idaho State Historical Society. [microfilm] 3 reels

SNYDER, HOWARD McCRUM: PAPERS, 1910-67. Senior medical advisor, U.S. National Guard, 1936-40; Assistant Inspector General, War Department, 1940-46; member, Committee on Integration and Improvement of U.S. Medical and Hospital Services, 1946; member, Chief of Staff's Advisory Group, 1946-48; research associate, Conservation of Human Resources Project and Manpower Council, Columbia University, 1948-60; Senior Medical Officer, SHAPE, 1951-52; Physician to the President, 1952-61. 5 feet.

SNYDER, MURRAY: PAPERS, 1934-69. Journalist; Assistant White House Press Secretary, 1953-57; Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, 1957-61; Assistant Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration, 1969. 1 foot. (Closed pending processing)

SOLIMAN, MARCOS G.: MATERIAL RE DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER'S PRE-WAR TOUR OF DUTY IN THE PHILIPPINES, 1937-60. Philippine military associate (photocopies). -1 foot.

SPRAGUE, ROBERT C.:  PAPERS, 1953-87.  Massachusetts businessman; consultant to Senate Armed Services Committee, 1953-54; consultant to National Security Council on continental defense, 1954-58; staff member, Technological Capabilities (Killian) Panel, 1954-55; consultant, Security Resources (Gaither) Panel, Science Advisory Committee, 1956-57.  3 feet. (Closed pending processing)

STANFORD, ALFRED B.: PAPERS, 1944. Deputy naval commander of Mulberry "A," Normandy Invasion. -1 foot.

STANLEY, ARTHUR J., JR.: PAPERS, 1917-2001. Serviceman, 7th Cavalry, World War I; U.S. Navy, China, 1921-25; 9th Air Force, Europe, World War II; county attorney, Wyandotte County, Kansas, 1935-41; member, Kansas State Senate, 1941; judge, U.S. District Court of Kansas, 1958-79. 5 feet. (Closed pending processing)

STANLEY, TIMOTHY W.: PAPERS, 1949-92. Teaching fellow, Defense Studies Program, Harvard University, 1955-56; professorial lecturer, George Washington University, 1957-60; special assistant to the president, 1957-59; special assistant to the assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs, 1959-62; Officer, International Economic Policy Association and International Economic Studies Institute, 1974-92. 37 feet. (Closed pending processing)

STANS, MAURICE H.: SPEECHES, RELEASES AND STATEMENTS, 1955-61. Financial consultant to Postmaster General, 1953-55; Deputy Postmaster General, 1955-57; Deputy Director, Bureau of the Budget, 1957-58; Director, Bureau of the Budget, 1958-61. -1 foot.

STARK, ARTHUR: PAPERS, 1946-2002. Labor arbitrator; member, President's emergency board to resolve railroad labor dispute, 1955; member, President's emergency board to resolve maritime labor dispute, 1957; member, President's emergency board to resolve Pan American Airlines labor dispute, 1959; member, Foreign Service Grievance Board, 1981-81; member, President's emergency board to resolve railroad labor dispute, 1990-91. 84 feet. (Closed pending processing)

STASSEN, HAROLD: PAPERS, 1953-57. Select document copies, originals in the Minnesota Historical Society  -1 foot

STEELE, JOHN L.: PAPERS, 1955-68. White House correspondent, 1955-58 and Washington Bureau chief, 1958-69 for Time, Inc. -1 foot.

STEPHENS, THOMAS E.: RECORDS, 1944-61. Assistant to the manager, Republican national campaign, 1948; administrative assistant to John Foster Dulles, 1949-50; secretary, New York Republican State Committee, 1950-52; appointments Secretary to General Eisenhower, 1952 Presidential Campaign; Special Counsel and Appointments Secretary to the President, 1953-61. 23 feet.

STONE, FRANKLIN M.: PAPERS, 1933-80. FBI Agent, 1933-42; member, OSS, 1942-45; general counsel, Civil Aeronautics Board; judge, U.S. Court of Claims. 1 foot.

STRACKBEIN, OSCAR R.: Papers, 1920-87. Commercial attache, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, 1924-30; economist, Office of Production Management, 1941-42; economic consultant, 1942-50; officer, National Committee on Import-Export Policy, and trade legislation lobbyist, 1950-75. Less than 1 foot.

STURMAN, PAUL: PAPERS, 1938-83. Staff member, Foreign Language Division, Office of War Information, 1942-45. 1 foot.


SUMMERFIELD, ARTHUR E.: PAPERS, 1942-72. Chairman, Republican National Committee, 1952-53; Postmaster General of the United States, 1953-61. 71 feet.




SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, Allied Expeditionary Force: SELECTED RECORDS, 1943-45. 18 feet.

SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, Allied Expeditionary Force, 6th Army Group: NARRATIVE HISTORY, 1944-45. 2 feet.

SUTTON, GEORGE W., JR.: PAPERS, 1916-19. Army officer, 322nd Battalion, Tank Corps, World War I. Less than 1 foot.

SUTTON, IONE ULRICH: PAPERS, 1951-86. Staff member, Citizens for Eisenhower, 1952 and 1956 campaigns. Less than 1 foot.



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