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The M14 is a battle rifle based on the design of the M1 Garand, though instead of firing the .30-06 round of the M1 which it replaced in 1957, it fires the NATO Standard 7.62x51mm, or .308, used by rifles such as the G3 and FN-FAL. The M14, designed for use by the United States Armed Forces, was first used in Vietnam. However, due to the weapon's unwieldy nature in the jungle and the high recoil on fully automatic, it was replaced by the smaller caliber and lighter weight M16, but is still in service. The M14 and M1 Garand are both used in a ceremonial role in the United States military. Rifles modified for accuracy are produced into M21 Designated Marksman's Rifles for the United States Marine Corps. There has also been a modernization of the M14 based on experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq known as the Enhanced Battle Rifle (EBR). Along with that, many of these rifles have been rebuilt to be made into the Designated Marksman Rifles.

The United States military currently fields M14s produced by Smith Enterprise in SDM roles.[1]

[edit] In Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer

The M14 cannot be obtained in Call of Duty 4 singleplayer. In multiplayer, it is one of the two semiautomatic assault rifles (the other being the G3). Attachments include the ACOG scope, the Grenade Launcher, the Red Dot sight and the Suppressor. The M14 is a true 'love it or hate it' weapon, loved by many players, because it can drop a person in two hits to the body (in hardcore modes however, it can kill someone in one hit.) It makes a excellent mid-range rifle, or sniper weapon, although it suffers from high recoil at long range.

If a person were to equip a ACOG scope to both the M21 and the M14, it would be the same weapon with similar statistics. The only difference is that the M21 has significantly less recoil, a longer effective range and only half the magazine capacity.

[edit] References

  1. Official M14SE "Crazy Horse" page

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